Poetry is an architucherer of love. Somebody who falls in love and firstly chooses poetry to express the love to their guy. If we read the love stories from history we find the importance of poetry. Approximately all lovers use some romantic poetry to express their heart feelings. so it’s not wrong to say that:

Poetry Is A Symbolic Thing For Expressing Love.

If you have a love story of yourselves and want to express with your partner guy. Your first purity should be poetry for revealing your sweet feeling to her/him. Some true and lovely words can explain to you all stories to anybody.

Some time lovers feel hesitant to share their feeling with others through their own words.  At that time poetry, quotes are the best helper. You can write your poetry but it may require some time from your busy routine and maybe  your poetry cannot impress your lover.

This site ” house of quotes” provides you the best and lovely romantic valentine’s day poems for your true love. Pick the poems from here and make it your feeling and emotion.

The coming valentine’s day is a great opportunity so don’t miss the chance and purpose your guy through romantic poems. If your guy likes some romance and poetic wish you should choose a romantic and make an e-card or type it as a text message and send it to him, her.

This sweet poetry will become a dose of romance and as a result, you will get a long-lasting satisfying relationship. Some people want to celebrate valentine’s day by saying some poetry in their voice. Special rhyming poems are also here. A sweet poem with some  red roses give a rare feeling of love.

Valentines Day Poems

valentine day poems

In his smile or his smirk, in his eyes, I felt I heard,
A melody without him uttering a word.
He dints really have to say, that he had felt the exact same way.
Oh, tell me what is love, so that I can confirm it any day.
‘Love’ they say is a feeling of affection.
The thoughts that play with my deep emotions.
In silence when he hugs me and I can hear his heartbeat,
I know that moment manages to always turn up the heat.
A question in my head that kept instigating fate.
I had to ask him before it was too late.
Will you always be there? Will you always love me?
With a glint in his eyes, he said: “Yes, for an eternity.”

Read More: Valentine’s Day Wishes

An Angry Valentine
If you won’t be my Valentine
I’ll scream, I’ll yell, I’ll bite.
I’ll cry aloud, I’ll start to whine
If you won’t be my Valentine.
I’ll frown and fret, I’ll mope and pine, and
It will serve you right —
If you won’t be my Valentine
I’ll scream, I’ll Yell, I’ll Bite!

Short Valentines Day Poems

Time is of the essence, therefore, we have arranged short Valentine’s day poems to help you with that.

valentine day poems

Oh, cruel fate
To be so blind,
To take the ‘way
And leave I ‘hind.

Darn, she!
I hate her!
I with her died!
To them is in love, may heart forbid
That they are done as I do!

Have I told you, Valentine,
That I’m all wrapped up in you?
My feelings for you bring to me
A joy I never knew.

For months I’ve sat and held it in,
It choked inside and hurt like sin.
It made me sweat and steam and stew,
Whenever I caught sight of you.
Thank goodness Valentine’s Day has come;
If I held it longer, it would strike me dumb.
This day I’ll say it, come rain or shine…
Will you be my Valentine?

Read Also: 90+ Best Happy Valentines Day Quotes

I Never Knew
Never knew about happiness;
Didn’t think dreams came true;
I couldn’t really believe in love,
Until I finally met you.
By Joanna Fuchs
Every Thought of You
Each thought of you fills me with sweet emotion;
I give to you my deepest devotion.
My fondest wishes you completely fulfill;
I love you totally, and I always will.

I may not always tell you
What I’m feeling deep inside
The emotions and the feelings
That I sometimes tend to hide
But I’m really proud and pleased
To know that you are mine
And I hope that you still love me
My Darling Valentine

Funny Valentines Poems

Here are some funny Valentines day poems to share a laugh with your loved one.

