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67 vizualizări2 pagini

S 1617 R Ll. Condrfronalul

This document discusses various types of conditionals in Romanian grammar: 1. The present conditional is formed with the auxiliary "should" and the infinitive of the main verb. It translates to Romanian using the same tense. 2. The perfect conditional is formed with the auxiliary "should have" and the past participle of the main verb. It also translates to Romanian using the same tense. 3. Defective verbs like "can" and "may" form the conditional with "could" and "might" respectively, followed by the infinitive. 4. The imperative is used to give orders, suggestions or wishes. It can only be formed for the second person singular or plural.
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0% au considerat acest document util (1 vot)
67 vizualizări2 pagini

S 1617 R Ll. Condrfronalul

This document discusses various types of conditionals in Romanian grammar: 1. The present conditional is formed with the auxiliary "should" and the infinitive of the main verb. It translates to Romanian using the same tense. 2. The perfect conditional is formed with the auxiliary "should have" and the past participle of the main verb. It also translates to Romanian using the same tense. 3. Defective verbs like "can" and "may" form the conditional with "could" and "might" respectively, followed by the infinitive. 4. The imperative is used to give orders, suggestions or wishes. It can only be formed for the second person singular or plural.
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© Attribution Non-Commercial (BY-NC)
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s 1617
{ 10f8

r ll. coNDrfroNALuL

prczcnt f/i." Presnl Canditianal)se formeazi cu ajuto1) Conditionalul r r u l a u xr li. alo rSHOULDrl..p-r .o-n,,i | :-. : i t l. r ii \ \ -O t ' L n rl" p ,' . o J ' ra a 2-a !i a 3 a sg.9i pl.)' urmatedc inlinitivul prez"rrtal srbuluide coxjugat:
I should callr you lvouldcaUrihe. she,it wouldcdl; calli lou worl(l call; theywouldcall. w should Condii,ionalulpreze t se traduce In limbaronAni cu acela;i timp fi nlod 2l (ronditionihrl pcrfecr (the PerfectCand.itianal,sc formcazi cu ajut.,n aurili"r.tor sHor LD,ls p, r. I sJ. !i Dl.r .i \\or LD rl" par". a 2 i -i x.l r sg. ti r'1.r.urn a " de jniinitirul p"tf" r ,l \"rLului dp .onjugJr' you,he,she.it wouldlavc callcd; I should haveealledi
$B should hare calledi you, thcy s'ould have cald.

S 1619

Condi,tionalulperlect se traducc tn limba romend,:u acelati tinp ti mod3) Conditionrlul rerbelor dofectirs Inodslo, - Condii,ionalul vcrbelor ! 1620 CAN si I\IAY aro s(ccsli formn cd Ei trcutul lor: COULD, respectir-l{lGlIT, urmai de infinitivul prezcnL p.nLru condilionalul prezent. sau de irlinilivul perfcoL p.ntru r,ondilionalul prlect ( S 1580 1582):
Lo u'J,lll. s h" it.dlt: J ou c , . lt . , alt : . . p \co,.o o"_,, '.,, lr ' ou . onr . . a r : ) I .orld halc califdi Xou conld hale c,lleili ) h . , sl,/. :l . oin, l h . d i ld, l \ .o, t. D4t4l $",ou l,l.h"r".dll d: . ^u, u ll , , d, , I . d . " \ " o . U l 'a \ o J


' . l. . l )"m.1.'.s1 l li.:u r s ':'. l ' \ .' -", Al is hl } t . .1 l o L n ' i .l I I

I i{ I r ' r \ . r r r lu n, ghr hr \ " c d l e d .j called


miJl'l .1ll:. ) ^L. , iel

. . il

r i. ir



' .1 -J h" .Jr. ' Ti S l ' l .l l : .I S r;.-\'

I \ co,n. D tl e.t I ulrnat l )erfect " .-.--, ," L I

OUGIIT redi el insr.rli 1.1e", dc condilional al modalLrluj I'IUST. d a i n f iJ , ir i' ul pr c z e n t p e n tru , o rL l i l i o n a l u l p rc zcntr sau de i nl i ni ti ' ul pentru condilionalul porlect: lI ' ughl / o o J l ' : J o u o u c l " o ' l l . ' . J . . i r ougrl l o ' ,l l l .^. I \ - o. qhl lo r J Il : J o ! o L " \' l o " l - l h e ' u u g \l l o 11' l o u sht l I oughl ' o h J \, c J l l " d : y o u o u g r to l ,a \' .Jl dl h ..1" . i l I ougt . L' o t1 !. ,1 ,re r I \ | na | $" ox ght lo L d \e ' .l " d : J n I L x g h r ru L J ." .1l l eJ: In.y uugnt J t 10 nale .allcd { Ve z iti S ,0 5 i )

