Top 20 AAC RSS Feeds (Augmentative and Alternative Communication)
Here are 20 Best AAC RSS Feeds you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. PrAACtical AAC RSS Feed
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PrAACtical AAC supports a community of professionals and families who are determined to improve the communication and literacy abilities of people with significant communication difficulties. It was founded in 2011 by two SLP professors, Carole Zangari and the late Robin Parker, around a shared passion for AAC.MORE Facebook Followers 33.4KTwitter Followers 6KInstagram Followers 13.3K Export RSS feeds list Get access to 250k active RSS feeds of news websites, blogs, magazines and podcasts with email contacts in 1500 niche categories. Get targeted RSS list in your niche at your fingertips. Email us the categories of RSS feeds you're interested in at [email protected] . We'll share the list in an Excel spreadsheet or CSV format.Email us Export RSS List
2. NWACS Blog RSS Feed
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Authors share AAC and AT expertise for stakeholders including professionals and families. The Northwest Augmentative Communication Society (NWACS) is a non-profit, all volunteer organization dedicated to enhancing the communication effectiveness of persons who can benefit from augmentative and alternative communication (AAC).MORE Facebook Followers 1.6KTwitter Followers 520
3. RERC on AAC RSS Feed
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The RERC on AAC is a collaborative center committed to advancing knowledge and producing innovative engineering solutions in augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). Our research and development program will emphasize strong tech transfer and employ a comprehensive dissemination plan to improve outcomes for children and adults with both developmental and acquired disabilities across the life span.MORE Twitter Followers 1K
4. AAC Language Lab RSS Feed
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The AAC Language Lab offers real-life solutions in support of language development. Explore language stages and interactive materials designed for Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs), Educators and Parents.MORE
5. AAC Girls RSS Feed
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At this site, my friends and I will be sharing quick posts, mini tips, and think outlouds!
6. Jane Farrall Consulting RSS Feed
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Jane is a speech pathologist and special educator passionate about literacy, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and Assistive Technology. With over 20 years of experience in the disability and assistive technology field she has lots of practical experience working with people with a range of abilities. She also has extensive practical experience in both Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and in teaching children and adults with disabilities to acquire literacy.MORE Facebook Followers 5.8KTwitter Followers 4.5K
7. AssistiveWare Blog RSS Feed
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The AssistiveWare blog features helpful AAC tips, stories from our users, and much more. AssistiveWare works closely with the Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) community to build AAC apps to help people communicate with the world. Our mission is to make AAC an effective and accepted means of communication.MORE Facebook Followers 38.1KTwitter Followers 5.8KInstagram Followers 12.3K
8. Beautiful Speech Life Blog RSS Feed
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Inspiration, tips and products for the smart SLP. Anne is an ASHA certified speech language pathologist with a Master of Science degree in Speech Language Pathology from Nova Southeastern University. She is an award-winning blogger and international speaker. She has worked as a speech therapist for a Title I school for the past 11 years. She is currently the Assistive Technology Lead serving 19 schools in Phoenix. Anne is passionate about AAC. She loves the challenge of finding the best communication support system for her students.MORE Facebook Followers 4.7KTwitter Followers 694
9. AAC Community Blog RSS Feed
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AAC Community is a resource for and about people who communicate without speaking. We all have a human right to communicate. We don't lose that right if we have a disability. People with a disability may have complex communication needs. There are many disabilities that may affect a person's ability to communicate.MORE Facebook Followers 259.8KTwitter Followers 737Instagram Followers 135.2K
10. Communication Matters Blog RSS Feed
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Communication Matters is a UK-wide organisation that supports people of all ages who find it hard to communicate because they have little or no clear speech. Communication Matters values people who use any form of communication. We promote the individual's right to participate in all aspects of life by using their most appropriate means of communication to express their thoughts, feelings, needs and desires.MORE
11. Rachel Madel Speech Therapy » AAC RSS Feed
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Follow the blog to get helpful speech therapy tips and more! Rachel Madel is a board-certified pediatric speech-language pathologist specializing in the evaluation and treatment of children with various communication disorders including autism, cerebral palsy, intellectual disability, down syndrome, childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) and other developmental disorders.MORE Facebook Followers 3.7KTwitter Followers 282Instagram Followers 27.9K
12. Forbes AAC Blog RSS Feed
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The Forbes AAC blog is education and research based resource training for SLPs who are focused on AAC implementation, language development, and the best way to use communication devices in therapeutic situations. At Forbes AAC, we are here because of our passion to help people overcome communication challenges, break down walls and lift one another up through personalized customer service and technology.MORE Facebook Followers 1.7KInstagram Followers 1K
13. Tek-Ninja RSS Feed
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The Intersections of therapy, technology with an emphasis on AAC, education, and other random stuff. Jim Tignor is the Regional Market Director for Tobii Dynavox. He holds a Master's Degree in Occupational Therapy. For 18 years, Jim worked in NC public schools, focusing on Assistive Technology.MORE
14. AAC Voices Blog RSS Feed
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AAC Voices is a business specializing in helping individuals with complex communication needs. Our mission, as AAC Voices, is to reach individuals and help them develop their own unique voice through access to robust augmentative and alternative communication systems, immersive aided language input experiences and targeted interventions for communication, literacy, life and leisure skills.MORE Facebook Followers 3.4KTwitter Followers 69
15. AAC at Penn State RSS Feed
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The Penn State AAC community of faculty, graduate students and undergraduate students are dedicated to enhancing communication and improving the overall quality of life for individuals who have complex communication needs and their families. We are seeking to improve outcomes for individuals with autism spectrum disorders, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, developmental apraxia, traumatic brain injuries, aphasia, ALS /Lou Gehrig's disease and many other disabilities through the use of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC).MORE
16. Communication Community » AAC RSS Feed
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Follow this page for all things AAC! As licensed speech-language pathologists, we wanted to create an inclusive site containing resources that caregivers, educators, and related service providers alike can utilize to strengthen their communicative connections and developmental understanding towards the individuals they care for every day.MORE Facebook Followers 282Twitter Followers 2.2K
17. USSAAC News RSS Feed
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USSAAC is an organization dedicated to supporting the needs and rights of people who use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). Our community includes people who can benefit from AAC, family members, professionals from multiple disciplines, students, and AAC-related companies and institutions.MORE Facebook Followers 3.4KTwitter Followers 4.3K
18. Smarty Symbols » AAC RSS Feed
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This section features articles on AAC. We believe that children deserve choices and access to high-quality and modern visual support options. Smarty Symbols will be the future of visual support and it has already inspired users around the world to support student's communication and learning talents.MORE Facebook Followers 3.7KTwitter Followers 719Instagram Followers 15.5K
19. Building AAC Blog RSS Feed
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Building AAC is a specialized speech & language therapy practice in Northeastern Wisconsin that focuses on individuals with complex communication needs who need help with developing and obtaining a comprehensive augmentative communication system.MORE Facebook Followers 1.6KTwitter Followers 341