I may not always tell you
What I’m feeling deep inside
The emotions and feelings
That I sometimes tend to hide
But I’m really proud and pleased
To know that you are mine
And I hope that you still love me
My Darling Valentine
Night is falling
The night is falling my heart is calling
I feel so lonely I need you only
but I’ve got a teddy that I take to bed
if you’ll be my Valentine
I’ll take you instead

You light up everything for me;
In my heart you shine;
Illuminating my whole life,
My darling Valentine.
My days are filled with yearning;
The nights are full of dreams.
I’m always thinking of you;
I’m in a trance, it seems.
You’re all I ever wanted;
I wish you could be mine;
And so I have to ask you:

I look at a tree,
And what do I see?
My Valentine’s face
Smiling back at me.
I spot a cute rock,
But, oh what a shock,
For it reminds you
And that is no crock.
Everywhere that I turn,
My feelings just burn
With thoughts about you,
My love, please don’t spurn!
Each rock and each tree,
Each cloud and each bee,
The earth and the sea,
It all reminds me…
I love you awesomely!
Will You Be My Valentine?

You are my everything, Valentine.
As a desert creature longs for water,
my thirst for you can never be slaked.
In a ho-hum day dragging on,
thoughts of you bring excitement, joy, and pleasure.
As a child opens the birthday gift he most wanted,
I see everything I want in you.
You are my everything, Valentine.

Poems for Girlfriend

These Valentine’s day poems compare feelings for your loved one to other familiar experiences and make your heart sing. Make your Happy Valentines Day great by sharing these heartfelt poems, Valentine’s Day Poems.

Valentines Day Poems for Girlfriend

My Valentine, you’re all I want;
In you, I find joy and delight;
You give me everything I need;
I’m happiest when you’re in sight.
I think of you both night and day;
I’m drawn to you in pure attraction;
When you’re not here, I ache for you,
For your fulfilling satisfaction.
I dreamed of love like this, and yet,
I never thought that I would capture
The deep, exciting thrills we have,
This intoxicating bliss and rapture.
Please be my Valentine, and more;
Be my life, my world, my all;
Together we can be content,
And share life’s pleasures, big and small.

Why do I love you? I can’t think of why,
Unless it’s the sweet way that you make me sigh
With pleasure and rapture, emotion and bliss,
Each time that you hold me to give me a kiss.
Why do I love you? You’ve brought contentment and peace.
Each hour that I’m with you brings total release
From the cares of the day and the stresses of living.
You do that with caring and loving and giving.
Why do I love you? Reasons abound;
I know for a sure thing that I love the sound
Of your voice and your laugh, and I love your dear face,
And I know no one else could take your place.
Why do I love you? Did I mention your eyes?
The way that they smolder and hypnotize?
Your touch–what delicious sensations when we’re…
Well…I’m crazy about you, I guess that’s very clear.
May I be your sweetheart? And will you be mine?
Please say I can be your Valentine!

Valentines Day Poems for Him

Valentines Day Poems for Him

I crave your honesty on this day of love,
Love you whole-heartedly my sweet dove.
Out of the blue you shot from the sky,
Vividly, beautifully stunning my eye.
Ever adoring you is what I do best,
Your smile, your face and all the rest.
On days like these, I truly believe,
U and I are meant to be!

Love is more time to share.
It’s really when you care.
It’s two people joined.
I was in love with you
before you could drop a coin.
It’s a sense of trust,
but not enough lust
It’s a commitment to be there,
but would you always be there
to share and care?

Baby brown eyes your eyes so brown,
hair so light,
you make the sunshine bright,
your eyes bring many warm things.
I love you, baby girl
for always when you were born
and came in our lives,
you are the baby brown eyes
that we love day or night,
we love you always.

