Having described the house at Filoli in a previous post, this time it is the turn of the gardens. I mentioned before that they were not aligned with the house so were not easy to see from there. However, putting that aside, they are certainly very nice. They are divided up into a number of areas. Some are very formal while others are left in a more natural state. The grounds around the pool are very structured. There are orchards that are laid out in lines but then there are gardens that look as if they had never been touched. Plenty of beds with plants of similar types and then some meadow areas. All in all, it is a pretty eclectic mix that works well. Put aside that it seems detached from the house, it is a lovely place to check out. It spreads up the hill until at the top you find a temple like semi circle. This is nice and quiet since I guess a lot of people can’t be bothered to walk that far. Good for us!
Gardens at Filoli
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