I want to remind you all to visit Beverly's site How Sweet the Sound and visit all the women who participate in Pink Saturday. You'll love all the PINK!
Oh, and if anyone would like to buy it, get in contact with me through my Profile Page here on the blog. My email is listed there. I just try to make it a teensy bit harder for the spammers, chickadees! *Wink*.......... Ooooooh, and nuuuuuuuu, you can't wear it around the house; it's only for show on your shelves. Hah!!
A shabby and chic little crown. Not just any crown, my sweet cherubs, but a PRINCESS CHICK CROWN. Yesssssss!!! It isn't very big either - only about 4" across and 5" tall. See my little chick? Hah.... It is painted and glitter sprinkled to look almost like a snow crown. It has roses.....squeeeeeeeeal(!)......and feathers and pearls and rhinestones and tissue paper garland and tulle netting in which the little pink chick rests........oh it's so froufrou-y!
Oh, and if anyone would like to buy it, get in contact with me through my Profile Page here on the blog. My email is listed there. I just try to make it a teensy bit harder for the spammers, chickadees! *Wink*.......... Ooooooh, and nuuuuuuuu, you can't wear it around the house; it's only for show on your shelves. Hah!!

Some sweet ephemera valentines I received recently. It truly does remind me of when I was a child. These were the kind of valentines we sent and received. Aren't they quite adorable?

My latest shabby romantic little cottage birdhouse. Ain't she cute?

