R Weekly 2018-2 Research, Field Guide, Data Science
R in the Real World
R in Organizations
R in Academia
New Packages
- Shiny gadget for RStudio for viewing data frames -
- run predictions inside the database -
- a friendlier condition handler, inspired by ‘purrr’ mappers and based on ‘rlang’.
Package Releases
Huxtable 2.0.0
- newquick_pdf
R Internationally
Public documents for the Master of Data Science program at the University of British Columbia
An R/rtweet edition of Matthew A. Russell’s Python Twitter Recipes Book
Webservices ToDo List - A to-do list of web APIs that have not yet been wrangled into R packages.
Adding bananas from the commandline (extending the oomsifier)
Do you have bad R habits? Here’s how to identify and fix them.
Gist & Cookbook
Upcoming Events
RStudio conf 2018 January 31 to February 3
rstudio::conf is about all things R and RStudio! -
satRday Cape Town 2018 March 17
satRday Cape Town
More past events at R conferences & meetups.
Call for Participation
satRday Cape Town 2018 - Call for papers
eRum 2018 May 14-16, Budapest, Hungary - Call for papers
Enjoy R Weekly! Support us with Patreon! 💞
Quotes of the Week
I'm recording this here mostly for myself -- if you are doing a lot of mutate(x = ifelse()), it's probably better to do a join to a dictionary table #rstats #themoreyouknow #joygret
— Hilary Parker (@hspter) 3 de gener de 2018
I’ve decided that preparing a reprex is, in fact, a very effective technique for solving your own problems
— Jenny Bryan (@JennyBryan) 4 de gener de 2018
it’s basically the rubber duck in disguise
These are packages are like fire extinguishers. You hope not to use them, but are glad they are there.
— Noam Ross (@noamross) 5 de gener de 2018
Little known (but elegant IMO) way to use base graphics:
— Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham) January 4, 2018
palette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3, "Set1"))
plot(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length, data = iris, col = Species, pch = 20, cex = 2)#rstats pic.twitter.com/4ogoedB5Dn
Yes, with @JennyBryan's help!
— Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham) 6 de gener de 2018
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
R CMD check
with environment variable_R_CHECK_DEPENDS_ONLY_
set to a true value makes test-suite-management packages available and (for the time being) works around a common omission ofrmarkdown
from theVignetteBuilder
field. -
R CMD check
now also applies the settings of environment variables_R_CHECK_SUGGESTS_ONLY_
to the re-building of vignettes. -
utility (from packagenlme
, improved). -
R CMD build
checks for GNUcp
rather than assuming Linux has it. -
works harder to set additional flags inSAFE_FFLAGS
only where necessary. -
In rare circumanstances it may be necessary to override the setting of
. -
By default the (arbitrary) signs of the loadings from
are chosen so the first element is non-negative. -
is not used, thenRscript
now checks the environment variableR_SCRIPT_DEFAULT_PACKAGES
. If this is set, then it takes precedence overR_DEFAULT_PACKAGES
. If default packages are not specified on the command line or by one of these environment variables, thenRscript
now uses the same default packages asR
. For now, the previous behavior of droppingmethods
can be restored by setting the environment variableR_SCRIPT_LEGACY
. -
When a package is found more than once, the warning from
find.package(*, verbose=TRUE)
lists all library locations. -
has been raised to 3 to allow protection of intermediate results from (usually ill-advised) assignments in arguments toBUILTIN
functions. PackageC
code usingSET_NAMED
may need to be revised. -
Non-UTF-8 multibyte character handling fixed more permanently.