Best time to visit
18 things to do in Lviv

Plum Season
Late summer in Ukraine is time to load your stomach with sweet purple fruit

Chornobyl Exclusion Zone Tours
Extremely high levels of radioactivity don't scare off curious tourists who come to discover the ghost city of Prypiat

Hiking in Carpathian Mountains
The picturesque Ukrainian Carpathians take your breath away

Wet Monday
You heard of water fights at Songkran, Thailand, and you definitely saw your neighbour's kids splashing water in the summer. But Wet Monday is nothing you have seen so far!

Easter in Ukraine
Ukrainian traditions will keep you full and entertained during the brightest feast of Easter

Time your visit to see hundreds of Ukrainians wearing their traditional embroidered shirts

Khrin, Buriachky, or Tsvikli
Pungent to tears, this seasonal side dish is a perfect accompaniment to meat goodies during Christmas and Easter holidays

Kholodets (Jellied Meat)
If you visit Ukraine during Christmas or Easter holidays, trying this unique festive course is a must

White Storks
Each year, these magnificent birds return to their old nesting sites in the Ukrainian countryside

Wild Berries
Summer in Ukraine is the best time to recharge yourself with vitamins and boost your immune system

Kalyna (Viburnum)
Perhaps, the most important plant in the Ukrainian culture. Taste kalyna's bitter but healthy fruit in the fall months.

Lviv Coffee, Books & Vintage Festival
Enjoy your favorite drink at this one-of-a-kind coffee & vintage event

Lviv Christmas Parade of Star-bearers
Flamboyant decorations, national costumes, and melodic carols make it the most colorful holiday tradition in Lviv

Lviv Christmas Markets
Absorb the smells and sounds of Ukrainian Christmas across cozy holiday villages

Hunter's House on the lake in Zbrui
Feel the authentic gothic vibe in this remote house on the lake

Festival of Music (Fete de la Musique)
A day when the entire Downtown Lviv transforms into a large music stage