Student Support
Our SEND department is led by Miss Morris. We work with students to support their learning needs to enable them to be able to make progress. The team based in the Student Support Centre work with students individually, in small groups and support some lessons. Students with SEND have benefitted significantly from this support and has enabled them to make good progress, which is significantly above national averages for students with SEND.
Ofsted cited that, “Pupils with educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported. Those with an educational, health care plan benefit from having a key worker who advocates for them. ‘Pupil Passports’ outline pupils’ short-term targets. These guide any support and adaptations to teaching that pupils need and are implemented effectively. Well-trained teaching assistants know how to adjust their level of support for pupils. This ensures pupils with SEND understand what to do before working independently.”
If you have specific questions about the SEND provision in school, please contact Miss Morris via email on and one of our SSC team will be in touch.