Dear Friends,
This past year was unlike any other in recent Jewish memory. It was unprecedented in the grief that still envelops us, but also in the show of global Jewish unity. The outpouring of support for Israel and for Jews worldwide embodied one of our core tenets: kol Yisrael arevim zeh ba’zeh — all Jews are responsible for one another.
In the days, weeks, and months following October 7, our community showed up for Israelis and for each other. Our Federation mobilized an unprecedented $22M in the first few months of the campaign. This contributed to the more than $850M raised by North American Federations as of November 2024.
At home, we bolstered our Community Security Program, becoming the go-to resource for synagogues, schools,
and other Jewish institutions in this new era of rising hate. And as antisemitism erupted on American college campuses, the Federation responded with increased funding for Hillels in the coming year.
Through our pain, we continued fostering our region’s thriving Jewish life, culture, and diversity. We live out a joyful and engaged Judaism that embraces a wide range of backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences and meets people where they are.
Operationally, the Federation continued to enhance our new strategic direction as the Bay Area’s center for Jewish philanthropy. In a region known for innovation and entrepreneurship, the Federation is designing new ways for donors to create and realize philanthropic goals with novel giving tools and opportunities. And as always, we are deeply grateful to donors to our Centennial Campaign, inaugurated in 2010 to safeguard the future with permanent endowments to ensure Jewish continuity.
As we continue to navigate a world undeniably changed since last October 7, we are grateful for our Bay Area Jewish community and your partnership in helping shape a better future for us all.
With sincerest gratitude,
The Federation provided more than $222M in grants and loans this year to 3,000+ organizations across the globe through our donor-advised funds (DAFs), supporting foundations, and Federation-directed grantmaking. This includes over $86M to Jewish organizations and programs, making the Federation the single largest funder of Jewish causes in California for the past six years running, and one of the largest community foundations in the state.
Total $ Granted and Loaned: $222M
across all fund types
Geographic Distribution
Bay Area ………………………… $85.2M
National …………………………. $81.0M
Israel ……………………………….. $33.4M
California ……………………….. $6.4M
Global ……………………………… $1.8M
Grants to Jewish Organizations: $86M (39%)
Federation-Directed Grants: $27.9M
Federation-directed grants are funded by a combination of revenue from the annual campaign, designated/emergency fundraising, and restricted and unrestricted endowment funds. Grants support a wide range of Jewish organizations and programs, with a focus on Bay Area organizations helping to foster thriving Jewish communities.
Grant $ by Region
Grants by Type of Jewish Organization

“In Israel, everything is inherently Jewish — from schools to places of worship. Here, we had to seek out those connections, and we quickly learned that it required both effort and financial support.”
– Dara Pincas
Donor Spotlight: Dara and Oded Pincas
In a world where connections matter, Federation donors Dara and Oded Pincas exemplify community values that transcend generations. Their journey as philanthropists is rooted in a profound belief: “You can give your children two lasting things — roots and wings.” Dara emphasizes that philanthropy is more than financial support; it’s about creating a sense of belonging for current and future generations.
Having moved from Israel to the U.S., the couple faced the challenge of intentionally nurturing a Jewish environment for their children. “In Israel, everything is inherently Jewish — from schools to places of worship. Here, we had to seek out those connections, and we quickly learned that it required both effort and financial support,” Dara recalls.
Oded passionately states, “I can’t separate my Jewish identity from any other aspect of my life.” Their belief in tzedakah (taking care of people in need) and tikkun olam (repairing the world) guides their efforts.
Through their philanthropy, the Pincas family fosters a community where values thrive, ensuring future generations can stand strong on a foundation of love, resilience, and compassion.
Federation-Directed Grantees
Thanks to the generosity of our donors, the Federation has directed grants to hundreds of Jewish organizations in the Bay Area, globally, and Israel to ensure thriving Jewish communities.
121 – Engine for Social Change
A Wider Bridge
Achva Academic College
Adath Israel Congregation
Agricultural Union of Youth Movement
American Committee for the Weizmann Institute
of Science, Inc.
American Friends of Bar-Ilan University, Inc.
American Friends of Bat Melech, Inc.
American Friends of Darche Noam, Inc.
American Friends of Meir Panim
American Friends of the Hebrew University, Inc.
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Inc. (JDC)
American Society for Technion-Israel Institute of Technology Inc.
American Society for Yad Vashem, Inc.
Amit La’Derech
Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel
Bais Menachem Yeshiva Day School
Be’chol Lashon
Beit Chabad Haifa Ahuza Carmel
Beit T’Shuvah
Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice
Bernard Osher Marin Jewish Community Center
Beth Chaim Congregation of Contra Costa County
Beth Jacob Congregation of Oakland
Birthright Israel Foundation
Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at UCB DBA Berkeley Hillel
B’nai Israel Jewish Center
Brandeis Marin
Brandeis School of San Francisco
Byer Home for the Aged
Camp Ramah in Northern California
Camp Tawonga
Camp YTT, Inc.
Chabad House at Stanford
Chabad Jewish Center of Novato
Chabad Jewish Center of Petaluma
Chabad of Cole Valley
Chabad of Contra Costa
Chabad of Fremont
Chabad of Greater South Bay
Chabad of Noe Valley
Chabad of North Peninsula
Chabad of San Francisco
Chabad of Solano County
Chabad of Sonoma County
Chabad of the East Bay
Chabad of the Tri Valley
Chai Preschool, Inc.
Chico Hillel – Hillel the Foundation
for Jewish Campus Life
Congregation Ahavas Yisroel – Lubavitch
Congregation Anshey Sfard
Congregation Beth Abraham of Oakland
Congregation Beth David
Congregation Beth El, Berkeley
Congregation Beth Israel, Berkeley
Congregation Beth Jacob
Congregation Beth Sholom – San Francisco
Congregation B’nai Shalom of Contra Costa County
Congregation B’nai Tikvah
Congregation Emanu-El
Congregation Emek Beracha
Congregation Etz Chayim
Congregation Kol Emeth
Congregation Kol Shofar
Congregation Netivot Shalom
Congregation Rodef Sholom of Marin
Congregation Sha’ar Zahav
Congregation Sherith Israel
Congregation Shomrei Torah
Contemporary Jewish Museum
Contra Costa Jewish Community Center
Contra Costa Jewish Day School
Contra Costa Midrasha
CTeen Network
Desert Stars
East Bay Holocaust Education Center
Eden Village West
ELI (Israel Association for Child Protection)
Facing History and Ourselves, Inc.
Farkas Center for the Study of the Holocaust in Catholic Schools
First Hebrew Congregation of Oakland
AKA Temple Sinai
Foundation for Jewish Camp, Inc.
Friends of the Harvard Center for Jewish Studies
Gan Israel Preschool
Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School
Hadassah the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc. (New York)
Hagal Sheli
Hand in Hand: American Friends of the Center for Jewish-Arab Education in Israel
HaNoar HaOved v’HaLomed – Dror Israel
Havatzelet Institute for Culture and Education of Hashomer Hatzair – Givat Haviva
Hebrew Free Loan of San Francisco
HIAS, Inc.
Hillel at Davis and Sacramento
Hillel at Stanford
Hillel of Sonoma County – Hillel the Foundation for Jewish Campus Life
Hillel the Foundation for Jewish Campus Life of Silicon Valley
IsraAID (US) Global Humanitarian Assistance, Inc.
Israel Gay Youth (IGY)
Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism
Israel Tennis Centers Foundation, Inc.
Israel Venture Network
Israeli Scouts
J – The Jewish News Weekly of Northern California
Jerusalem Open House for Pride and Tolerance
Jewish Agency For Israel
Jewish Agency for Israel-North American Council
Jewish Community Center of San Francisco
Jewish Community Center of the East Bay
Jewish Community Center, Sonoma County
Jewish Community High School of the Bay
JCRC Bay Area
Jewish Council for Public Affairs
Jewish Family & Community Services East Bay
Jewish Family and Children’s Services
Jewish Federations of North America, Inc.
Jewish Film Institute
Jewish Home and Senior Living Foundation
Jewish Home of San Francisco
Jewish LearningWorks
Jewish Public Affairs Committee of California
Jewish Vocational & Career Counseling Service
Jewtina y Co.
Kehillah Jewish High School Fund
Keshet, Inc.
Kitchen Slow Down Jew Up
Koret Israel Economic Development Funds
Living Together
Lo Omdot Mineged
Ma’ase Center Association
Ma’avarim – Israeli Trans Community
Magnes Museum Foundation
Masa Innovation Fund
Maslan – the Negev’s Sexual Assault and Domestic
Support Center
Matan – Invest in the Community (United Way Israel)
Meira Academy
Michal Sela Forum
Midrash Lman Achai
Migdal Or
Moldaw Residences
National Conference of Synagogue Youth
Negev Institute for Strategies of Peace and
Development (NISPED)
Noam Noar Mitgaber
Northern California Board of Rabbis
Oakland Hebrew Day School
One Million Lobby
Oshman Family Jewish Community Center
P.E.F. Israel Endowment Funds, Inc.
Patrizio Paoletti Association for Development and Communication
Peninsula Jewish Community Center
Peninsula Sinai Congregation
Peninsula Temple Beth-El
Peninsula Temple Sholom
Place IL
President and Fellows of Harvard College
Harvard Judaica Collection
Resetting the Table
Retorno Israel
Rimon Club DBA Club Z
Ronald C. Wornick Jewish Day School
Rothschild Caesarea Foundation
San Francisco Hillel – Hillel the Foundation for Jewish
Campus Life
Santa Cruz Hillel
Sasa Setton
Shalem Academic Center
Shalom Bayit
Shalom Hartman Institute of North America
Shalom Institute Camp and Conference Center
Shalom School
Sifriyat Pijama
Sinai Memorial Chapel
South Peninsula Hebrew Day School
Spark IL
Stanford Jewish Center Inc. DBA Rhor
Sunduk el Yanabia
Tebeka – Advocacy for Equality & Justice
for Ethiopian-Israelis
Tel Aviv University
Tel Hai College
Temple Beth Israel
Temple Beth Sholom
Temple Isaiah of Contra Costa County
The Academic College of Tel Aviv Yafo
The Branco Weiss Institute
The Democratic Institute
The Lautman Fund
The Mitzvah Project
The New Fund for Cinema and TV
The One Hundred Initiative (Yozmat Hame’a)
The Reutlinger Community
The Shmuel Harofe Geriatric Center
The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute
Tzeirim Beyeruham
Union for Reform Judaism
Unistream Israel
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Urban Adamah
URJ – Camp Newman
Value Culture
Wuste Tzega Center for Culturally Adapted Psychotherapy in a Changing Reality, Ltd.
Yad Ezra Vshulamit
Yad Shimon
The Federation is grateful to all the individuals and families who partner with us for their personal philanthropy. Grants from Federation donor-advised funds (DAFs) and supporting foundations address a variety of issues, from civil rights and education to human services.
Donor-Advised Fund Grants $98.6M
Grant $ by Region
Grants to Jewish Organizations: $42.6M (43%)
Education - $16M
Civil Rights/Social Action/Advocacy - $15M
Philanthropy/Voluntarism/Grantmaking - $13.6M
Public/Society Benefit - $11.1M
Human Services - $9.5M
Donor Spotlight: Dan Cohn and Lynn Brinton