The smile that cleanses my soul
the eyes that stop time with a single glance
the touch of love from his hands
I’ve been waiting for this day
this special time
all I can do is pray
for you to be my Valentine

When I first saw your face I knew you were mine
We have both grown to love each other in such a short time
you know I’ve been looking for you all my life
for the day when I become your wife
you have given me security and love
which I’ve only ever dreamed of
I know there is a heaven and dreams do come true
someone up there loves me
because they sent me

Valentines Day Poems for Friends

Valentines Day Poems for Friends

I’ll always be the one who looks at you,
And sees you in a fond and loving light;
I’ll always know that you’re the one for me,
Because when we’re together, life is right.
You’ll always be my love–my hero, too,
The person I can count on constantly.
You satisfy me as no other could;
I’m ecstatic that it’s you who makes us “We.”
Always thankful for the day we met;
I love you, and I’m happy you are mine.
I’ll always feel this joy, this bliss, this peace,
If you’ll be my love forever, Valentine.

Read Must: Happy Valentines Day Quotes

You’re my friend…
You support me, encourage me, bring out the best in me.
I trust you and feel completely safe with you,
so I can share with you my hopes, my dreams,
and even secrets I’ve never told anyone else.
You’ve created a refuge for me to come to
when I need to escape from the hard edges of life.
You’re my lover…
When we explore every part of each other,
touching, teasing,
creating an ecstatic fever in each other,
such sweet torment–
I marvel that we can create together
such astonishing pleasure.
With you, I feel satisfied, complete,
wild and peaceful at the same time.
I’ve never felt this way with anyone else.
You’re my partner…
You let me know that whatever life hands me
I’ll have you on my side to help me.
I’m grateful for all that you give to me,
all that you do for me.
Together, we can live life to the fullest.
I’m so glad we found each other.
You’re the joy of my life,
and I’m so very happy to have you as my Valentine!

Valentines Day Poems for Boyfriend

valentine day poems

Observing the stars,
You came into mind,
I thought about your love for me,
It’s so fine.
Whenever you hug me,
Whenever you’re there,
I feel so secure,
I know you really care.
At times we’re together,
Not knowing what to say,
All we do is hold hands,
Then our love lights the way.
There are instances we argue,
But time’s granted to ponder,
Then we work things out,
It makes our love stronger.
I’ve nothing to worry about,
Gone are moments, I thought we’d part,
Thinking of you makes me smile,
You’ll forever be in my heart.

I Can’t Hide My Feelings
I just want to be with you,
baby, no one else will do.
I know I say I love you often,
but every word I say is true.
You made me realize
that every boy is not always the same.
I wrote your name in my heart,
and forever it will stay.
I know we have our ups and downs,
but no relationship is perfect.
And by the end of the argument
the confrontation wasn’t even worth it.
People try to break us every day,
over and over again.
I don’t let it get to me
because I know who has won in the end.
I love your smile,
your intelligence,
and everything you do.
I thank God faithfully
that He sent you.

Check Must: Valentine’s Day Wishes For Boyfriend

Thank you for always sticking by me,
I know I’m the easiest girl to be around,
When I get angry or frustrated,
I know that you understand,
Please know that whenever I seem angry,
My heartbeat is always louder than my mouth.
You see me at my best, you see me at my worst,
But you always stick with me, and you know the idea, what that means to me
I love you more than anything in this world,
And I never want that to change.
Life is tornado, a monsoon or storm,
I’m so glad you’re my anchor
When the winds start to blow and the thunder starts to crack,
You stay firm to the ground and held me down.
You’ve made so happy, I love you so much and I want you to know I’m thankful for you.
Your kindness makes my heart go flutter,
I know my speech my putter but I write this as to utter the words that say I’m grateful.
Thank you, my husband, thank you indeed.
Two words can be uttered that can make the world get better.
Today I say those two words to you. Thank you.
You are my husband this is true, no one can part me and you.
I love you so, so very much and I want you to know grateful I am, that I am your wife for life.
Thank you, dear husband.

Kindness is often forsaken and taken though as if it were a weakness.
This quality into today is farther from the truth. I observed this strength you today and I want you to know:
That I am grateful for you, thankful for you and I am in love with you.
Thank you for your kindness here, thank you for my loving dear.
I love you, baby. Thank you

Valentines Day Poems