8 What Is She Like
8 What Is She Like
8 What Is She Like
Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
O1- define and learn new words;
O2- read a text and complete reading comprehension exercises;
O3- describe his/ her classmate character;
O4- practise Modal verbs: can and may;
Materials and equipment: lackboard, smart board, computer, Pupil’s book, worksheets, exercise-books.
Stage Learning Content Time Resources Strategies Assessment
Unites of
T-r asks for a student to come in front of the class. She 2min Describing Whole- Students’
O3 class ability to
tells him /her to describe the character answering the
question “What does she look like?” using the words activity describe the
from the board. character
T-r shows two pieces of paper with the words : “good” 2min Discussion Whole-
and ” bad”, and she asks the students if Elsa is a good or class Pariticipating
a bad character. S-s say that she is good. activity in
T-r asks the students if the word “good “ can be an conversation
Realisation answer to the question : What does she look like?
of the S-s say “no”.
meaning T-r announces the topic of the lesson:
1.3. T-r draws students’ attention to the board where the new Pronunciation Whole-
O1 words are written. She tells them to write them down in 2min class Students’
their copy-books. activity ability to
She aks them to pronounce the words. pronounce the
helpful /ˈhelpfl/ - util, de mare ajutor new words
devoted /dɪˈvəʊtɪd/ - devotat, credincios
friendly /ˈfrendli/ - prietenos
generous /ˈdʒenərəs/ - generos
selfish /ˈselfɪʃ/ - egoist
polite /pəˈlaɪt/ - politicos
to blush /blʌʃ/ - a roși
Smart board
to borrow /ˈbɔːrəʊ/ - a împrumuta, a lua cu împrumut Ppt
to need /niːd/ - a avea nevoie de
need /niːd/ - nevoie presentation
T-r draws students’ attention to the smart board and asks Conversation Whole-
1.6. them to pay attention to the difference between: 1min class
What is he/she like? and activity Students’
3.3. What does he/she look like? ability to
the rule