“Follow your heart. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.” This is the advice Dan Cohn and Lynn Brinton want to give to anyone interested in philanthropy. Decades-long Federation donors, Dan and Lynn are dedicated philanthropists whose journeys are rooted in family values. Dan was inspired by his father, a man deeply engaged in giving. Lynn shares a similar ethos. Her Irish immigrant grandparents instilled in her the belief that helping others is essential. “They taught me that there were always others in need,” she reflects. These values of tzedakah (taking care of people in need) and tikkun olam (repairing the world) now guide their family’s philanthropy.
The Federation has been a cornerstone for Dan and Lynn, providing a supportive community that encourages their efforts. Dan appreciates the Federation’s deep bench of philanthropy experts: “It’s important to have people you can seek out for advice.”
As they look to the future, Dan and Lynn are excited about empowering the next generation. Together, they have fostered a culture of giving within their family, like hosting an intergenerational giving circle at their home with their daughter Willa and her friends. Lynn noted that the Federation played a pivotal role in facilitating this circle, and said, “They’re so young, and seeing them deliberating about a worthy cause and the work they’re going to do — it’s just incredible.” Throughout their journey, Dan and Lynn remind us that philanthropy is a shared experience — one that binds us together in our quest to make a difference.
Supporting Foundation Grants: $81.2M
Grant $ by Region
Grants to Jewish Organizations: $15.8M (19%)
Top Thematic Areas:
Civil Rights/Social Action/Advocacy - $22.9M
Public/Society Benefit - $10.2M
Human Services - $9.8M
Environmental Quality & Protection - $7.1M
Education - $6.5M
Donor Spotlight: David and Carla Crane
David and Carla Crane’s philanthropy journey began in the late 80s, as David says, “When we had money to give.” Years later, as David began thinking about winding down his career, he and Carla began exploring options to create a lasting vehicle for their ongoing giving. Initially, they tried traditional financial services and other community foundations. But nothing felt quite right. Then, in 2000, they put their money in a donor-advised fund (DAF) at the Federation. In 2007, they also opened a supporting foundation to hold more complex assets that they wanted to reserve for philanthropy. David notes, “We love working with the Federation because it’s easy, and they are really good people. They have a great and knowledgeable team that feels like family.”
Having their philanthropic vehicles here at the Federation has helped the Cranes to each hone their philanthropic vision. Carla has found passion bringing natural space and culture to the heart of the Bay Area and David continues to find interesting projects at the intersection of good government and conservation, as well as a burgeoning drive to combat antisemitism and keep our Jewish community safe and thriving. For David and Carla, the Federation is their way to truly connect with their Jewish community.
Through targeted giving opportunities and pooled resources from diverse sources, the Federation is engaging more people in philanthropy and groups of like-minded individuals around emerging issues in the Jewish community and beyond to amplify collective impact.
Impact Investing
The Federation’s impact investing practice gives donors the option to use money held in donor-advised funds (DAFs) and supporting foundations for low-interest loans to support philanthropic goals. This lending model multiplies the impact of every dollar since loans are repaid to DAFs and supporting foundations at the end of the term, to be used for further loans and grants. These impact loans are typically made with funds pooled from numerous DAFs, maximizing individual fund owners’ impact even more.
$51M at Work, Including $5M in Israel
From 2019 through 2023, Federation funds invested close to $51M in 24 nonprofits and mission-driven financial institutions focused on building affordable housing, supporting economic development, accessing quality education, and more. Grounded in the Jewish value of tikkun olam (repairing the world), our investments are at the forefront of fostering a stronger, more inclusive economy where traditional financial services fall short, strengthening Jewish communities in the Bay Area and Israel, and making a meaningful impact on broader society.
Impact Investing Themes
Financial Inclusion
Local Jewish Community Lending
Quality Affordable Housing
Climate Change & Mitigation
Sustainable Agriculture
Capacity Building
Access to Quality Education
Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
Quality Jobs
Donor Spotlight: Barry Cohn

When it became obvious that the Berkeley Bayit — an on-campus Jewish communal living house established in 1980 — was in dire need of seismic upgrades and remodeling, Barry Cohn, longstanding Bay Area Jewish leader and founding Bayit member, was perfectly positioned to act. Through his roles on the Board of Directors at both the Federation and the Berkeley Bayit, Barry had envisioned utilizing Federation donor-directed funds for community projects like this. The low-cost loan structured by the Federation took care of nearly $800K of the renovation costs, with the remainder covered by the Bayitniks’ capital campaign. Today, the house boasts seismic safety upgrades, new plumbing and electrical wiring, modern appliances, a revamped kitchen equipped to accommodate kosher practices, and new bathrooms. Thanks to Barry’s efforts and his work with the Federation, Berkeley Bayit will continue to be a vibrant center of the Jewish campus community for decades to come.
Giving Circles
Giving circles offer a safe, supportive Jewish environment — providing a way to give generously at any level while joining with others who share values and interests. This year, members of Federation giving circles found like-minded donors who wanted to make a connection while leveraging and pooling funds for a bigger impact.
0 Giving Circles
engaging 115 community members
0% of participants
got involved with the Federation for the first time
$0K granted
to 31 Bay Area & Israeli organizations

“Working in these spaces can feel tiring and lonely sometimes, so being able to talk to other people with a lot of experience in the field and hearing about their struggles and successes was very inspiring and validating to me.”
– Sarah Wong, Jews of Color (JOC) Tzedek Fund Participant
“I’m particularly proud of how our Pride Fund banded together after the October 7 attacks and thought about what we could do differently to make the most impact tied to our mission benefiting the LGBTQ+ community. While we remained dedicated to focusing funds for Israeli organizations, we all saw the challenges facing Jews in the Bay Area, especially in the LGBTQ+ community. We decided that funding organizations strengthening our local community and fostering a sense of belonging was an even higher priority, given growing antisemitism.”
– Kyle Levine, Jewish Pride Fund Chair

Teen Donor Spotlight: Elan Smyla
Each year, the Federation selects a group of high school students to be a part of the Federation’s Jewish Teen Foundation (JTF), where they learn to be effective philanthropists, cultivate Jewish values like tzedakah (taking care of people in need) and tzedek (pursuing justice) as well as lifelong skills in confidence, effective communication, and teamwork. Elan Smyla, recent JTF graduate, is a case in point.
“From a young age, I was encouraged to keep an open mind, but I truly understood its importance during my time at the Federation’s Jewish Teen Foundation. This program brings together teens with leadership qualities to make a positive impact by awarding grants to nonprofits. Over my four years, I progressed from board member to first JTF fellow, helping raise over $270K for marginalized populations, including victims of domestic violence and the formerly incarcerated.
A pivotal moment for me occurred in my second year when the board chose to support the formerly incarcerated, a decision that initially filled me with doubt. I realized I held prejudices I wasn’t aware of. However, as I researched and engaged in discussions, including listening to a speaker who had spent
40 years in prison, my perspective shifted. I recognized that individuals exiting prison often face immense challenges, lacking support and skills for reintegration.
My JTF experience taught me that open-mindedness is crucial for personal growth and societal change. By challenging my biases, I discovered empathy and the transformative power of understanding. Embracing diverse perspectives can foster a more inclusive and compassionate society for all.”
Israel Emergency Fund
Over $850M Raised by Federations Across North America
Just days after Hamas’ horrifying attack on Israel on October 7 last year, the Federation leapt into action, launching the Israel Emergency Fund to respond to the crisis. The Bay Area Jewish community stepped up immediately, donating over $22M in the first few months alone, contributing to over $850M* raised by Jewish Federations of North America. These donations made a real-world difference in Israel by providing support to hundreds of organizations offering essential aid such as food, medical care, trauma relief, shelter, clothing, and hygiene products as well as specialized care for infants and vulnerable populations. Beyond addressing immediate needs, the Federation supported pastoral care for mourners as well as economic relief and recovery, and educational programs and recreational activities for children and adults to maintain a sense of normalcy and routine.
* As of November 2024

received essential food assistance
hot meals served
evacuees sheltered
received basic needs packages
received mental health support
helped by economic relief & recovery programs

“You don’t control the ocean. It can be dead flat. It can be big. It can be scary. But you get the opportunity to choose to go out there and ride your wave and try hard to persist.”
– Yaron Waksman, HaGal Sheli founder and CEO
Grantee Spotlight: HaGal Sheli
Following the Hamas attacks of October 7, Federation grantee, HaGal Sheli (My Wave) — a program that has existed for a decade — broadened its scope to address the unprecedented trauma that has now touched nearly everyone in Israel. Using surfing as an tool to teach participants how to overcome life’s challenges through determination and persistence, HaGal Sheli is helping to mitigate the onset of post-traumatic stress disorder for a wide range of individuals, including evacuees from the Gaza Envelope and northern communities, released and rescued hostages, survivors of the Nova music festival, and more.
The program is designed to address the immediate needs of those impacted as well as prevent potential long-term psychological consequences. Surfing allows participants to focus on the present, regain control, release energy, build friendships and community, experience success, and immerse themselves in nature therapy. HaGal Sheli’s mission is simple: Teach people with trauma how to overcome life’s challenges through determination and persistence — as in the ocean, as in life.

“The residents of the villages are very excited about the protection project. There are a lot of inquiries from people asking us to reach them. After all the dirt is filled in, they are grateful — you can really see the relief on their faces.”
– Desert Stars Volunteer
Grantee Spotlight: Yanabia
In the remote Bedouin villages of the Negev, the attacks of October 7 accelerated the need for shelter from Hamas rockets. These tiny enclaves were totally out in the open and unprotected, and the solution to their problem came in the form of an unconventional idea. Yanabia, a Federation grantee, helped bring the novel concept of using empty shipping containers to create underground shelters to life.
Working in conjunction with Desert Stars (a program for the training and nurturing of Bedouin youth), Yanabia began the implementation of the project, handing Desert Stars the task of execution. Empty shipping containers, purchased with Yanabia financing, were trucked to the centers of these Negev villages and buried in the ground — becoming life-saving spaces within these settlements. The circumstances were difficult (remote locations, unforgiving rocky ground, and cultural considerations for the placement of shelters), but with strong coordination and hard work by volunteers, they are now realities. This project also indirectly helped bolster local contractors, whose livelihoods were affected by the state of emergency. This effort is a prime example of our commitment to a shared society that is at the core of the Federation’s work.

