8 What Is She Like

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Subject: English

Type of the lesson:

Form: 4th
Topic:”What is she like?”
Time: 45 minutes
Units of Competence
Receptarea mesajelor orale/ audiovizuale
1.3. Identificarea prin audiere a sensului cuvintelor în enunțuri simple.
Producerea mesajelor orale/medierea
1.6. Aplicarea unor modele de intonație și fenomene specific limbii străine în context de comunicare simple și familiar.
1.9. Utilizarea corectă a structurilor gramaticale specific limbii străine, în bază de modele, de enunțuri simple și scurte în context familiar.
4.3. Reproducerea unor poezii, cântece , rime simple, dialoguri scurte, care aparțin patrimoniului cultural al țării alofone , în situații de comunicare simple și în
cadrul activităților de învățare .
Receptarea mesajelor scrise/ orale
3.1. Identificarea sensului global al mesajelor orale și scrise simple referitoare la informații de ordin personal și obiecte familiar.
Medierea orală/scrisă/on-line
3.3. Integrarea structurilor lingvistice cunoscute în conversații scurte și simple în mediul real sau online.

Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
O1- define and learn new words;
O2- read a text and complete reading comprehension exercises;
O3- describe his/ her classmate character;
O4- practise Modal verbs: can and may;
Materials and equipment: lackboard, smart board, computer, Pupil’s book, worksheets, exercise-books.
Stage Learning Content Time Resources Strategies Assessment

Unites of

(Teacher’s and Students’ Activity) (Performance

Methods and Interactio Indicator)
techniques n Form

Evocation 1.Introductory Activity 2min Smart board Conversation Whole- Speaking

The teacher greets the students and calls the register. class skills
1.6. After that she tells students to look at the smart board Ppt activity
and complete orally the message: ” I am …(happy/ presentation
tired/ excited etc.) today because…”
S-s tell why they are happy.
I am …(happy/…) today because:
 It is winter outside.
 We have guests at the lesson.
 It is beautiful outside etc.
2. Class Activity:
T-r gives students the following tasks: 3min Unscrambling Pair work Students’
Step 1- order the letters to form words; ability to
Step 2- stick them on the sheet of paper; unscramble
Stept 3- stick the sheet of paper on the board and say the the letters to
word you have formed; Smart board form words.

T-r asks for a student to come in front of the class. She 2min Describing Whole- Students’
O3 class ability to
tells him /her to describe the character answering the
question “What does she look like?” using the words activity describe the
from the board. character

The students describe what she looks like.

T-r tells the students to guess who she is. The students Smart board
say that she is Elsa. Picture

T-r shows two pieces of paper with the words : “good” 2min Discussion Whole-
and ” bad”, and she asks the students if Elsa is a good or class Pariticipating
a bad character. S-s say that she is good. activity in
T-r asks the students if the word “good “ can be an conversation
Realisation answer to the question : What does she look like?
of the S-s say “no”.
meaning T-r announces the topic of the lesson:

3. Introducing the new topic. Smart board

Topic: What is she like?

1.3. T-r draws students’ attention to the board where the new Pronunciation Whole-
O1 words are written. She tells them to write them down in 2min class Students’
their copy-books. activity ability to
She aks them to pronounce the words. pronounce the
helpful /ˈhelpfl/ - util, de mare ajutor new words
devoted /dɪˈvəʊtɪd/ - devotat, credincios
friendly /ˈfrendli/ - prietenos
generous /ˈdʒenərəs/ - generos
selfish /ˈselfɪʃ/ - egoist
polite /pəˈlaɪt/ - politicos
to blush /blʌʃ/ - a roși
Smart board
to borrow /ˈbɔːrəʊ/ - a împrumuta, a lua cu împrumut Ppt
to need /niːd/ - a avea nevoie de
need /niːd/ - nevoie presentation

T-r draws students’ attention to the smart board and asks Conversation Whole-
1.6. them to pay attention to the difference between: 1min class
What is he/she like? and activity Students’
3.3. What does he/she look like? ability to
the rule



T-r draws students’ attention to the smart board again,

showing them some words. She asks them to write the 3min Writing Individual
following words in the correct column: Smart board work Students’
Friendly, tall, oval, good, kind, straight, round, curly, Pictures ability to
helpful, nice, devoted, short. complete the
What is he/she like? What does he/she look like? task
-friendly etc. - tall etc.

T-r draws students’ attention to the smart board again,

3.3. 2min Audio Answering the Whole-
showing them some pictures. She tells them to look at
the pictures and answer the questions: questions class
What is he like? activity Students’
What is the dog like? ability to
What is she like? Smart board answer the
5. Relaxing time. 1min Singing Whole-
T-r tells the students to stand up . She tells them to sing Dancing class
and dance the song “She is tall” activity
6. Listening. Reading . Completing the tasks . Students’
3.1. T-r draws the students’ attention to the smart board. She Reading ability to sing
tells the students to look at the pictures and predict what 7min Wordwall and dance
the text is about. Activity
Then she tells them to listen to the text. Listening Whole-
S-s role play the text: the author, Amy, Emily and the Game Role play class
teacher. activity
T-r tells the students to read the sentences and say True 2min Students’
or False. ability to
T-r asks the students to play a game: understand
Who wants to be a millionaire? Smart board the text
https://www.superteachertools.us/millionaire/ 4min Picture
1.6. Reflection T-r asks the students to look at the picture and ability to play
O3 Worksheets Describing Whole-
describe Amy and Betty. a game
What is she like? 3min class
What does she look like? activity
1.9. S-s describe Amy and Betty. Students’
T-r explains the s-s the uses of “may” and “can”. ability to
O4 S-s complete the exercise with may or can. 3min Writing Individual describe the
work characters
3.3. Extension T-r asks the students to write on their leaves a word
answering the question: Flipchart
How should friends be? board Writing Whole-
S-s write the word on their leaves and stick them on 2min Speaking class Students’
the “Friendship Tree” activity ability to use
can and may
Homework Students’ Writing Whole-
The teacher tells the students to write 5 sentences exercise- Conversation class
describing his/ her friend. 2min book activity
Students write down their homework.

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