Student Success Stories
Get inspired by some of our most revered graduates-turned-creative industry professionals.
"SAE became my home; it was my safe space. Learning how to read films was the biggest skill I took out of SAE. Learning from teachers who genuinely wanted to push you, changed everything for me."
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"While studying at SAE, the biggest turning point for me was when I got to do the Bon Jovi internship! We got to stand behind the sound desk and see how the whole show operates and works. For me, at the time, it reaffirmed this is what I want to do with my life. That was an incredible experience."
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"I liked the exposure to tutors that had real life experience, that set me up for what expectations I should have for industry. [SAE] offered access to a range of disciplines, everything from programming, sounds design, to 3D animation. Having that exposure set me aside when I was going for jobs."
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"The course at SAE offered a wide variety of disciplines. I got to learn writing, live action, animation, game design, compositing, tracking – basically everything you would need to step into wherever you want in the VFX industry."
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"SAE really provided me with the technical vocabulary that I needed and it also surrounded me with a bunch of collaborators working in a heap of different musical genres. Learning from them has given me strategies that still help me to this day."
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"SAE really provided me with the technical vocabulary that I needed and it also surrounded me with a bunch of collaborators working in a heap of different musical genres. Learning from them has given me strategies that still help me to this day."
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"SAE has shown me that it’s not so much what you want to do or make, it’s what you want to say. It’s given me the skills and the framework to be able to build my creative practice and situate me as a filmmaker, not only in the national scene but also on the international market."
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What Students say about SAE
Hear from our graduates as they share about their experiences as students of SAE.
"Design is something I’m extremely passionate about, so I found it really easy to focus on my studies. Studying in a small cohort, I didn’t feel like just another number."
Elly Waite
SAE Alumni
Graphic Designer, Busy Bee Learning
“Using the skills we developed throughout the course, we created a solid shooting plan for our final short film that covered everything from budgeting to the shot list, ensuring a smooth and efficient production.”
Jovian Ubukata
bachelor of film
"I got to meet and talk to teachers that had been in the industry. Learning from a game developer’s perspective was really beneficial, and at the time it was quite unique for where I was looking to go with my career.”
Rachel Toomeh
SAE Alumni
Product Manager, Not Doppler Studio
"Being able to finish my degree and start my career at the age of 19 was a huge plus for me, as it meant I got four years in the industry before I started my business."
Eliza Allard
SAE Alumni
Director/Founder, The Content Lab
"Getting to meet other creatives [at SAE] who had other passions was very satisfying, as we were then able to collaborate on music and other projects."
Aldo Arechar
SAE Alumni
Hans Zimmer's Remote Control Productions
“If you’re thinking about enrolling at SAE just do it! You never know who you will meet, where you will go or what you will do next. The knowledge and skills I learnt at SAE are invaluable and I encourage any creative to attend an open day and see what it’s like."
Sophie Ryder
Bachelor of AUDIO
“I always had the dream of working for a large studio like ILM, Pixar or Dreamworks, so to actually be a part of these huge projects now is amazing."
Enrico Leasa
SAE Alumni
Layout artist at Industrial Light & Magic
“Studying at SAE provided me with a structure, and connected a lot of the dots, so when I went out into the industry and an engineer started talking about live sound, I was able to understand that because of the rounded education I got from my time at SAE.”
Callum Peutrill
SAE Alumni
DJ Mr Bill
“Through participation in authentic multidisciplinary projects, SAE technology students are inspired and stimulated by different perspectives and contexts, working with creative students on projects like building apps and software, or working on VFX and audio, to expand their capabilities and work together to produce the unthinkable.”
Dr Luke Bozetto | Computer Science Course Director & Lecturer
“Becoming part of a rapidly and perpetually evolving industry is infinitely rewarding, as it enables limitless opportunities for creative minds to explore and engage. SAE emphasises the importance of gaining expertise in processes and methodologies, stepping beyond simply focusing on technical proficiency, to equip the next generation of creators!”
Scott Roberts | VFX Course Director & Lecturer
Glen Spoors is a cross-media artist who shifts between writing, music, games and art.
Glen has written a collection of short stories, two novels, a collection of prose poetry, composed albums across a range of genres, and works across analogue and digital games, focusing on Unity Development.
Glen Spoors | Games lecturer