Antisemitism is up over 400% in the past year, with incidents of antisemitic flyers, graffiti, and calls to boycott Jewish businesses jeopardizing our sense of safety and belonging in the Bay Area. The Federation partnered with leading organizations to combat antisemitism through advocacy, education, and more. The Federation is also the go-to resource in Northern California on all matters related to Jewish security. Our Community Security Program provides comprehensive training and guidance to Jewish organizations and synagogues on preparedness and response, advises on potential threats, and assists in securing state and federal security funding.
0 people
trained in basic security skills & threat awareness
80 security consultations &40 site assessments
conducted to bolster security
students & teachers attended East Bay Holocaust Education Center workshops supported by the Federation
$0M secured
in state & federal security funding for over a dozen Bay Area Jewish institutions
in Federation grants awarded to 75 local nonprofits to enhance & upgrade building security since October 7

“I feel safer in my synagogue community and the general Bay Area as a Jew with what I took away from this training.”
– Member of Temple Israel Alameda
“My team at SF Hillel looks forward to our safety and security training every year. The training is useful and tangible, and leaves my team feeling more prepared and capable to respond in the case of emergencies. We really appreciate all that you do!”
– Sophie Case, Director SF Hillel

Fighting Antisemitism Through Advocacy
The Federation at the 2024 JPAC Capitol Summit
With over 500 people in attendance, including Federation CEO Joy Sisisky and over a dozen grassroots activists from the Bay Area whose participation was sponsored by the Federation, this year’s Jewish Public Affairs Committee of California (JPAC) Capitol Summit was the largest and most energized yet. The two-day gathering in Sacramento focused on legislative initiatives addressing rising antisemitism and enhancing security.

A few months later, we saw the tangible results of our advocacy: In September 2024, Governor Newsom signed three new pieces of legislation. Two of the laws protect against campus antisemitism — through a code of conduct on California college campuses to keep Jewish students safe, and by including Jewish history and antisemitism in anti-discrimination and DEI trainings. The other new legislation mandates Holocaust and genocide education with curriculum and training materials for K-12 teachers.
Nurturing authentic Jewish identity is a profoundly important part of the Federation’s work. At all life stages — from preschool through retirement — we fund transformative and inspiring programs that empower our community members to connect joyfully and creatively with their Jewish selves. From scholarships for Jewish day schools, camps, and Israel travel programs, to grants for Northern California Hillels, and programs like Diller Teen Fellows, the Federation helps to instill pride and engagement in Jewish culture and values.
“Diller is a place where I can be myself, as a Jew and as a person. It has taught me how to work with others and have an open mind. I now know 19 more Jewish teens near me! We get to experience and help the world on so many levels. I am leaving Diller more proud of my Jewish identity.”
– Arielle S., San Francisco Diller Teen Fellow 2024

in scholarships provided to hundreds of youth & young adults to allow them to participate in immersive Jewish experiences
0K families
received free Jewish-themed books through PJ Library & PJ Our Way
0K+ students
were reached through 8 Northern California Hillels, with support from the Federation
0K+ young adults
supported in finding meaningful connections in Jewish life & community
0 Hillel students
received food & housing support through the Federation’s funding for local Human Services agencies
0+ teens
participated in leadership programs such as Jewish Teen Foundation & Diller Teen Fellows

One Happy Camper’s Story
Venturing into overnight camp can be both exciting and nerve-wracking for young campers. One Happy Camper, supported by the Federation, is an incentive program that provides need-blind grants of up to $1,000 to families with children attending nonprofit, mission-driven Jewish overnight camp for the first time. For newbie camper Ella, it was a transformative journey filled with growth and community.
Ella immediately felt a sense of belonging in the Jewish community at camp, contrasting her daily life where she had few Jewish peers. This shared identity fostered deep connections and made her feel at home.
Jewish overnight camp — a place for growth, discovery, and lifelong memories.
Unplugging from electronics, while initially daunting, allowed Ella to engage deeply with her surroundings and form genuine bonds with fellow campers. Her days were filled with enriching activities, from Torah lessons to outdoor adventures, offering diverse opportunities to explore interests and connect with cabin mates.
Ella cherished Shabbat celebrations marked by Israeli dancing and shared meals, creating a joyful atmosphere. Despite challenges like homesickness, she grew more confident and resilient through her experiences.
The friendships Ella formed at camp extend beyond summer, providing lasting support and joy. Her journey exemplifies the transformative power of Jewish overnight camp — a place for growth, discovery, and lifelong memories.

Entwining Lives Through a Visit to the Balkans
Federation missions offer an opportunity for our community members to see the real-world impact of their philanthropy firsthand. These life-altering journeys bring together Jews from vastly different backgrounds and experiences, revealing our deep connection and shared traditions. In early June 2024, the Federation, in partnership with Entwine — the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee’s program for young adults — led a group of 19 Bay Area young adults on a transformative journey through the Balkans.

Following the trip 100% of participants:
• felt a special responsibility to help Jews in need
• understood how to put their experience into action when returning home
• felt like a part of a global Jewish community
They visited Sarajevo, historically known as “Little Jerusalem,” a once vibrant Jewish community that has since dwindled, with only about 1,000 Jews left in all of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The group found their experience to be profoundly uplifting. They learned from resilient community leaders who continue to uphold Jewish values of tikkun olam (repairing the world) and tzedakah (taking care of people in need). The Jewish Community Center in Sarajevo, a beacon during the Bosnian War, showcased how a small community can provide immense support in times of crisis.
Visiting Croatia, they met with a father-daughter duo worried about their synagogue’s future and listened to 93-year-old Holocaust survivor Melita share her harrowing story. These encounters highlighted their shared responsibility and the strength found in community.
This unforgettable journey not only deepened their understanding of Jewish interconnectedness, but also inspired them to actively engage with the Bay Area Jewish community upon their return home — eager to continue the legacy of mutual responsibility and repair for a brighter future.

“At a particularly challenging time to be a young adult and Jewish in America, seeing a small number of people do so much with so little reinvigorated us and reminded us of why now — more than ever — we need to continue our legacy of arevut, or mutual Jewish responsibility, and of tikkun olam for our community’s future at home and abroad.”
– David Saxe and Melissa Blaustein, co-chairs of Balkans trip
The Federation elevates the quality of life for struggling Jews in the Bay Area and globally by investing in a robust network of Jewish humanitarian and social service agencies like Shalom Bayit, Jewish Family and Children’s Services, and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. From grants that provide crucial support for low-income college students and seniors facing food and housing insecurity, to programs that end gender-based violence, our funding helps individuals meet basic needs and supports their overall well-being. Federation grants helped provide:
0K+ seniors
in the Former Soviet Union with comprehensive humanitarian assistance in 2023
0K seniors
& low-income Ukrainianswith basic needs since the start of the crisis
0K+ seniors
with transportation assistance for basic needs & senior excursions
0K+ individuals
with programs designed to end gender-based violence
Nearly 0K clients
with direct cash assistance for basic needs, including rent, utilities & medical bills
0K+ clinical hours
of therapy for low-income individuals, college students & families
Grantee Spotlight: The San Francisco Campus for Jewish Living
The San Francisco Campus for Jewish Living (SFCJL), a Federation grantee, helps take care of a group that needs it most — our precious seniors. SFCJL honors the Jewish tradition of respecting and caring for our elders and learning from their wisdom. Upholding the organization’s core values of community, compassion, and excellence allows SFCJL to provide exceptional care and a joyful living experience.
One such senior is Shelia, mother of Rebecca Feigelson. She describes her mother as a “super woman,” who taught Hebrew school, ran marathons, excelled in her career, and participated in the PTA. Rebecca’s life changed when Shelia, only in her mid-40s, was impacted by frontotemporal dementia. “It was a very difficult time in my life, because although she was physically with us, she was mentally not present and lost her capacity to mother. It was the Jewish community that provided a safety net for me,” she explains. Reflecting on those days and the present moment, Rebecca feels fortunate for what she learned from the experience. “I think that we are all really lucky to be a part of such a tightknit tribe that takes care of each other.” That support is exemplified by SFCJL and all they do for their charges and their families.

Grantee Spotlight: Jewish Family & Community Services East Bay
Federation grantee, Jewish Family & Community Services (JFCS) East Bay, is dedicated to supporting and serving Alameda and Contra Costa County residents of all ages, races, and religions. Their work is vital, as this inspiring story of a displaced family bears out.
After their family home was destroyed in Ukraine, a mother and her twin boys embarked on a challenging journey to the United States in search of safety and a fresh start. Unfortunately, their journey was marred by immense physical and mental hardships, further compounded by the heartbreak of leaving an adult daughter behind in Ukraine.
The mother, burdened by the overwhelming stress of the situation, found herself in a new country with new people, a new language, and new rules. The pressure was immense, and she struggled with severe depression, rendering her unable to find a job or engage in daily activities. Recognizing the need for mental health support, she reached out to JFCS East Bay.
Over time, and with JFCS East Bay support, she overcame her depression, found employment, and enrolled in a community college, taking significant steps towards rebuilding her life. The twins, struggling with depression as well, also received mental health therapy from JFCS East Bay and began to thrive. Through the unwavering support of JFCS East Bay, this family has navigated through their trauma, adapted to their new environment, and are building a brighter future.
In 2024, the Federation continued its focus on promoting justice and inclusion for people with special needs, LGBTQ+ individuals, Jews of Color (JOC), and more. Drawing from a deep Jewish tradition of social justice, we strengthen relationships and partner to build capacity and foster inclusion, particularly among marginalized groups.
early childhood educators from 40 Bay Area organizations participated in Jewish LearningWorks’ specialized trainings on inclusion for youth with special needs
Nearly 0 people
participated in Keshet’s Bay Area Education & Training program with the goal of catalyzing measurable individual and organizational change for LGBTQ+ equality in Bay Area Jewish organizations

