Участник:Jack who built the house/findAddition.js

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 * findAddition.js — 24.11.2018
 * By Jack who built the house
 * Документация — [[Участник:Jack who built the house/findAddition]].

//     keymaster.js
//     (c) 2011-2013 Thomas Fuchs
//     keymaster.js may be freely distributed under the MIT license.

(function () {

  var k,
    _handlers = {},
    _mods = { 16: false, 18: false, 17: false, 91: false },
    _scope = 'all',
    // modifier keys
    _MODIFIERS = {
      '⇧': 16, shift: 16,
      '⌥': 18, alt: 18, option: 18,
      '⌃': 17, ctrl: 17, control: 17,
      '⌘': 91, command: 91
    // special keys
    _MAP = {
      backspace: 8, tab: 9, clear: 12,
      enter: 13, 'return': 13,
      esc: 27, escape: 27, space: 32,
      left: 37, up: 38,
      right: 39, down: 40,
      del: 46, 'delete': 46,
      home: 36, end: 35,
      pageup: 33, pagedown: 34,
      ',': 188, '.': 190, '/': 191,
      '`': 192, '-': 189, '=': 187,
      ';': 186, '\'': 222,
      '[': 219, ']': 221, '\\': 220,
      'а': 1072, 'б': 1073, 'в': 1074, 'г': 1075, 'д': 1076, 'е': 1077, 'ё': 1105, 'ж': 1078, 'з': 1079, 'и': 1080, 'й': 1081, 'к': 1082, 'л': 1083, 'м': 1084, 'н': 1085, 'о': 1086, 'п': 1087, 'р': 1088, 'с': 1089, 'т': 1090, 'у': 1091, 'ф': 1092, 'х': 1093, 'ц': 1094, 'ч': 1095, 'ш': 1096, 'щ': 1097, 'ъ': 1098, 'ы': 1099, 'ь': 1100, 'э': 1101, 'ю': 1102, 'я': 1103,
    code = function(x){
      return _MAP[x] || x.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0);
    _downKeys = [];

  for(k=1;k<20;k++) _MAP['f'+k] = 111+k;

  // IE doesn't support Array#indexOf, so have a simple replacement
  function index(array, item){
    var i = array.length;
    while(i--) if(array[i]===item) return i;
    return -1;

  // for comparing mods before unassignment
  function compareArray(a1, a2) {
    if (a1.length != a2.length) return false;
    for (var i = 0; i < a1.length; i++) {
        if (a1[i] !== a2[i]) return false;
    return true;

  var modifierMap = {
  function updateModifierKey(event) {
      for(k in _mods) _mods[k] = event[modifierMap[k]];

  // handle keydown event
  function dispatch(event) {
    var key, handler, k, i, modifiersMatch, scope;
    key = event.keyCode;

    if (index(_downKeys, key) == -1) {

    // if a modifier key, set the key.<modifierkeyname> property to true and return
    if(key == 93 || key == 224) key = 91; // right command on webkit, command on Gecko
    if(key in _mods) {
      _mods[key] = true;
      // 'assignKey' from inside this closure is exported to window.key
      for(k in _MODIFIERS) if(_MODIFIERS[k] == key) assignKey[k] = true;

    // see if we need to ignore the keypress (filter() can can be overridden)
    // by default ignore key presses if a select, textarea, or input is focused
    if(!assignKey.filter.call(this, event)) return;

    // abort if no potentially matching shortcuts found
    if (!(key in _handlers)) return;

    scope = getScope();

    // for each potential shortcut
    for (i = 0; i < _handlers[key].length; i++) {
      handler = _handlers[key][i];

