Monday, March 3, 2025

When the Crawling Chaos gets here, this party's gonna go insane.

Trying to get back into the blog because my therapist said it might be good for me. So.

The last year+ has been ….. a lot. I don’t even really remember the first few months after Mikey (M.) died. I have never suffered such a loss as this. It’s still devastating. There is a giant hole in my life and my heart. There is no one else in my life who I can tell literally anything and everything. There are thoughts and feelings that I can’t let out because he’s gone. Maybe that’s why my shrink thinks I should start blogging again.

I turned 40 in September, and the day before my birthday, I found out that Ivy had an untreatable tumour in her abdomen. A rapidly growing one, based on its size and the fact that the vet detected no sign of anything off at Ivy’s annual check up in February. They put her on steroids, to make her feel better and just give her more time. I thought “more time” would be more than just a month, but after a few weeks of Ivy getting almost back to her old self, she suddenly deteriorated over the course of a few days and I made the choice to let her go in late October.

It hurt just as much as losing Mikey. My tubby and formerly robust little asshole was suddenly gone.

And then in November democracy in the US went fuckitty-bye, and I’ve just been in kind of a haze since then.

BUT in coming back here, I’m going to try and focus on the good things and the funny things. I’ve got some comics lined up and a few ideas for some more. I’ve also perfected my granny’s traditional English Steak & Ale Pie recipe, so I’ll post that soon as well.

In the meantime I’m going to catch up on the blogs of those of you who are still here.

Keep fighting the good fight, my friends.

The Christmas decorations are still staying up.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

So unleash the virus, let the radiation spread. We'll find peace and happiness as soon as we're all dead.

 I don't even know where to fucking start, I just need to scream.

What the fuck, America?? 

The atrocities are coming daily. The worst possible scenario is no longer a potential danger, it is fucking here. And half of you actually voted for this.

Two of my closest friends voted for this. My fucking parents voted for this. They fell hook line and sinker for easily refutable sensationalist garbage that is allowed to present itself as "news."

If you voted for this, do me a favour and fuck straight off to hell, and never darken this blog's doorstep with your presence again. You chose fascism. You chose the oligarchy. You're either a bigot or too stupid to be allowed to vote. 

This is not about politics anymore. This is about good vs. evil. Evil is winning and no one is even trying to rise up against it. Because how can we? What can we possibly do when so many of our neighbours are rabid for the blood of their supposed enemies, and our elected officials sit around with their heads up their asses? 

I don't have answers, I just have this: Take care of each other. You don't believe in the whole "trans thing"? Fine. Whatever. That doesn't mean you can't treat trans people like PEOPLE. The same for any people who are not exactly like you. Kindness costs nothing. 

I'd like to get the fuck out of this country, but I don't have the means to do so. Also, I love it here. I don't really want to leave just because the orange antichrist and the space nazi have taken over. I want to fight for what I have, but I don't know how. I want to stand up against this nonsense, but I don't know how.

 aaaaaaaaand I'm out of air and energy. If I survive the next four years without accidentally overdosing on something, I will be amazed.