“I am grateful to Keshet for giving me the perspective and language to create change in my organization. While we are making baby steps, they are all in the right direction. It has also opened up discussions on how to create a space where people of ALL walks of life feel they belong.”
– Catherine Bernard, Peninsula Sinai Congregation
ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT..............................$2.34B
Donor-Advised Funds $977.1M
Supporting Foundations $924.8M
Endowment $369.6M
Agency Funds $66.8M
NEW CONTRIBUTIONS................................................$148.4M
We are grateful to the individuals, families, and foundations who put their support and trust in the Federation as an effective steward and philanthropic partner.
* Annual Campaign, emergency, designated
** Includes $4.0M in fulfillment of Centennial Campaign pledges
*Raised in FY23 & allocated in FY24
** Includes reimbursements, rent revenue from 121 Steuart, reserves net of releases, and additions
* Includes all direct services (e.g., grantmaking strategy and Israel office)
and programs such as Community Security, PJ Library, Diller Teen Fellows,
and Jewish Teen Foundation
Board of Directors
Eileen Ruby, Board Chair
Andy Cheng
Barry Cohn
Dan Cohn, Treasurer
David Friedkin
Jim Heeger, Secretary
Fred Isaac
Michael Jacobs
Kenny Kahn
Natasha Kehimkar
Moses Libitzky
Guy Miasnik
Lindsey Newman
Dara Pincas
Laura Rooklin
Susan Saal, Vice Chair
Arthur Slepian
Michelle Tandowsky
Jamie Weinstein, Chair, Endowment Committee
Jerry Yanowitz
Executive Leadership
Joy Sisisky
President and CEO
Rebecca Randall
Chief Philanthropy Officer
Tanya Shadoan
Chief Operating Officer
Nicolas Elsishans
Chief Financial Officer
We are grateful to the following individuals, families, and foundations for their support of the 2024 Annual Campaign, Israel Emergency Fund, and Designated/Restricted programs.
$1,000,000 and more
Alexander M. and June L. Maisin Foundation
Barbara and Gerson z’’l Bakar*
Helen Diller Foundation
John Pritzker Family Fund
Laura and Gary Lauder
Jim Joseph Foundation
Libitzky Family Foundation
Mae and Benjamin Swig Philanthropic Fund
Mimi and Peter Haas Fund
Aaron and Marie Blackman Charitable Fund
Bernard Osher Jewish Philanthropies Foundation
Donald and Carole Chaiken Foundation
Eileen and Rob z”l Ruby
Hellman Foundation
John and Marcia Goldman Foundation
Lynn Brinton and Daniel Cohn
Rodan Family Foundation
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation
Barbara Oshman
Barbara z’’l and John Osterweis
Barney and Rachel Gottstein Charitable Foundation
Carla and David Crane
Carla and David Crane Foundation
Feldman Foundation CA
Harry and Carol Saal Family Fund
Holly and Jeffrey Ullman
Ingrid Tauber and Frank Taforo
John Freidenrich z’’l *
Leslie Family Foundation
Leslie Family Foundation – Mark and Debra Leslie
Madeleine Haas Russell z’’l *
Maxine and Jack Zarrow Family Foundation
Morton and Amy Friedkin Supporting Foundation
Rachel and Aaron Zubaty
Rory and Jamie Weinstein
Steve Kaufman
Taube Philanthropies
The Frederick J. Isaac Philanthropic Fund
The Shorenstein Family
Walter and Elise Haas Fund
Adele z’’l and Don Langendorf
Audrey Lampert
Barbara and Ron Kaufman*
Catherine and Michael Podell
Christine Russell and Mark Schlesinger
Donna Dubinsky and Leonard Shustek
Doris Blum z’’l *
Dorothy Saxe
Eleanor and Laurence Myers Foundation
Emilie and Alvin Roth
Evelyn H. Lauder Trust
Gerald z’’l and Miriam Friedkin Supporting Foundation
James Heeger and Daryl Messinger
James Wolfe z”l*
Jennifer and Abe Friedman
Judy Zollman and Marty Glick
Kessler Family Foundation in memory of Alice and Leslie Kessler z’’l
Linda and Jack Pearlstein
Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund
Mary and Steven Swig
Melody Howe Weintraub and Jerry Weintraub
Michal and Guy Miasnik
Moldaw Family Supporting Foundation
Newton and Rochelle Becker Charitable Trust
Patricia Wolfe z’’l *
Sara Gaviser Leslie and Josh Leslie
Susan and Richard Seiler
Taube Foundation for Jewish Life & Culture
The Opaline Fund
Valli Benesch and Bob Tandler
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Foundation
Zetau Family Fund
Adele Corvin
Anita and Ronald z’’l Wornick
Barbara and Joel Renbaum
Betty Denenberg Adler
Bob and Jan Newman
Cheryl Zatkin-Steres and George Steres
Clifford Booth
Connie and Bob Lurie
Dana Corvin and Harris Weinberg
Dara and Oded Pincas
David Agger
Diane and Howard Zack
Dr. Marvin and Ilene Weinreb z’’l
Elaine and Barry Gilbert
Ellen Fuerst and Michael Jacobs
Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund
Frank and Dolores Corbett Charitable Fund
Gail and Ronald Rubenstein
Gale Mondry and Bruce Cohen
Gayle Donsky and Mort Stein
Gloria and Jack Clumeck
Harold Grinspoon Foundation
Helen Diller Family Foundation
Ira and Leonore Gershwin Designated Philanthropic Fund
Janet and George z’’l King
Janet Reider and Tom Frankel
Jason Lehman
Jill and Martin Dodd
Joseph Pedott Perpetual Endowment Trust
Judi and Joseph Epstein
Justice, Justice Foundation
Karen Katz
Leah Barker
Louis D. Marks z’’l *
Mary Ann Tonkin z”l*
Melissa and Andrew Cohen
Meyer Chaban Trust
Mimi and Arthur z’’l Gauss
Myriam Dujovne and Gabriel Gejman
Paola and Richard Kulp
Persimmon Foundation
Phyllis and David z’’l Cook
Rabbi Brian and Caroline Lurie
Rae and Jonathan Corr
Richard Goodman z”l*
Richard Miller and Roberto Konishi
Schlecker Family Trust
Sue and Ronald Bachman
Susan Moldaw and Robert Stallings
Susan Steiner Saal and Nate Saal
Toby Mickelson and Donald Brody
Victoria and Steven Zatkin
Alicia Hammarskjold
Allen and Cecilia Mayer
Andrea and Lubert z”l Stryer
Andrea Brooks
Ann and John Wathen
Anne and Nathan Petrowsky
Arthur J. Weil
Beth and Joseph Hurwich
Betty and Jack Schafer
Betty Rogoff
Carla Roth and David Nasaw
Carol A. Weitz
Carol and Howard Fine
Carol and Marvin Feinstein
Carol Bieri and Joel Sanders
Carol Seiler Roberts
Cathy and Jim Koshland
Christine Glastonbury and H. Michael Feldman
Claudia Felson
Cynthia and Philip Strause
Dana and Gary Shapiro
David Williams
Debbie and Barry Cohn
Debbie and Stuart Rosenberg
Diana Cohen and Bill Falik
Diane Katz
Donald Berz
Dorothy and Paul Wachter
Dorothy Vogel z”l*
East Bay Community Foundation
Eileen and Ralph Battat
Elaine Lowenthal
Elayne and Philip Dauber
Ellen and Marc Brown
Emily and James Scheinman
Florette Schwartz
Francine and David Meckler
Francine and Robert Lent
Fred Isaac and Robin Reiner
Gladys Monroy and Larry Marks
Hannah and Allen King
Harriet and Franklyn Weiss
Iris and Harold Korol
Irwin Bear z’’l *
Dan and Jackie Safier
Jacquelyn Cohen
Jamie and Mark Myers
Jane and Sterling Ross
Janet Schultz z’’l *
Jean and Sandy Colen
Jessica Nutik Zitter and Mark Zitter
Jewish Federation of the East Bay PACE Fund*
Jo Ann and Henry z’’l Shain
Joann and Rick Philips
Joanne and Stanford Green
Judith and Andrew Mendelsohn
Judith and Robert Aptekar
Judith Schutzman
Julia and David Popowitz
Julie Fingersh and David Rudnick
Julius Aires
Karen and Allan Horn
Karen and Harry Rosenbluth
Karen and Jim Holtz
Karen and Mark Hanten
Karen and Robert Kustel
Karen Kaufman Perlman and Brian Perlman
Kathy and Wayne Baron
Kendra and Tom Kasten
Lenore Kay Bleadon
Leora Goren and Eric Shapiro
Lily Kanter and Marc Sarosi
Linda and Allan Kramer
Linda and Moshe Oberstein
Lois and Gary Marcus
Louis and Rose Rosenberg z’’l *
Louis Wolff
LSP Family Foundation
Lucy and Robert Berman
Marci and Marc Dollinger
Marianne and Herbert Friedman
Marilyn Jacobs
Marilyn Sugar
Marilyn Yolles Waldman
Marla and David Kremer
Mary and Harold Zlot
Mary Jane and Steven Lowenthal
Matthew Baker
Maud and Serge Berguig
Maureen and Michael Samson
Melanie and Peter z’’l Maier
Melissa and Chad Herst
Meredith Goldsmith
Meryl and Alfred Norek
Michael and Jill Gold
Michelle and Keith Tandowsky
Milton & Dorothy Sarnoff Raymond Foundation
Miriam Gochin-Baskin and Laurence Baskin
Naomi Miller Stein
Norman and Dr. Marsha Lee Berkman
Olivia and Carl Goldstone
Paul Ruby z’’l
Peppers Family Good Soil Foundation
Petra Silton and Michael Listgarten
Phyllis Koch z”l *
Pinion Street Foundation
Pittsburg Clinic (Dr. Samuel and Etty Bernstein) Fund*
Rhoda and Sheldon z’’l Wolfe
Robert and Toby Rubin
Rosine and Norman Ferber
Sarah and Rachael Hymowitz
Sheila Sosnow and Richard Nagler
Sheri and Paul Robbins
Shirley and Benjamin Eisler
Sonia and Peter Dwares
Sonya and Stephen Hurst
Steven J. Cohen
Susan and Alan Rothenberg
Susan and Jon Golovin
Susan and Kevin Muck
Susan and Mark Oscherwitz
