I've been heard to witter on about the awesome Craftster (crafting community) around these here parts, if you aren't aware of it , you probably should be, in fact go look me up (mink_bikini) then perhaps excuse my completely ridiculous user name!
This little slice of crafty goodness I've been working on is for a Pincusion swap on Craftster . My partner was looking for a bottle cap pincusion to add to her collection, and she likes Paisley so instead of the usual teeny tiny pincushions I've made before, I upped the ante and used the lid from a squirty sauce bottle. It gave me a decent sized surface to add some swirly loveliness, sequins and well, who does not love Rick Rack!
I am definitely no expert in Embroidery, but I threw a few stitches at it from my limited skill set, Chain stitch, Blanket stitch, Lazy Daisy, French Knots somehow the Blanket stitch came out in two different versions (totally by chance!)
Not a bad transformation wouldn't you say! another otherwise discarded piece of waste turned into something useable and cute.
Hmmm swirly!
Still fits in the palm of your hand, perfect size!
This one will soon be winging its way to the USA but if you're hankering for some more Bottle cap goodness you should definitely check out HERE, you see it turns out, that Bottle caps are my thing.