Sotsialno Yuridicheskaya Obuslovlennost I Klassifikatsii Zloupotrebleniy Protsessualnymi Pravami
Sotsialno Yuridicheskaya Obuslovlennost I Klassifikatsii Zloupotrebleniy Protsessualnymi Pravami
Sotsialno Yuridicheskaya Obuslovlennost I Klassifikatsii Zloupotrebleniy Protsessualnymi Pravami
Abstract. The article examines the cause of the institution of abuse of law, examines
the classification of abuse of law in accordance with the norms of current legislation and the main
provisions of the legal science of the Russian Federation. The article deals with the problems of
theory and practice that arise when making court decisions in civil cases based on the application of
the norm of Article 10 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Special attention is paid to
the acts committed by plaintiffs, defendants, and third parties in connection with
the implementation of a particular procedural right, which, in turn, are most often found in practice.
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Cite as (APA):
Pykhalova, A. (2021). Socio-Legal Conditionality and Classification of Abuse of Procedural
Rights. Bulletin of Science and Practice, 7(7), 266-269. (in Russian).