Susan Cluff and Neil Rudolph
Susie and Rich Sorkin
Suzanne and Robert Rubenstein
Suzanne D’Arcy and Jerry Yanowitz
Suzanne Spitz
Suzanne Waterman
Sy Lapporte
Sylvia and Simon Guendelman
Temple Shir Tikva
The Bomze Family
The Lawrence Weissberg Foundation
The Russell-Shapiro Family
Wendy Tonkin
Whitehurst Family Foundation
William & Sylvia Zale Foundation
William and Renee Rothmann
Adele and Mark Lieberman
Adele Dorison and David Neuman
Adolph Schuman z’’l *
Albert Eisenstat
Aleen Colitz
Alexandra and David Golden
Alisa Yaffa and Kenneth McElvain
Allison Mnookin
Amy and Matt Berler
Andrea and Claude Stern
Ann Bear z’’l *
Anne and Rodney Pearlman
Annette Dobbs z’’l *
Arna and Hersh Shefrin
Arthur Slepian and Gerry Llamado
Barbara and William Rich
Barbara C. Rosenberg z”l*
Barbara Weinberg
Bas Ording
Beryl and Ivor Silver
Betsy and Paul Dawes
Betsy Pottruck
Betty Newman
Bonnie Strauss
Breslauer, Rutman & Anderson Inc.
Britt and Eli Harari
Carol and Norm Traeger
Carol Wolfe
Carole and Donald Alter
Celia and Leland Douglas
Claude Lowen
Colleen and Robert Haas
Connie and Jeffrey Zlot
Daniel Edelman
Daphne and Bob Bransten
DARE Foundation
David and Dorothy Golner z’’l *
David Kamp
David Saxe
Deborah and Michael Sosebee
Debra Barra-Stevens
Diane Ettelson Lowenstein
Diane Green
Dolphin Philanthropic Fund
Doug Mandell
Edwin Colloff and Edna Avraham
Ellen and Jerry Saliman
Ellice and James Papp
Elliott Stieglitz
Elsie Dab
Elyse Salven-Blatt
Emily and David Fisher
Estate of Stanley Mandelstam z’’l *
Esther and Barry Sherman
Eva Chernov Lokey z’’l *
Evan Daar
Felicia Liu and John Citron
Fern Lowenberg z’’l *
Frank Yellin and Mark Showalter
Fred Levinson
Gal Aharonov
Gayle and Stephen Goldman
Gerry and Sidney Lipton
Gina and Dan Waldman
Glenda and Irwin Derman
Harriet and Harold Silen
Helen C. Bulwik
Helen Jaffe
Hillary and Pete Blum
Ilana and Ryan Withop
Ilana Gauss
Inna Mink
Irene Wapnir and Ralph Greco
Isabel and Peter Blumberg
Jack Kabak
Jackie Schneider and Robert Rebitzer
James and Bethany Hornthal
Jane Blumberg Goldberg z’’l *
Jeanne Eber
Jeanne Miller
Jeannie and Harold Baer
Jennifer and Bradley Ross
Jennifer and William Schwartz
Jerome H. Cherin and Sylvia Cherin z’’l *
Jessica Bernhardt and Theodore Goldstein
Jessica Lewin
Joan and Evan Lewis
Joan and James Kirsner
Joan Karlin and Paul Resnick
Joanne Bernstein
Joanne Sobel z’’l *
Jodi and Raphael Hirsch
Jonathan Karp
Jonathan Podolsky
Jonna Hunter and Josh Becker
Jorun and Harmon Shragge
Joseph Zadik z’’l and Anne Bakar
Joy Sisisky and Jonathan Salky
Joyce and Norman Weil
Judith Tick and Steven Ganz
Judy and Maynard Lichterman
Judy and Steve Lipson
Judy Gold Bloom
Judy Pasquinelli
Judy Shaper
Karla and Neil Smith
Katharine and Daniel Rubin
Kathleen and Martin Cohn
Kathryn and David Werdegar
Kerri and Mark Lehmann
Kim Roberts
L & R Lawrence Family Foundation
Lael Culiner and Joshua Smith
Laura Denenberg and Hugo Wildmann
Laura Rooklin
Lauri Paul and Mark Hamilton
Leslie and Jason Matlof
Leslie Karren
Linda Ornitz
Lisa and Mark Rosenthal
Lisa Braver Moss and Mark Moss
Lonnie Weiss
Louis and Dorothy Kovitz Fund of San Francisco Foundation
Louise and Jacob Epstein
Lydia and Neil Weiss
Lynn Pasternak
Maddie and Jeffrey Carmel
Maddy Chaleff and David Arfin
Marcella and Stuart Bernstein
Mark Seiler
Marlyn G. McClaskey z’’l *
Marsha Cohen and Robert Feyer
Mary Bianco
MB Venture
Michael and Natalie Zatkin
Michael and Susan Dab
Michael Freedland z’’l *
Michael Levinthal
Michael Stevens
Michael Welch
Milton Mosk z’’l *
Morgan Stanley Gift
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Chazen
Myrna and Stuart Aronoff
Nancy Adler z’’l and Arnold Milstein
Nancy and Bruce Kaufman
Nancy and Joe Blum
Nancy and Stephen z’’l Grand
Nancy Lenvin
Nanette Rowe and Gary Leight
Naomi and Jeff Silk
Nicholas Zeitlin
Pearl Vapnek
Peter and Beth z’’l Rosenthal
Phyllis Rosenberg
Reva and John Segall
Richard Caplin
Richard Goldstein
Richard P. Gross z’’l *
Ruth Breslar z’’l *
San Francisco Humanities, Inc.
Sandra Monteko-Sherman
Sandra Schnitzer
Sandra Sherman Benjamin
Sarah Gutin and Benjamin Chess
Sarah Rogers and Joshua Reynolds
Sarilee Janger and Stephen D. Steiner
Shari and David Safianoff
Shari Libicki and Andrew Coblentz
Sharon Litsky and John Sampson
Shelley and Loren Saxe
Shelley and Robert Golomb
Sherry Brown
Sheryl and Tony Klein
Sheryl Sandberg and Tom Bernthal
Shirley and Robert z’’l Raymer
Shirley and Robert z’’l Raymer
Silvia Cheskes and Brian Poger
Slavik Markovich
Stacey Silver and Jon Yolles
Stephanie Block
Steve Alter
Sue and Richard Wollack
Susan and Charles Rothschild
Susan and Jay Mall
Susan and Robert Rosenberg
Susan Borkin and Gerald Hurwitz
Susan Diamond and Martin Schenker
Susan Honey Black
Susan Smith Morris
Susen Grossman
Suzanne Felson
Sylvia Wildmann
Tahlia and Jordan Bliss
Teri and Keith Raffel
The Beveridge Family Foundation , Inc.
The Skills Connection
Tova Bulow
Vera and Kenneth Meislin
Walter Vogel z’’l *
Wesley z’’l and Bonnie Fastiff
William Weissberg
Yash Snider
Aaron and Shirin Forkash
Aaron Danzig
Aaron Gershenberg and Julia Massa
Abraham Klein
Ada Kriegman
Adam Weiss
Adriana Telias
Adrienne & Norman Schlossberg
Alan and Frances Bennett
Alan and Nancy Raznick
Alan Kaplan
Alan Lo
Alan Loss
Alex and Elena Blanter
Alexa Abrams
Alexa Morris and Karen Moreland
Alexander Fromm Lurie
Alexander Rosen
Alfred and Diane Wilsey Philanthropic Fund
Alice Erber and Robert Steinberg
Alison Greenspan and Stanley Mainzer
Allan and Carolyn Yannow
Allen Baum and Donna White
Allen Brandstein
Allen Podell and Janet Ghent
Allison Kent Weiss and Paul Weiss
Amit Litsur
Amy and Martin Felsenthal
Amy and Seth Barad
Amy Metzenbaum and Joel Yanowitz
Amy Rabbino and Neal Rubin
Amy Ross
Anat Admati and David Kreps
Andrea and Zachary Kellerman
Andrea Bloom and Mitchell Levinson
Andrea Julian
Andrea Lazar
Andrew and Erica Rosenblatt
Andrew and Suzanne Colvin
Andrew Hoffman
Andy Cheng and Abi Karlin-Resnick
Angel Maselli
Ann Bornstein
Ann Goldman
Ann Swidler and Claude Fischer
Anna Rabinowicz
Anne Krantz and Mark Gunther
Anne Tick
Anne Ulevitch
Anthony Brenner
Anya Bandt
Aren Sandersen
Arlan and Carolyn Kertz
Arlee Maier z’’l
Arlene and Steve Krieger
Arlene Kaufman
Arnold and Donna z’’l Taub
Arnold Schoenberg
Arthur and Sue Rinsky
Arthur Keller
Arzak Foundation
Aviva Aminova
Aviva and Karl Boedecker
Avrum Gratch
Barbara and Elliot Lefferts
Barbara and Robert Morrison
Barbara and Scott Waxman
Barbara Inwald and Michael Harris
Barbara J. Meislin / Purple Lady Fund
Barbara Katz and Raymond Spencer
Barbara Kirsch and Robert Feiner
Barbara Sachs-Senn
Barbara Shufro and David Steuer
Barbara Wachter-Regello
Barrie Bell
Barry Chauser
Barry Gross
Barry Kramer
Barry L Wasserman
Bay City Lodge No. 71 100F
Becky and Dan Afergan
Belinda Getler
Bernard and Cynthia Steyer
Bernard Katzmann
Beth Andersen
Beth Chaim Congregation of Contra Costa County
Beth Eiselman
Beth Schulte
Betsy Eckstein and David Heller
Bette and Joseph Hirsch
Beverly Blatt and David Filipek
Beverly Licht
Beverly Sarver and James O’Donohue
Bob and Carol Tessler
Bobbie and Jerry Wagger
Boris Kogan
Bradford and Frieda Liebman
Brian and June Strunk
Brian Fox
Brian West
Bright Funds
Bruce and Ariel Wooley
Bruce Fisher and Marlene Litvak
Bruce Kirschner and Beth Kleiner
Cantor Martin and Nancy Feldman
Carla Shnier
Carol and Randolph Selig
Carol and Roy Blitzer
Carol Rosenblatt
Carol Schneider
Carol Swig Philanthropic Fund
Carol Weeks and Chris Acker
Caroline Barlerin
Carrie Young
Caryn and James McDowell
Charities Aid Foundation of America
Charlene and Richard Maltzman
Charlene Lebowitz
Charles and Barbara Stevens
Charles and Edna Levine Foundation
Charles and Kathy Greenberg
Charles Sharzer
Charlotte Miller
Chayenne Polimedio and Alex Holt
Cherwon Family Fund
Cheryl and Jeffrey Selman
Cheryl Sorokin
Christine McDougell
Cindy Padnos and Jim Redmond
Cindy Rogoway and Joe Goldberg
Claire and James Davis
Clayton Mitchell
Clifford and Roberta Detz
Cohen Investment Group
Congregation Emanu-El
Craig and Sheryl z’’l Bacharach
Craig Etlin and Leslie Gordon
Cynthia and Andrew Friedman
Cynthia Weingard
Dale Liebes
Dan and Laura Rubenstein
Dan and Robinn Magid
Dan Oppenheimer and Sarah Tunik
Dana Cohen and Jeffrey Simon
Daniel and Alissa Miller
Daniel and Nina Fendel
Daniel Goncher
Daniel Kahn
Daniel Lehmann
Danielle Meshorer and Gregg Dessen
Danielle Schanz
Daphna and Shamy Noily
Dara Papo
Darlene and Steven Feldstein
Daryn Sperling
Dave Johnson