S 1621

4) Condi,tionalul moilestiei sau lolitelii. - Condilionalulprezental verpentru exprimarca belor delective modateesie adeseori intrcbuinlat, .ondilt.> nalului madesrieisan politelii:
CouA -ti\ tett me lhe tin.". l]leasc? .erJ. w r ,i tl r w a r, . rl , g ,,. ' o w r uLr' l V I' I-o l u Io u .a " l o ' a cme In ni sl ,' ? You sll;zldD't.do ihai, you lino*l O&sn,you lo go lor fl Falk in this wealher?
t tt..u u lJ,r d s r d t om r t rnmoi ir slihl r ne li. . \ q. "! . nt r r r,.r. i 2 a - ! - . f o , i . 1 r n t r b , r i n : . , r 1 1 , 'l / i



A se compara acstforme tn conirast cu formle indjcativului:

Caz r.ou tcll me the tiu,e, please? ,"s ivalch the gane on 1'onr TV (set). Do yo! oare lor a shor ionight? M&s, you go lor a walh in this aeather?


s 1622

1) Doiinitie, lmperativuleriprimi dile.l un odin, unindemn,o sugestie,$ 162t o un o rugeminie,o urarejo recomandore, slat. o dorinli, o anenin,tare) consubrecL. iesie tc..motiv D{intmcarcnu are in senere
gaee jt your oinL wirl tr!. l,he .hild alonelr

N ota

Subjonctivul ate. printrc altc llnlc!ii, ;i pe rcelea ale irrrporaiivului$ 1694 (Sl'',14. 1547.l5be. li i3. l-,;;r. Aratar' ldSlClJ. dar nr aJr"' l"d,r'rlpers.ranr a 2-a. oi l/di.l. la persoana1 sau a 3-a ( S 15814,ceeace il deosbegte de imperativ. 2) l.otmi,. - Inperativul. pr;r insnli Jcljnilji ltri. nu poJte J\eJ de'jt S 1626 ., a., idnJli, i.ir d, Fp, a inlini pprsoonq 2 asingDl0ri, rtutot. o rr.il"r o tivului incomplet (dpci tiri alr):
Diel nln Ha!. a cup ol lcal ntalp- ro1'l ]]. 8oodr, all oi )0uJ

drla, LJJrpbai lrprqoin"i0 2-?i ti $ rn tntt"rutt! indi., r { "lres-t t"rr^dn, i I si a 3-a). ,q.ceastIinteryretare ru torcspunde lnsd nici remnilicaliei moduri]or rcspp.li\n limpprdti\ul F\p'in,inJ un ordin d/r',1. i"t subjon.rir,rl Ln urdin tnitft t). nii Irddll'-'ii tn lrn br rom;nJ. 3 Nota Yerbele defective modulc nn au inperativ. nici nu funclione&zi ca auri liarc ale unui impcrdtiv. 3) Timp. - Imperativul nu are decit prezentl trecutul lipscste, iar fnrma dF pFrt'.1 '.re un idiom rar. ." ;n: a'\llr il) (l'erminliodatil) Haeedan6

N o ta 2 S1626 inrperativ si lorna de subioncti\-con' ca tlnii eramaticieii consideril auriliarului lr( s l5b4)s i \ ^ rh p . d u n ; 4 ' t z rd t t r LE s t r u i t r r u i m pe r a li'ul

$ 162? $ 1628

1barc the chitd.alone ! s l.ao. I lct llk chihl b. ! : las{ colilll In l{cLrl r looi ?rr, I : asculi,-Ll^! ! poorru lr5".rTn .r:, ' l, d"auni. b n- . i' 1", - 1"m l . r d 'r . ' l r , n , . . u i m l '" o r i . r| 1;nd. I.a,l9 B"G..d. n, id r or l, lon l' , . , , bun_ - p luDL li"d "il'l n i !lp-,i, ' r dl u , . d6 de. . , . . . a ; o o d , . b u n '. i F ri t tul u' . i r';6p ,uma .r5u i - . d r _idL. : . . Coni 1 b l,i r - . m ( n l'l , : h J r a^at r . 1l"i: aBadnn n . hor" lau b"n o .r s n. ir pu r, unl-dr. 1"l-,Ll'Do l. '.

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