      // see if it's in the current scope
      if(handler.scope == scope || handler.scope == 'all'){
        // check if modifiers match if any
        modifiersMatch = handler.mods.length > 0;
        for(k in _mods)
          if((!_mods[k] && index(handler.mods, +k) > -1) ||
            (_mods[k] && index(handler.mods, +k) == -1)) modifiersMatch = false;
        // call the handler and stop the event if neccessary
        if((handler.mods.length === 0 && !_mods[16] && !_mods[18] && !_mods[17] && !_mods[91]) || modifiersMatch){
          if(handler.method(event, handler)===false){
            if(event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();
              else event.returnValue = false;
            if(event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation();
            if(event.cancelBubble) event.cancelBubble = true;

  // unset modifier keys on keyup
  function clearModifier(event){
    var key = event.keyCode, k,
        i = index(_downKeys, key);

    // remove key from _downKeys
    if (i >= 0) {
        _downKeys.splice(i, 1);

    if(key == 93 || key == 224) key = 91;
    if(key in _mods) {
      _mods[key] = false;
      for(k in _MODIFIERS) if(_MODIFIERS[k] == key) assignKey[k] = false;

  function resetModifiers() {
    for(k in _mods) _mods[k] = false;
    for(k in _MODIFIERS) assignKey[k] = false;

  // parse and assign shortcut
  function assignKey(key, scope, method){
    var keys, mods;
    keys = getKeys(key);
    if (method === undefined) {
      method = scope;
      scope = 'all';

    // for each shortcut
    for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
      // set modifier keys if any
      mods = [];
      key = keys[i].split('+');
      if (key.length > 1){
        mods = getMods(key);
        key = [key[key.length-1]];
      // convert to keycode and...
      key = key[0];
      key = code(key);
      // ...store handler
      if (!(key in _handlers)) _handlers[key] = [];
      _handlers[key].push({ shortcut: keys[i], scope: scope, method: method, key: keys[i], mods: mods });

  // unbind all handlers for given key in current scope
  function unbindKey(key, scope) {
    var multipleKeys, keys,
      mods = [],
      i, j, obj;

    multipleKeys = getKeys(key);

    for (j = 0; j < multipleKeys.length; j++) {
      keys = multipleKeys[j].split('+');

      if (keys.length > 1) {
        mods = getMods(keys);

      key = keys[keys.length - 1];
      key = code(key);

      if (scope === undefined) {
        scope = getScope();
      if (!_handlers[key]) {
      for (i = 0; i < _handlers[key].length; i++) {
        obj = _handlers[key][i];
        // only clear handlers if correct scope and mods match
        if (obj.scope === scope && compareArray(obj.mods, mods)) {
          _handlers[key][i] = {};

  // Returns true if the key with code 'keyCode' is currently down
  // Converts strings into key codes.
  function isPressed(keyCode) {
      if (typeof(keyCode)=='string') {
        keyCode = code(keyCode);
      return index(_downKeys, keyCode) != -1;

  function getPressedKeyCodes() {
      return _downKeys.slice(0);

  function filter(event){
    var tagName = (event.target || event.srcElement).tagName;
    // ignore keypressed in any elements that support keyboard data input
    return true;  // !(tagName == 'INPUT' || tagName == 'SELECT' || tagName == 'TEXTAREA');

  // initialize key.<modifier> to false
  for(k in _MODIFIERS) assignKey[k] = false;

  // set current scope (default 'all')
  function setScope(scope){ _scope = scope || 'all' }
  function getScope(){ return _scope || 'all' }

  // delete all handlers for a given scope
  function deleteScope(scope){
    var key, handlers, i;

    for (key in _handlers) {
      handlers = _handlers[key];
      for (i = 0; i < handlers.length; ) {
        if (handlers[i].scope === scope) handlers.splice(i, 1);
        else i++;

  // abstract key logic for assign and unassign
  function getKeys(key) {
    var keys;
    key = key.replace(/\s/g, '');
    keys = key.split(',');
    if ((keys[keys.length - 1]) === '') {
      keys[keys.length - 2] += ',';
    return keys;

  // abstract mods logic for assign and unassign
  function getMods(key) {
    var mods = key.slice(0, key.length - 1);
    for (var mi = 0; mi < mods.length; mi++)
    mods[mi] = _MODIFIERS[mods[mi]];
    return mods;