David and Giovanna Goldfarb
David and Marcia Glassel
David and Pauline Soffa
David and Sandra Monasch
David and Stacii Gerson
David and Susan Folkman *
David and Tara Schwarzbach
David and Victoria Fleishhacker
David and Vivian Weinberg
David Aronson
David Brown
David Gellman and Salo Rawet
David Goldman
David Goldstein
David Goldstein and Julia Vetromile
David Hall
David Houska
David Levine
David Melnick
David Prince
David Silverstein
Dawn and Sanford Margolin
Deanna Gomby
Debbie and Sam Ferman
Debbie Tuttle Berkowitz and Mike Berkowitz
Deborah and David Kirshman
Deborah and Gerald Levine
Deborah and Larry Stadtner
Deborah and Laurence Mindel
Deborah Dorosin
Deborah Sloss
Debra and Marc Barach
Debra Thal
Della-Lisa Kron
Denise and Peter Berger
Denise Aptekar
Denise Cohn
Dennis and Barbara Burger
Dennis and Sandra Kay
Dennis Lewenthal
Derek Pugh
Diablo Valley Tzedekah Softball League
Diane Callman
Digital Prospectors Corp
Don Jurow
Donald and Berta Sugarman
Donald and June Nadler
Donald Share
Donna and Jason Roberts
Donna Ditchik
Donna Seligman
Donne Davis
Dore Selix-Gabby
Duane Street Properties, LLC
Edmund and Deborah Green
Edward and Stephanie Moses
Edward Nast
Edwin and Sandra Epstein
Efram Silberstein
Elaine Highiet
Eleanore and Burton Greenberg
Elena and Ted Cruze
Eli and Mae Rosen Foundation
Eliel Redstone and Linda Haley
Elinor DeKoven
Eliza Nemser
Elizabeth and Norman Edelstein
Elizabeth Greenberg and James Papanu
Elizabeth Nathan
Elizabeth Sanders
Ellen and David Newman
Ellen and Douglas Kahn
Ellen and Jeffrey Byrd
Ellen and Marvin Schwartz
Ellen and Michael Mundell
Ellen and Paul Snider
Ellen Diamond and William Resneck
Ellen Weber
Elliot and Karen Stein
Elliot Liff
Elliott Felson
Ellyn and Steven Cohen
Elyse and Charles Feldman
Emil Knopf z’’l
Emily Blanck and Daniel Weiss
Emily Freeman
Emily Jasinsky
Ephraim and Diane Hirsch
Eric Bjerkholt and Sophie Hahn
Eric Hassall
Eric Schwartz
Eric Zankman and Pamela Kaufmann
Estelle Baum and Donald Calvo
Esther and Norman Harris
Esther Kletter
Eunice and Gerald Kenner
Eva and Aaron Paul
Eva and Ernest Newbrun
Eva and Richard Klein
Evan Segal
Eve and Jerome Lerman
Eve Masonek
Fae Klonoff Melmon
Feralee and Charles Levin
Fisk Family Giving Fund
Foundation for Jewish Camp, Inc.
Frana Price
Francine Feder z’’l
Francine Gani
Frank Balonis
Frederick Hertz
Gabriel Bletnitsky
Gail and Bernard Nebenzahl
Gail and Gordon Nathan
Gail Harden
Gale and Avi Meyers
Gary and Barbara Greensweig
Gary and Frances Aron
Gary and Jolinda Decad
Gary Caine and Lori Feldman
Gaye Seiler
Geoffrey and Ann Ziman
George and Flo Kimmerling
George and Laura Gittleman
Gerald Westheimer
Gina and Mark Rosenberg
Gina Dalma
Glenn and Gabby Isaacson
Glickenhaus Foundation
Goldie and Martin Sosnick
Gordon Rothstein and Jennifer Zagofsky
Gordon Zlot
Gourmet Settings Inc.
Gradene Barham
Greenstein Family Philanthropic Fund
Gregg Ficks
Guy Katsav and Gili Becker-Katsav
Gwen Davis-Toso
H. Scott Roy and Sarah Graff
Hali Croner and Eugene Palmer
Harley and Armida Schultz
Harley and Sara Rotbart
Harriett and John Michael
Harry and Karen Maring
Harvey and Rhona Weinstein
Harvey Edelman
Harvey Miller and Jacqueline Wong Miller
Heather and Peter Friedland
Heather Henson and Jeffrey Hessekiel
Heather Solway
Heidi Lerner
Helaine and Ronald Katz
Helen and David Dornbusch
Helena Cohen
Helene and Charles Linker
Henry Harteveldt
Henry Lerner
Herbert and Marjorie Stone
Herbert and Tanya Goodman
Herbert Donald and Gloria Herzog
Hilary and John Somorjai
Holli Thier
Holly and Michael Gardner
Holly Mandelkern
Howard and Judie Wexler
Howard and Marvis Brodke
Howard and Wendy Kleckner
Howard Bomze
Howard Kahn
Howard Scott
Ida and Myles Abbott
Ida Braun
Ilan and Ari Frank
Ira Kurlander
Ira Turetsky
Irene Krohn
Irene Zoken Abrams
Irma Glazer
Irv and Cici Piotrkowski
Isaac and Jeanette Goodman
Itay Klaz
Ivana and Barry Schnur
Izak and Sarah Mutlu
J B Arnovitz Foundation
J. Kyle Levine
J.P. Morgan Donor Advised Fund
Jack and Helen Rakove
Jack and Sharon Levin
Jack Halperin
Jack Lapidos
Jacob Saper
Jacqueline and Mark Berkman
Jacqueline B. Tandler
James Abrams
James and Peggy Kraft
James Gerber
James Shapiro
James Sittner
Jamie Barshop
Jamie Fuerman
Jan Blaustein-Scholes and Myron Scholes
Jan Reicher and Alain Bismuth
Jane Gottesman and Geoffrey Biddle
Jane Parnes
Janet and Micah Broude
Janet Franklin and Matthew Ginsburg
Jason Kuo
Jason Rhodes
Jason Salganick
Jason Skolnik
Jay and Alison Bakaler
Jean Kay
Jean MacDonell and Martin Carnoy
Jean Tepper
Jeff Rubin and Marcia Pope
Jeffrey Brown and Deborah Sobel
Jeffrey Ross and Janice Platt
Jeffrey Wohl and Anne Marie Noonan
Jennifer and Jason Alderman
Jennifer Gosselin and Reed Maltzman
Jennifer Kass
Jennifer Krasnoff Homa and Eitan Homa
Jennifer Margalit
Jeremy Goldstein
Jerome Falk
Jerry and Carol Rosenblatt
Jerry and Marilyn Jacobson
Jessica Brandwein
Jessica Romm
Jethro R. Busch
Jill Lerner Hallinan
Jing and Joel Piser
Jo Ann Berman
Joan Bradus and Dale Friedman
Joan Sarnat and David Hoffman
Joanne and Steven Saxe
Joanne Howard
Joanne Yawitz Farkas
Jodi Klein and Michael Darnaud
Joel and Elizabeth Hausman
Joel and Joan Brodsky
Joel Isaacson
Joel Roos and Laurie Isenberg
Joelle and Ralph Edler
John and Sheree Shoch
John Brian Keyes
John Donnelley
Jon and Diane Levinson
Jonathan Abrams
Jonathan and Barbara Windham
Jonathan and Tamar Miller
Jonathan Bloch
Jonathan Fuchs and Larry Rand
Jonathan Kadis
Jonathan Lebowitz
Jordan and Simone Stanzler
Joseph and Joyce Behar
Josh Slovik
Joshua Lippman
Joshua Slater
Joy Koletsky and Jonathan Jacobs
Joyce Jaffe Reynolds
Joyce Pavlovsky
Judel Lew
Judi Elman and Gordon Harris
Judith Forman
Judith Meshorer
Judith Morris
Judith Teitler
Judith Zimmerman
Judy and Gary Grossman
Judy and Milton Grinberg
Judy Gaviser
Julian and Shirley Ehrlich
Juliette and Jeffrey Goldman
June and Robert Safran
Kara Wertheimer and Eliot Alfi
Karen and Adam Fingerman
Karen Radwin
Kate O’Bannon
Katherine Schapiro
Kathleen Reich and Kenneth Meyer
Kathy Krohn
Kehilla Fund
Kehillat Israel Reconstructionist Congregation of Pacific Palisades
Ken and Shirley Deutsch
Kenneth Gwynn and Joshua Zerkel
Kenneth Katz
Kenneth Roberts
Kevin and Ayesha Barenblat
Kimberly and Simon Blattner
Kimberly Saper Sanner and Daniel Sanner
Kitty and Lee Price
Lafayette Music, LLC
Lage Andersen
Larry and Barbara Scharf
Laura and Eric Tannenwald
Laura Duffy
Laurel and Sidney Samuels
Laurel Goldman
Lauren and Glen Segal
Lauren Wilner and Adam Eilath
Laurence and Wendy Washtien
Laurence Hordon
Laurie Kahn
Lawrence and Helene Edelman
Lawrence Grossman and Susan Cohen Grossman
Lawrence Moskowitz and Louise Packard
Lawrence Prager and Linda Myszak
Lawrence Silver
Lawrence Wolf
Lea Hallert
Leah Baars and Martin Brounstein
Lee and Stuart Pollak
Lee z’’l and Franklin Battat
Leon and Judy Bloomfield
Leonard & Vicki Brill Philanthropic Fund
Leonard Bunes
Leonard Katz
Leonard Schwab
Leslee and Wayne Feinstein
Leslie and Carol Benet
Leslie Brand
Leslye and Michael Dellar
Lester and Linda Schwartz
Levi Aronson
Linda and Dan Friedman
Linda and Edward Rosen
Linda and Frank Kurtz
Linda and Harvey Ziff
Linda and Leon Klapper
Linda and Leonard Cohen
Linda Golan
Linda Lipson
Linda Marks and Earl Blauner
Lionel Schour
Liora Pier
Lisa and Howard Wenger
Lisa and John Geisse
Lisa Douglass Pearlmutter and Steven Pearlmutter
Lisa Friedman and James Harris
Lisa Stone Pritzker
Lisa Tabak and Jeffrey Lipsett
Lois and Paul Levine
Lois and Stephen Chess
Lois Horwitz
Loren and Robyn Shalinsky
Lori Menachof z’’l
Lorna Siepser and Steve Klebe
Louis Weller
Louise and Michael Lipsey
Lydia and Eric Weiss
Lynn and Leonard Epstein
Lynn and Paul Sedway
Lynn Burrows Bunim
Madison Hanten
Marc and Brooke Joseph
Marc and Rebecca Jedel
Marc and Sandra Klein
Marcia and John Goldman
Marcia Nadel Fiman and Keith Fiman
Marcy Freedman
Margaret Epp Miller Philanthropic Fund
Margery and Norman Shapiro
Marian and Abraham Sofaer
Marian and David Finkelstein
Mariana Schiffner
Marilyn and Ronald Schilling
Marilyn Braiger
Marilyn Meier
Marilynne Solloway
Marina and Ilya Lipkind
Marjorie and Robert Kaplan
Mark and Donna Blum
Mark and Judy Cohen
Mark and Laurie Berman
Mark and Loraine Horne
Mark and Robyn Setzen
Mark and Susan Schickman
Mark Davidow
Mark Goldman
Mark Klein
Mark L. Epstein
Mark Nelson
Marlene and Jonathan Sakol
Marlene and Stephen Kofman
Marlene Rabinovitch
Marlene Siminow
Marnin and Margo Kligfeld
Marshall and Anne Richman
Martin and Rise Cherin
