Atlanta Convention A summary of Atlanta Convention"> Atlanta Convention Atlanta Convention A summary of Atlanta Convention Jul 2017Jul 17 2017 atlanta convention, Bill Gates, john germ, polio, rotary international Viewed: 1,079 Atlanta Convention A summary of Atlanta Convention" href="">Read more
Rotarians share their Atlanta meet experience with club members Dottie Wamsley and Bonnie Branciaroli from RC Elkins recount the major highlights of Rotary International's annual convention."> Rest of Rotary World Rotarians share their Atlanta meet experience with club members Dottie Wamsley and Bonnie Branciaroli from RC Elkins recount the major highlights of Rotary International's annual convention. Jun 2017Jun 22 2017 Beth Henry-Vance, The Inter-Mountain Atlanta, Bill Gates, convention, Dottie Wamsley, Elkins, john germ, Rotary Clubs, rotary international Viewed: 761 Rotarians share their Atlanta meet experience with club members Dottie Wamsley and Bonnie Branciaroli from RC Elkins recount the major highlights of Rotary International's annual convention." href="">Read more
Rotary International’s final push to eradicate polio The global health partners led by Rotary at a meeting in Atlanta reaffirmed their commitment to ending the disease by pledging an additional $1.2 billion to the cause."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary International’s final push to eradicate polio The global health partners led by Rotary at a meeting in Atlanta reaffirmed their commitment to ending the disease by pledging an additional $1.2 billion to the cause. Jun 2017Jun 19 2017 Maria Saporta, The Business Journals Atlanta, Bill Gates, Georgia World Congress Center, john germ, polio, rotary international Viewed: 10,315 Rotary International’s final push to eradicate polio The global health partners led by Rotary at a meeting in Atlanta reaffirmed their commitment to ending the disease by pledging an additional $1.2 billion to the cause." href="">Read more
Gates Foundation, Rotary pledge $450 mn more to fight polio With this commitment, the two organisations will have together raised nearly $1.5 billion to eradicate the disease since 2007."> Rest of Rotary World Gates Foundation, Rotary pledge $450 mn more to fight polio With this commitment, the two organisations will have together raised nearly $1.5 billion to eradicate the disease since 2007. Jun 2017Jun 13 2017 Michela Tindera, Forbes Atlanta, Bill Gates, Carol Pandak. PolioPlus, immunisation, john germ, polio, Rotary, vaccine Viewed: 846 Gates Foundation, Rotary pledge $450 mn more to fight polio With this commitment, the two organisations will have together raised nearly $1.5 billion to eradicate the disease since 2007." href="">Read more
Rest of Rotary World Uganda seeks Rotary aid to fight malaria Mar 2017Mar 01 2017 Moses Mulondo, New Vision john germ, malaria, Rebecca Kadaga, Rotarians, Sam Owori, Uganda Viewed: 788 Read more
We need to transform Rotary As John Germ gets ready to take on the post of RI President, he hopes to usher in new ideas and more flexibility, strengthen partnerships and pursue the goal of changing people’s lives for good."> News Post Profiles We need to transform Rotary As John Germ gets ready to take on the post of RI President, he hopes to usher in new ideas and more flexibility, strengthen partnerships and pursue the goal of changing people’s lives for good. Jun 2016Oct 06 2016 Rasheeda Bhagat aks reception, cafeteria, chattanooga, eradication, Evanston, India, john, john germ, judy, kr ravindran, national immunisation day, nigeria, one rotary centre, philippines, polio, raipur queens, RI Director, ri president, rotarian, Rotary, sunday church school, tajikistan, thanksgiving, traditional indian welcome, transform, TRF, unicef, university of tennessee, us air force, usaid, who, zone institute Viewed: 1,039 We need to transform Rotary As John Germ gets ready to take on the post of RI President, he hopes to usher in new ideas and more flexibility, strengthen partnerships and pursue the goal of changing people’s lives for good." href="">Read more