Safety and responsibility have always been a cornerstone of Ruger's philosophy. We base this philosophy on the "Basic Rules of Firearms Safety":
All these important safety rules must be followed at all times by persons handling any firearm. More detailed firearms safety information and specific warnings appropriate for each Ruger® model firearm can be found in its instruction manual.
Ruger has been a positive force in this nation's industrial base and a strong advocate of personal responsibility since its founding in 1949. One example that serves to illustrate its long-standing commitment to American values is this safety ad that ran in 1994, commenting upon its original 1955 safety ad.
We Said it 45 Years Ago... and It's Still True Today.
It remains one of the verities of a democracy that a constitution honoring its citizens' right to own firearms bespeaks an extraordinary amount of trust in the citizens' exercise of that freedom. As Sturm, Ruger and Co., Inc. celebrates its 60th anniversary of manufacturing quality firearms, we'd like to remind you that every right carries some serious responsibilities.
Ultimately the only person responsible for gun safety is the owner/user of the firearm. You cannot delegate firearms responsibility. The right to own firearms is under attack as never before. The best way to counter these irresponsible attacks on lawful firearm ownership is to demonstrate, at all times, your responsibility as a firearm user. If we, the responsible majority, lose any of our rights, it will be due to the actions of the irresponsible few. We owe it to ourselves to be responsible in exercising our right to bear arms.
In the ongoing debate regarding firearms ownership, firearms safety should be one topic in which a consensus can be reached. No one wants to see a single person injured in a needless accident.
However, sensationalistic rhetoric often interferes with implementation of realistic additional measures to help further reduce the already historically low numbers of firearms accidents.
The purpose of this booklet is to cut through some of the myths, distortions, and fears that exist concerning firearms safety and to outline some of the Company's many extensive safety programs.
It is hoped that, as an industry leader in firearms safety efforts throughout the last five decades, Ruger can assist in reasoned and sensible public discourse regarding this most important topic.
The President has correctly stated that the violent crime plaguing our nation is the result of complex conditions that simply cannot be addressed by superficial treatment of serious social issues.
We agree that keeping violent felons from so readily obtaining illegal firearms is one extremely worthwhile goal. Preservation of our precious American heritage of enjoyment of firearms by law-abiding citizens in the contexts of hunting, target shooting, collecting, personal protection, and other lawful purposes, is equally important.
We must all work together as never before to preserve the traditions of our American way of life for the law-abiding, yet diminish our tolerance for those who exhibit a reckless disregard for human life and values. We stand ready to participate in any constructive way to add our knowledge and technical expertise to what is emerging as one of the most critical debates of our time.
View PDFIf a sportsman true you'd be
Listen carefully to me...
Never, never let your gun
Pointed be at anyone.
That it may unloaded be
Matters not the least to me.
When a hedge or fence you cross
Though of time it cause a loss
From your gun the cartridge take
For the greater safety's sake.
If twixt you and neighboring gun
Bird shall fly or beast may run
Let this maxim ere be thine
"Follow not across the line."
Stops and beaters oft unseen
Lurk behind some leafy screen.
Calm and steady always be
"Never shoot where you can't see."
You may kill or you may miss
But at all times think this:
"All the pheasants ever bred
Won't repay for one man dead."
"Early Instruction"
By Carl Kauba
c. 1902
Written by Mark Beaufoy of Coombe House, Shaftesbury, Dorset, England, in 1902, on presenting his eldest son, Henry Mark, with his first gun. Reproduced here by permission of the author's granddaughter, Mrs. P. M. Guild.
Project ChildSafe is a program of the National Shooting Sports Foundation to promote firearms safety and education. They are committed to promoting genuine firearms safety through the distribution of safety education messages and free firearm safety kits to communities across the U.S. Learn More
From the time you pick up a firearm, you become part of a system over which YOU have complete control. You are the only part of the system that can make a gun safe - or unsafe.
Hunting and target shooting are among the safest of all sports. This booklet is intended to make them even safer by emphasizing the basics of safe gun handling and storage, and by reminding you that YOU are the key to firearms safety.
You can help meet this responsibility by enrolling in hunter safety or shooting safety courses. You must constantly stress safety when handling firearms, especially to children and non-shooters. Beginners, in particular, must be closely supervised when handling firearms with which they may not be acquainted.
Don't be timid when it comes to gun safety. If you observe anyone violating any safety precautions, you have an obligation to insist on safer handling practices, such as those in this booklet.
Please read this booklet carefully and follow the safety procedures outlined. Develop safe shooting habits, and remember, firearms safety is up to you. MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT!
For bulk orders of 100 or more copies of this safety booklet, please email The National Shooting Sports Foundation for ordering information at [email protected] or visit