Martin Harband and Gail Friedman
Martin Katz z’’l
Marvin Wenger
Mary and David Rabb
Matan Shacham and Emily Chiswick-Patterson
Matthew Disco
Matthew Feldman
Matthew Friedman
Maurice and Emily Weinger
Megan Tallmer
Melanie Vest
Melissa and David Sobel
Melissa Baumwald
Melissa Golden
Melissa Heller and Steven Douglas
Melville Marx, Jr. z’’l *
Merry Ross and Patrick Zimski
Michael and Ariella Radwin
Michael and Pearl Bender
Michael and Ronnie Goldfield
Michael and Sheila Rokeach
Michael and Susan Schwartz
Michael Barclay and Susan Kayton
Michael Charlson and Susan Austin
Michael Fink
Michael Fruchtman
Michael Futterman
Michael Harris
Michael Kapiloff
Michael Lamm
Michael Langberg
Michael Luckoff
Michael Osborn
Michael Silpa
Michael Stern
Michael Ungar and Lisa Spiegel
Michele Klein and Glenn Daniel
Michelle and Dennis Kleid
Michelle Meahl
Mimi and Jeff Felson
Mindy and Michael Murphy
Miriam and Martin Goodman
Miriam and Richard Morgan
Miriam and William Marlin
Miriam Wolf and Danny Moskowitz
Mitchell and Harriet Sollod
Mitchell Bonner
Mitchell Meyer
Mois Macias
Mollee Sue and Jack Zoken
Mordecai and Susan Miller
Morgan Stanley Gift Fund
Moshe Cohen
Moshe Gat
Mr. Frank Lang and Loretta Richmond Lang
Myron z’’l and Ellen Turbow
Nan Phinney
Nancy and Howard Bott
Nancy and Ken Rudin
Nancy and Max Gisko
Nancy Boughey
Nancy Freedman
Nancy Igdaloff and Monica Levin
Naomi Mitchell and Eddie Gornish
Natalie Jaffe and James Sammet
Nathan and Linda Schultz
National Philanthropic Trust
Natsuko and Jonathan Greenberg
Neal and Linda Birnbaum
Ned and Sheila Himmel
Neil Koris
Neil Weisberg
Nelli and Kevin Perkins
Noah and Carey Wintroub
Norma Zimmerman
OGSG11 Corp
Orlee Rabin and David Shlachter
Orly Klein
Oshman Family Jewish Community Center
Osterweis Capital Management
Patricia and Edwin z’’l Berkowitz
Patricia and Ronald Adler
Patty and Steve Bort
Paul and Gail Switzer
Paul and Geraldine Alpert
Paul Coleman
Paul Kofman
Paula and Harold Rubin
Paula Smith
Paula Tint
Paulette Meyer and David Friedman
PayPal Charitable Giving Fund
Penny and John Loeb
Peter and Skylar Cohen
Peter and Virginia Haas
Peter Pollat
Peter Tardos
Philanthropic Ventures Foundation
Philip and Beth Sunshine
Philip and Maurine Halperin
Philip and Teri Oppenheimer
Philip Charney
Philip Kahn and Marilyn Elperin
Philip z’’l and Judith Erdberg
Philippa and Eliot Jubelirer
Phillip Goldberg
Phyllis C. Helfand
Polina Akabas
Professor Jack Citrin
Professor Steven Solomon
Rabbi Amy Eilberg and Louis Newman
Rabbi Bernie and Yetta Robinson
Rabbi Beth and Rabbi Jonathan Singer
Rabbi Daniel and Sandra Feder
Rabbi Eric Weiss and Dan Alpert
Rabbi Idit Solomon
Rachel Bernstein
Rachel Kaber
Rachel Perkel and Shawn Becker
Rachel Sheinbein and Joseph Greenstein
Rachelle Diamond
Ralph Anavy
Ralph and Claire Brindis
Ralph Daniel
Randall Maycock and Karen Barton-Maycock
Randi Miller
Randi Shafton and Andrew Lieberman
Ray Oretsky
Reba Cohen
Rebecca Arons and Eric Fastiff
Rebecca Randall and Jeff Musser
Regina Gitman
Rena Leibovitch
Renee and Dennis Jermaine
Reuben and Vivienne Donig
Reyla Graber
Rhonda Press and Lawrence Ragent
Richard Almond
Richard and Nancy Robbins
Richard and Siva Heiman
Richard Felton and Anezka Felton
Richard Kind
Richard Mordesovich
Richard Shames
Richard Thalheimer
Riki Alcheck and William Sheppard
Rita and Steven Harowitz
Rita Kaplan
Riva and David Berelson Jr.
Robbin Mashbein and Martin Lipton
Robert and Betty Spiegelman
Robert and Leslie Levy
Robert and Marion Blumberg
Robert and Marla Kane
Robert and Sally Reingold
Robert and Sue Novasel
Robert and Susan Rushakoff
Robert Brown
Robert Grossman and Wendy Ross
Robert Hancock
Robert Links and Patty Burness
Robert Roesbery
Robert Zerner
Robert Zucker
Robin Berry and William Ringer
Robin Flagg and Jon Braslaw
Robin Yoshimura
Roger Low
Rolando Cohen
Rolly Slatt
Ron and Barbara Kaufman*
Rona Silkiss and Neil Jacobstein
Ronald and Francine Cohen
Ronald Blatman and Emerald Yeh
Ronald David
Roslyn Payne
Roxanne and David Cohen
Russell Steinweg
Ruth and Benson Joseph
Ruth Browns Gundelfinger
Ruth Donig-White and Robert White
Ruth Goodman
Ruth V. Glick
Sallie DeGolia and Martin Bronk
Samuel Goldman
Sandee Blechman and Steven Goldberg
Sandra and Jay Hirsh
Sandra Bragar
Sandra Edwards
Sandra J. Shapiro
Sandra Lipkowitz
Sandra Strauss Stern and Jon Stern
Sara and David Schnell
Sara and Gregg Rubenstein
Sarah Marder-Friedkin and David Friedkin
Sarah Weintraub
Sarette and Bill Nicholson
Schwab Charitable Fund
Scott Helsinger
Scott Rodrick
Seth and Kelly Levy
Seth McNally
Seymour Cohen
Shachar Tassa
Shana Olson
Shanah and Mitchell Liverant
Shari and Donald Ornstein
Sharna and Irvin Frank Foundation
Sharon Abrams
Sharon and Jay Levy
Sharon Burns and Alan Ziff
Sharon Scudder
Sheila and Alan Gordon
Sheldon and Alice Miller
Sheldon and Lorrin Lewis
Shelley and steven and Steven Sampson
Shelli Semler
Shira Levine
Shirley Gottesman
Shirley Levy
Shirley Liebhaber
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Solange and Andre Gabany
Solomon Piha
Sophie and Dane Ross
Stacey and Kenneth Horowitz
Stacey Calhoun
Stacy Goodman
Stanley and Wendy Holcenberg
Stanley Ross
Stefan and Jill Zechowy
Stephanie and Darin Sadow
Stephanie and Rudolph Hoffman
Stephen and Carol Nimelstein
Stephen and Cathy Lazarus
Stephen and Donna Dobrow
Stephen and Helene Jaffe
Stephen and Margaret Edelson
Stephen and Rhoda Nutik
Stephen Cohen
Stephen z’’l and Merry Astor
Steve and Karen Bovarnick
Steve Cohn
Steven and Diane Goldman
Steven and Ina Bauman
Steven and Jacqueline Grossman
Steven Friedman
Steven Sloan
Steven Tepper
Stewart and Donna Weinberg
Stuart Corvin
Stuart Kogod and Denise Garone
Stuart Oxer
Stuart Scheinholtz
Sue Hammer
Susan and Douglas Solomon
Susan and George Cohen
Susan and Ken Sims
Susan and Mark Lachtman
Susan and Paul Finkle
Susan and Robert Bernheim
Susan and Stephen Kellerman
Susan and William Epstein
Susan Gordon
Susan Heller
Susan Karp
Susan Lackritz Kaplan
Susan Lempert
Susan Lowe
Susan Nurock
Susan Whitman
Susan Yakubek
Susie and Alan Greinetz
Suzan and Terry Kramer
Suzanne Becker Bronk and James Bronk
Suzanne Schneider and Dov Herbstman
Sylvia Alderman
Tal’s Patisserie
Talya and Amit Ronen
Tanya and Mark Bernstein
Tasia Melvin
Taxy Family Fund
Ted Storey and Jaimie Sanford
Ted Wertheimer
Temple Beth Shalom
Temple Rodef Shalom
Terry and Carin Hird
Theodore Samuels
Therese Vandenberg and Michael Goldstein
Thomas Ezrin
Thomas Klein
Thomas Raffin
Tim Ozenne
Tobey Roland
Toby and Jennifer Gottheiner
Tobye Kaye
Tracy Leeds
Tracy Sherman and Steven Friedman
Varde Partners
Vera and Harold z’’l Stein
Veronique and Robin Morris
Victoria Rybka and Nathan Ladyzhensky
Victoria Tabler
Vida and Jeff Harband
Vincenza Green
Virginia and David Vogel
Wendy and Jeremy Verba
Wendy and Mark Feldman
Wendy Bear
Wendy Buffett and Joel Kreisberg
Wendy Miller
Will Stockwell
William Court Cohen
William Katz and Beth Kramer
Winding Way Philanthropic Fund
Women of Rodef Sholom
Wynne Dubovoy
Yale Doberne
Yale z’’l and Arlene Downes
Yelena Shapiro
Yury and Evgenya Fridman
Yvonne and Gary Goddard
Zvi and Marjorie z’’l Danenberg
Aaron and Jessica Rosenbaum
Aaron and Sue Kamins
Aaron Bellings
Aaron Belpedio
Aaron Cooper
Aaron Crane
Aaron Dorn
Aaron Jaffey
Aaron Levinson
Aaron Saxe
Aaron Sheanin
Aaron Sholin
Aaron Sunshine
Abbe Liebling
Abby Swerin
Abby Tennenbaum
Abigail Teisch
Abraham and Alice Lev
Abraham Weitzberg
Abraham Zeif
Adam and Leah Felson
Adam and Lyn Werbach
Adam and Maia Noily
Adam Berman and Deena Aranoff
Adam Chase
Adam Miller
Adam Munoz
Adam Salky
Adam Stein
Addie Hilgard
Adel Goldenberg
Adele Amodeo
Adele and Ronald Ostomel
Adele Kellman
Adele Laurence
Adele R. Passalacqua
Adelina Elo
Adelle Leopold
Adena and Seth Kaplan
Adi and Guy Rom
Adina Diamond
Adrienne Addicott
Adrienne Ashkin
Adrienne Bavar and Marc Wolfe
Adrienne Bronstein and Andrew Becker
Adrienne Prager
Aerenson Glaser Families Philanthropic Fund
Aileen Fisher
Aileen Frankel
Ailsa Steckel and Steven Rosenthal
Aimee Moses
Al and Anne-Marie Bloch
Alain Azan
Alaina Kretchmer
Alan and Cindy Schaer
Alan and Michelle Eisenbruck
Alan and Nancy Schwartz
Alan B. Snyder and Susan R. Katz-Snyder Family Philanthropic Fund
Alan Burckin and Carol Olmert
Alan Fleishman
Alan Goldstein
Alan Karras
Alan Kates
Alan Marchick
Alan Mark and Jeffrey Fraenkel
Alan Mirviss
Alan Warshaw
Alan Weissberger
Alan Zemsky
Alana and Jacob Ballon
Alana Hawkins
Alana Shindler
Albert and Natalie Bivas
Albert and Susanne Geller
