
Rumor (VRChat Avatar) [Personal License]

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Rumor (VRChat Avatar) [Personal License]

41 ratings


VR Full Body tracking ready

Custom PBR Texturing

Unity package with Scene + Prefab ready for upload
Thumbnail image provided in files for upload

3 Fully Custom Scratch Outfits + Accessories

GoGo Locomotion installed


- Outfit Picker Radial (Each outfit has it's own menu to alter toggles)
   ⤷ Outfit 1:
Top, Sleeves, Jacket, Harness, Skirt, Ribbon Garter, Fishnet, Boot Socks, Bra, Panties
   ⤷ Outfit 2:
Oversized Jacket (Bag Attached), Jumper, Long Glove, Thigh Sock, Ankle Sock, Bodysuit
   ⤷ Outfit 3:
Fluffy Shirt, Jeans, Scarf, Bra, Panties
- Universal Pieces:
Shorts (Outfit 1 + 2 Only), Headwear Radial, Shoe Radial, Choker, Rings, Earrings, Face Decal

(3 Outfit Presets with Individual Menus for each outfit, Universal pieces work with all outfits unless stated otherwise)


- Outfits Texture Swap (Works for ALL outfits, as seen above) (Extra set in texture folders)
- Cat Hat + Scarf Color (White to Black)
- Stompers + Knee Boots Color (White to Black)
- Head Piece Color (Orange Lenses, White, Black)
- Bra + Panties Color (Outfit 1 + 3, Orange + White + Black)

- Outfits Hue (Works for ALL outfits)
- Headpiece, Bra + Panties (Outfit 1 + 3)
- Left + Right Eye Hue
- Skin Tone
(Plain, No tattoo body texture provided in Body folder in Unity Project.
Please replace the original texture + 2 decals, and untick the cube map on Body material)


- Hair Style (3 Styles)
- Hair Texture
- Hue
- Emission Colour
- Emission Strength


- Boob and Butt size
- Lower Body size
- Human Ears
- Anime Lashes


- Head pat, Nose boop, Boob Grab, Hand Hold, Tummy Touch

Custom Hand Gestures + Facial Expressions

SPS Set up (VRCFury Required. Non-SPS version included)

What you get:

- Avatar Unity Package (No Scripts Exported)

- Poiyomi Toon 7.3.50_To_8.1.167 Unity Package

- Instructions on how to download and import the Avatar

(All necessary components are provided in package)

Avatar was exported using the CreatorCompanion + VRCFury.
Please make sure to use these for full functionality of the avatar.

Terms of Use:

- This avatar is protected under a copyright license, and is not allowed to be distributed, given out, sold or reuploaded anywhere but my Gumroad. Any forms of re-distribution will be met with a DMCA.

- Personal use ONLY. You may make edits for personal use providing you have purchased the original avatar, and credit is given where due.

- No public uploads of this avatar

- You are not allowed to re-use/re-publish any part of this avatar

- Please message me on discord if you wish to use this avatar for any other platform (VTubing, twitch etc.)

Credit list:

Body, Jeans, Eyes, Anime Lashes : zinpia

Head: sivka.
(Head has been completely reworked, Head must NOT be reused under any circumstance)

Eye Textures : miriloo

Hair 1 + Beanie: apyrvr

Hair 2 + Knee Boots: krinuts

E-Girl Boots (Stompers): crabman823

Unity Setup: dragonboi

Everything else (All Outfits + Accessories): sadgecc

Showcase Video: clikk

Absolutely NO reuse allowed on any of the assets above, these are personal edits/sculpts specifically done by me and are not allowed to be used in any way, be that personal or commercial.
(You can make personal edits of this model, and change clothing. You cannot asset mine this model)

Avatar Statistics:

25 Materials (In Project + Assigned)
271,029 Polygons
64 mb download size
Avatar was created in Unity 2022.3.6f1

Discord: sadgecc

(After purchasing, I'm more than happy to do uploads if your unity knowledge is limited. Please contact me on discord)

(For anyone unable to see them through Gumroad)

Toggle Video: https://youtu.be/fgyPP7JJCD4
Showcase Video: https://youtu.be/mNObG-3kc-4

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