Thursday, October 14, 2010

New MULTIVERSE Magazine preview

Mike Conroy has just released a free 20 page promo of his new comics news magazine, MULTIVERSE!
Check out the article on newsblog... news blog: Multiverse Sneek Preview Released

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Friday, September 18, 2009

Location painting at Lily Hill Park...

My daughter and I went location painting at the end of the Summer holiday.
I hadn't used 'real' paint for quite a while, but I really enjoyed it.

This is a gouache sketch on 305 x 229mm cotton Not paper, with a little bit of digital retouch & adjustment when I got home [not cheating is it?].

Whilst I was shopping for the outing, making sure we had enough brushes & paints, I discovered watercolour blocks! Of course I'd heard of them before but amazingly I never actually realized what they were. I simply thought the word 'block' was an alternative to 'pad' - but in actual fact, the block is glued on all four sides so you don't have to soak and stretch the paper - genius!

You learn something new every day!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Batman images...

The main idea behind these images is that with the appearance of Batman and the proliferation of unhinged criminals in Gotham City, Wayne Industries have donated a more secure extension to the old Arkham Asylum building. Of course, it doesn't remain secure for very long and eventually all hell breaks loose!

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Thursday, July 31, 2008


I had a few days on this Arthurian type fantasy project early last year, mainly doing character concept sketches. One of the key visual elements was to be the scale difference between 'normal' people and the gigantic armoured knights.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

*KNOWN ISSUE: 'Back button' problem

If you are visiting this site via, there is sometimes a problem navigating back to the main page after clicking on a thumbnail enlargement.

A workaround for this is to right-click on a thumbnail, and then select 'Open Link in New Window' to preview it. You can simply close this window when finished and then continue browsing the main page. Thanks for your patience whilst I investigate how to fix this problem!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Updates to my portfolio...

These three images are from a batch of work that I've recently added to my portfolio blog - covering all sorts of stuff like: robots, aliens, characters, environments, storyboards etc.

If you'd like to check it out -
or use the 'My Portfolio' link in the right hand panel - thanks!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Potter character treatments...

Some slightly chariacatured versions of McGonagall, Snape & Hagrid.