First of all, let me show you one of my favorite prints by artist, Chuck DeHaan. I think I've shown it before but didn't get a good photo of it because of where it was hanging and I was too lazy to take it down. Well, since we've repainted the walls pink I haven't put it back up yet so I got a pretty good shot of it today in my living room entry.
Most people express surprise because it's more western art than shabby romantic roses cottage but when I see or buy art it has to speak to my heart. Yes, this spoke to my heart when I found it in a little antique shop in Niles area of Fremont, Calif. when we lived there.
I see the Indian looking lovingly and reverently down at the little blue bird in the bottom right corner. It simply tugged at my heart and it has found its place in my home. And I love snow scenes! I hope you enlarge the photo to see it best.
Most people express surprise because it's more western art than shabby romantic roses cottage but when I see or buy art it has to speak to my heart. Yes, this spoke to my heart when I found it in a little antique shop in Niles area of Fremont, Calif. when we lived there.
I see the Indian looking lovingly and reverently down at the little blue bird in the bottom right corner. It simply tugged at my heart and it has found its place in my home. And I love snow scenes! I hope you enlarge the photo to see it best.
Why is it that everyone on the road has to be first? They'll whiz by me and I'll see them at the stop light. I call it "hurry up and wait" because that driver has wasted more gas but didn't save one second of time since we're both sitting there waiting for it to change. I try to never hurry while driving. I just let all the nuts and zanies in front of me. That way they won't rear end me. Works for me.
I heard the other day a famous actor comment on how he and his wife have been married for 30 years and are still together because they don't speak the same language. Literally don't speak the same language. He only speaks english and she only speaks french. I guess they sort of understand each other. How sad. First that he didn't learn her language and second that she didn't learn his language. Sounds prideful to me, not to mention rude and not at all like it should be.
Love Bunny and I have lasted for almost 48 years because we DO speak the same language: love for each other. A novel approach perhaps or a truly humble couple??? Hmmmm........
There is definitely such a thing as an emergency run to the donut shop or to Michaels or Joanns. Trust me on this one.......please!
Nagging never seems to work very well for me. I think I should give it up and just deal with hubby doing it on his time frame and save myself the stress of nagging. It doesn't accomplish anything. And if after 40 years you see no progress then maybe it doesn't work like they told me it would. Ahhhhhhhhh, I feel less stressful already........
My friend called me the other day with this opening line: Wicked witch, how may I torture you. A very novel line I thought. But then she knows me quite well and knew I'd probably need a laugh about that time of day. Plus she needs me; I'm helping to raise her teenagers with my words of wisdom........well, I think they are since my kids are 45 and 46 and doing quite well!!
I saw a couple waiting at the doctor's office the other day with a baby in a camouflaged baby carrier. Now, can anyone tell me why a teensy baby would need to be in a camouflaged carrier?! I doubt there were any deer or moose lurking at the medical center. But ya never know, right?!
A person once accused me (lightheartedly) of flattery. I told her I never ever flatter; I only speak truth. If someone is pretty I let them know. I always tell children how gorgeous they are because THEY ARE. (Kid in my house ripping it apart while mum sits idly by is the exception. They are never invited back. That's a firm rule in my home.) But it almost suggests I'm lying. Now, why in the world would I lie by saying you're lovely, gorgeous, pretty or beautiful. I get nothing out of letting someone know they look better than me. Nooooo, I don't flatter, I speak truth when that person is beautiful, lovely, pretty or gorgeous.
The concept of growing old has never really taken hold with me. Just ask anyone who knows me or chats with me on the phone and hasn't ever met me in person. I'm a 20 year old at heart.......okay, maybe 25, but that's the absolute oldest I'll go! I am the poster chick for "I'm never gonna grow old"!
I think a study should be done on the effect of testosterone in the presence of power tools.
Love Bunny and I were chatting one morning and I asked him if he thought there would be food in heaven. He thought not, but wasn't sure. If there is no chocolate, truffles, oriental chicken salad, fish, shrimp, beans and coleslaw, cornbread, french bread with butter or Pepsi, then I'm not sure I'd wanna go.
Last sunday in Relief Society at church they were doing a "good news" moment. Everyone who has good news just shouts it out. I thought of raising my hand and saying, "I think my anti-wrinkle cream is working finally" but thought better of it. They'd probably throw me out because of either my levity or I'm starting to look pretty darn good, chicks. Hah.........
Now, if you want to see how truly blessed you are in this life, watch this video below. But you'd better have some tissues ready. This man is astounding and shows the true humility of man and the power of God. He is a blessing to be here on this earth and I praise his loving parents for not aborting him. He has a zest for life I don't see in many people! I, also, love life and never ask "why me?" or "if only" or "what if", I go on and make my happiness the best way I know how. I lead a charmed and blessed life.
I heard the other day a famous actor comment on how he and his wife have been married for 30 years and are still together because they don't speak the same language. Literally don't speak the same language. He only speaks english and she only speaks french. I guess they sort of understand each other. How sad. First that he didn't learn her language and second that she didn't learn his language. Sounds prideful to me, not to mention rude and not at all like it should be.
Love Bunny and I have lasted for almost 48 years because we DO speak the same language: love for each other. A novel approach perhaps or a truly humble couple??? Hmmmm........
There is definitely such a thing as an emergency run to the donut shop or to Michaels or Joanns. Trust me on this one.......please!
Nagging never seems to work very well for me. I think I should give it up and just deal with hubby doing it on his time frame and save myself the stress of nagging. It doesn't accomplish anything. And if after 40 years you see no progress then maybe it doesn't work like they told me it would. Ahhhhhhhhh, I feel less stressful already........
My friend called me the other day with this opening line: Wicked witch, how may I torture you. A very novel line I thought. But then she knows me quite well and knew I'd probably need a laugh about that time of day. Plus she needs me; I'm helping to raise her teenagers with my words of wisdom........well, I think they are since my kids are 45 and 46 and doing quite well!!
I saw a couple waiting at the doctor's office the other day with a baby in a camouflaged baby carrier. Now, can anyone tell me why a teensy baby would need to be in a camouflaged carrier?! I doubt there were any deer or moose lurking at the medical center. But ya never know, right?!
A person once accused me (lightheartedly) of flattery. I told her I never ever flatter; I only speak truth. If someone is pretty I let them know. I always tell children how gorgeous they are because THEY ARE. (Kid in my house ripping it apart while mum sits idly by is the exception. They are never invited back. That's a firm rule in my home.) But it almost suggests I'm lying. Now, why in the world would I lie by saying you're lovely, gorgeous, pretty or beautiful. I get nothing out of letting someone know they look better than me. Nooooo, I don't flatter, I speak truth when that person is beautiful, lovely, pretty or gorgeous.
The concept of growing old has never really taken hold with me. Just ask anyone who knows me or chats with me on the phone and hasn't ever met me in person. I'm a 20 year old at heart.......okay, maybe 25, but that's the absolute oldest I'll go! I am the poster chick for "I'm never gonna grow old"!
I think a study should be done on the effect of testosterone in the presence of power tools.
Love Bunny and I were chatting one morning and I asked him if he thought there would be food in heaven. He thought not, but wasn't sure. If there is no chocolate, truffles, oriental chicken salad, fish, shrimp, beans and coleslaw, cornbread, french bread with butter or Pepsi, then I'm not sure I'd wanna go.
Last sunday in Relief Society at church they were doing a "good news" moment. Everyone who has good news just shouts it out. I thought of raising my hand and saying, "I think my anti-wrinkle cream is working finally" but thought better of it. They'd probably throw me out because of either my levity or I'm starting to look pretty darn good, chicks. Hah.........
Now, if you want to see how truly blessed you are in this life, watch this video below. But you'd better have some tissues ready. This man is astounding and shows the true humility of man and the power of God. He is a blessing to be here on this earth and I praise his loving parents for not aborting him. He has a zest for life I don't see in many people! I, also, love life and never ask "why me?" or "if only" or "what if", I go on and make my happiness the best way I know how. I lead a charmed and blessed life.