  // cross-browser events
  function addEvent(object, event, method) {
    if (object.addEventListener)
      object.addEventListener(event, method, false);
    else if(object.attachEvent)
      object.attachEvent('on'+event, function(){ method(window.event) });

  // set the handlers globally on document
  addEvent(document, 'keydown', function(event) { dispatch(event) }); // Passing _scope to a callback to ensure it remains the same by execution. Fixes #48
  addEvent(document, 'keyup', clearModifier);

  // reset modifiers to false whenever the window is (re)focused.
  addEvent(window, 'focus', resetModifiers);

  // store previously defined key
  var previousKey = global.key;

  // restore previously defined key and return reference to our key object
  function noConflict() {
    var k = global.key;
    global.key = previousKey;
    return k;

  // set window.key and window.key.set/get/deleteScope, and the default filter
  global.key = assignKey;
  global.key.setScope = setScope;
  global.key.getScope = getScope;
  global.key.deleteScope = deleteScope;
  global.key.filter = filter;
  global.key.isPressed = isPressed;
  global.key.getPressedKeyCodes = getPressedKeyCodes;
  global.key.noConflict = noConflict;
  global.key.unbind = unbindKey;

  if(typeof module !== 'undefined') module.exports = assignKey;


/* Основной код */

var matches = mw.config.get('wgServerName').match(/^([\w-]+)\.(\w+)/);
var lang = matches[1];
var project = matches[2];

if (!('findAdditionKeyCombination' in window)) window.findAdditionKeyCombination = 'a';
if (!('findAdditionKeyCombinationCode' in window)) window.findAdditionKeyCombinationCode = 'shift+a';
if (!('findAdditionKeyCombinationCodeInput' in window)) window.findAdditionKeyCombinationCodeInput = 'alt+shift+a';

key(findAdditionKeyCombination, function () {
key(findAdditionKeyCombinationCode, function () {
key(findAdditionKeyCombinationCodeInput, function () {
  findAddition(true, true);

function findAddition(searchInCode, runInInputs) {
  var inInput = $(':focus:input').length || ($(':focus').length && $(':focus')[0].isContentEditable);
  if (!runInInputs && inInput) return;

  var article = mw.config.get('wgPageName');

  var selection = window.getSelection();

  // If the selection is in a template documentation that is on a separate page, add "/doc" to the page address.
  var $templateDoc = $('.ts-doc-doc');
  if (
    $templateDoc.length &&
    $templateDoc.find('.ts-tlinks-tlinks').length &&
  ) {
    article += '/doc';
  var $instantDiffDialog = $('.instantDiffs-dialog');
  if ($instantDiffDialog.length && $instantDiffDialog[0].contains(selection.anchorNode)) {
    article = $instantDiffDialog.find('.oo-ui-messageDialog-title').text();

  var selectionText = selection.toString();
  if (selectionText.length === 1 && selectionText.charCodeAt(0) === 8232) {  // Detection of CodeEditor
    selectionText = $('#wpTextbox1').textSelection('getSelection');
  selectionText = selectionText.trim();
  if (inInput && $('.mw-editbutton-codemirror-active').length) {
    selectionText = selectionText.replace(/ [  ]+/, function (s) {
      return ' '.repeat(s.length);
  if (selectionText) {
    var date = new Date();
      'https://blame.toolforge.org/wikiblame.php?user_lang=ru&lang=' + lang + '&project=' + project +
      '&article=' + encodeURIComponent(article) + '&needle=' + encodeURIComponent(selectionText) +
      '&skipversions=0&ignorefirst=0&limit=500&offtag=' + date.getUTCDate() +
      '&offmon=' + (date.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '&offjahr=' + date.getUTCFullYear() +
      '&searchmethod=int&order=desc&user=' + (searchInCode ? '&force_wikitags=on' : '')