Alberta Mayer
Alec and Eugenia Budman
Aleksandr and Alla Dvorkin
Aleksandr and Marina Frid
Aleksandra Soykin
Alena Naumova
Alex Coleman
Alex Estis
Alex Katofsky
Alex Lehmann
Alex Lin-Goldsmith
Alex Milshteyn
Alex Nerland and Lisa Signoff
Alex Rozenson
Alex Snow
Alex Varum and Natalie Kriegel
Alexa Norstad
Alexander and Irene Brezman
Alexander and Maria Yarmolinsky
Alexander Rein
alexander wertheim
Alexandra Bernstein
Alexandra Espinoza
Alexandra Vulfovich
Alexandra Zapruder
Alexis and Len and Len Soled
Alfa Loberg
Alfee Gross
Alfred and Dorothy Whitman
Alfred Hammerslough Memorial Philanthropic Fund
Alice and Richard Lasky
Alice Davidson
Alice Wald and Paul Overmyer
Alisa and Calvin Morrill
Alison Feldman
Alison Manel
Alison Sherman
Alison Sloan
Alison Stout
Alissa and Michael Ralston
Alister Jackson
Aliya and Gil Gordon
Aliza Craimer Elias and Nimrod Elias
All Creatures Veterinary Hospital
Alla Alperin
Alla Hesse
Allan and Denise Berman
Allan and Joanna Berland
Allan and Julia Wofchuck
Allan and Nancy Zackler
Allan and Susan Bernstein
Allan Reiter
Allan Sidle and Patricia Meyer
Allen and Jean Wolman
Allen and Sheri Bernstein
Allen Rubin
Allen Weinberg and Michelle Price Weinberg
Allison Fragakis
Allison Green
Allison Morganstern
Allison Murnin
Allison Parks
Allison Roberts
Allison Webber
Alyssa Weinberger
Amanda and Dennis Eisner
Amanda Byers
Amanda Cohen and Scott Ridel
Amanda D’Agostino
Amanda Marmer
Amber Debole
Ami Zusman
Amia Carrillo Ramanathan
Amie Reed
Amir Axelrod and Sherry Wang-Axelrod
Amit Toren
Ammie Vo-Robinson
Amnon Levy
Amora Grover
Amourence Lee
Amy Allen
Amy and Danny D’Ull
Amy and Jeff Block
Amy and Joel Levine
Amy and Mitch Bornstein
Amy and Paul Sobel
Amy Applebaum
Amy Brodo
Amy Cohen
Amy Herman
Amy Jasmer
Amy Katz
Amy Kelly
Amy Leder
Amy Leonard
Amy Meyer
Amy Pizzarello
Amy Shulman
Amy Wood
Amy Yulish
Amy Zemnick
Ana Ambar Quijano Gonzalez
Ana Rosa Jauregui
Anastasia Glikshtern
Anat Girmonsky
Anat Zlotolow
Anatoliy and Victoria Meklin
Anatoly Marin
AnCal Insurance Agency
Andi and Rick Frenkel
Andrea and Michael Cassidy
Andrea Christianson
Andrea Elwork
Andrea Jacoby and Robert Brody
Andrea Lichter
Andrea Persily
Andrea Roth
Andrew and Emme Levine
Andrew and Patricia Zeisler
Andrew Block
Andrew Brown and Shirley Young
Andrew Condey and Jane Kaplan
Andrew Daniel
Andrew Finke
Andrew Freund
Andrew Immerman
Andrew Kleinman
Andrew Lasker
Andrew Lieberman
Andrew Rittenberg and Amy Lit
Andy and Lauren Ganes
Andy and Nancy Fleming
Andy Block
Andy Cohen
Angela and David Dubovsky
Angela and Eli Eisenpress
Angela Andriuli
Angela Castillo
Angela Mak
Angela Trainor
Angelina Levy
Ani Varro
Anita and Mike Korenstein
Anita Ettinger
Anita Jackson
Anita Levitch
Anita Stapen
Anita Tebbe
Ann and Don Denny
Ann and Steven Chalmer
Ann Dacy
Ann M Glasser
Ann Morgenstern and Jeff Kallman
Ann Wolverton
Ann z’’l and David Rapson
Anna and Daniel LaForte
Anna Bates
Anna Filardi
Anna Goldberg
Anna Kheyfets
Anna Martin
Anna Ratner
Anne and Eran Matalon
Anne and John Fuchs-Chesney
Anne and Noah Rubin
Anne Bransten Wooster
Anne Flannery
Anne Grenn Saldinger and Erez Saldinger
Anne Guillamet
Anne Jones
Anne Pearl
Anne Peskoe
Anne Sipes
Anne Sutherland
Annette Benoudiz
Annette Insdorf
Annette Lipkin
Anni Bekerman
Annie Wolfson
Annise and Arnold Brokstein
Anshei Isaiah
Anthony and Kate Rozenvasser
Anthony Ciccone
Anthony Feldstein
Anthony I Fischer
Anthony Monroe
Anya Silverman
April Cogar
Ari Chasnoff and Rebekah Goldstein
Ari Derfel
Ariane De Bremond
Ariel Axelrod
Ariel Pribluda
Arielle and Doron Hendel
Arielle Hassid
Arlene and Arthur Cohen
Arlene Burd
Arlene Finn
Arlene Levy
Arlene Root
Arlene Zuckerberg
arlo renee ledesma
Armando Miranda
Arnold and Phyllis Rosenfield
Arnold Lerner
Arnold Skor
Aron Kirschner
Art and Janet Wong
Art Hyams
Art With Susan
Arthi Britto
Arthur and Annie Liberman
Arthur and Jackie Naftaly
Arthur and Joanne Sobel
Arthur and Laura Cohen
Arthur and Marilee Fenn
Arthur and Mary Jo Shartsis
Arthur and Mildred Salop
Arthur Blum
Arthur Sheyn
Arthur Wolf
Artur Ewert
Ashley Johnston
Ashley Rutberg
Ashlyn Roeder
Audra and Andrew Greenspan
Audrey and David Wagman
Audrey Finci
Audrey Neuman
Audrey White
Aurora Musich
Austin Wolfe
Ava Shelby
Avery Goodman
Avia Gridi
Aviva Fronen
Aviva Health, Inc
Aviva Orner
Aviva Rothman-Shore
Avram Kornberg
B&B Locksmith and Secutiy Inc
Bailard Inc.
Bailey and Jeff Peters
Bambi Kaplan and William Weisband
Barae Tison
Barbara and Allan Barza
Barbara and Arthur Greenberg
Barbara and Arthur Leaffer
Barbara and Fred Eikenberry
Barbara and Gerald August
Barbara and Joel Gereboff
Barbara and Jon McEntyre
Barbara and Marty Kaplan
Barbara and Philip O’Hay
Barbara Becker
Barbara Benoualid
Barbara Block
Barbara Cohrssen-Powell
Barbara Davis
Barbara Delman
Barbara Franklin
Barbara Gersch
Barbara Gilbert
Barbara Goldstein
Barbara Gordon and Peter Kane
Barbara Greenwald
Barbara Gregoratos and Jeffrey Brandstetter
Barbara Gross Davis
Barbara Hafter
Barbara Hofstein
Barbara Litt
Barbara Lowenstein
Barbara Lustig
Barbara McGee
Barbara Merino
Barbara Oseroff
Barbara Praizner
Barbara Ross
Barbara Smoller
Barbara Sobel and Jonathan Rubens
Barbara Tuber-Sooy and Darrell Sooy
Barbara Wein
Barbara Williamson
Barbie Levine
Barbra Rosenstein
Barchi and Saar Gillai
Bari Goldojarb
Barrie Galanti
Barrie Solomon
Barrie Stern
Barry and Debby Barkan
Barry and Donna Brian
Barry and Ellen Levine
Barry and Gayle Joseph
Barry and Janet Robbins
Barry and Karen Weiss
Barry and Laura Denenberg
Barry and Leslie Friedman
Barry and Marcia Hart
Barry and Mari Tepper
Barry and Robin Weinzveg
Barry and Rochelle Schiffman Philanthropic Fund
Barry and Rosalie Emanuel
Barry and Susan Karl
Barry and Tirtza Pearl
Barry Epstein and Judith Levin
Barry Feiner
Barry Reich
Barry Shafer
Barry Taranto
Bart and Charlene Schachter
Bart Charlow
Bart Grossman
Batsheva Stein
Be Soothe Cousins
Beatrice Kushner
Beckie Root-Edwards
Becky Blakley
Belinda Suntop
Ben Harris
Ben Shemano Jewelry
Benjamin and Heidi Lerner
Benjamin and Joanna Grossman
Benjamin and Julie Lloyd
Benjamin and Melodie Rubin
Benjamin Gilbert
Benjamin Janofsky
Benjamin Kramarz
Benjamin Pearman
Benjamin Reedlunn
Bennett Bergman
Benny Margules
Bernadette Chi
Bernard and Barbara Meyers
Bernard and Carol Gutow
Bernard and Carole Fried
Bernard and Joanne Arfin
Bernard and Lonna Wolf
Bernard and Shelley Ross
Bernard LaPedis
Bernice Fallick
Bertrand and Jackie Baylin
Beryl Tang
Bess Gurman
Beth and Alan Weiss
Beth and George Mills
Beth Burke
Beth Cranston
Beth Kanter
Beth Klugman
Beth Manning
Beth Rabin
Beth Riseman
Beth Samuelson
Beth Tzinberg
Betsy Aidem
Bette and Martin Rosenthal Philanthropic Fund
Bettina Stiewe
Betty Abelev
Betty and Robert La Vine z’’l
Betty Becker
Betty Dvorson
Betty Fellows
Betty Gandel
Betty Kowaloff
Betty Miller Kolotkin and Marvin Kolotkin
Betty Weinberg
Beverly and Jay Ripps
Beverly and Michael Rochelle
Beverly Derish
Beverly Saylor
Beverly Taylor
Bill Derrickson
Bill Greig
Bill Kedem and Laurel Rest
Bina Guerrieri
Blake Felson and Ashley Ein
Blake Kutner and Meredith Heller
Bob and Lisa Bernstein
Bob Gordon and Juan Patino
Bobbi and Martin Bach
Bobbie Collins
Bonni Schiff
Bonnie Gottlieb
Bonnie Grossman
Bonnie Siegel
Boris Kinevsky
Boris Vladimirsky
Brad Adelberg
Brad Lakritz
Bradley and Judith Colton
Brandon Humann
Breht Napoli and Michal Sadoff
Brenda Eskenazi and Eric Lipsitt
Brenda Morris
Brenda Scheps
Brendan Nemeth
Brentwood Philanthropic Fund
Brett and Marisa Goldstein
Brian and Anne Rabkin
Brian and Judy Schindler
Brian and Lisa Sugar
Brian Kirshner and Judy Thalheimer
Brian Mendel
Brian Mickelwait
Brian Schrolucke
Brian Wolf and Donna Ornitz
Brittany Cartwright
Brittany Gupton
Brock MacDonald
Brooke Agather
Brooke and Jamie Zimmerman
Bruce and Elaine Levy
Bruce and Ina Rice
Bruce and Jeri Bartfeld
Bruce and Joanne Friedman
Bruce and Justine Highman
Bruce and Marya Wintroub
Bruce and Vivian Euzent
Bruce Bokor
Bruce Cohen and Sharon Krause
Bruce Feldstein
Bruce Furman and Karen Winkleman Furman
Bruce Lawson
Bruce Leicher
Bruce Levin
Bruce Raskin
Bruce Starkman
Bruce Waxman
Bryna Naftaly
Brynn Stuart
Bunny Burson
Cait Post
Caitlin and Sam Gaynor
Caitlin Beecher
Caitlin Newland
Cally Wong
Calvin Zippin
Camelot Lindauer
Cameron Leung
Cameron Sadow
Camille C. Menke
Camille Richman
Candice Schwartzcan
Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund
Cantor Linda R. Semi
Cari and Dov Jelen
Carin Zelenko
Carl and Paula Baum
Carl Morehouse
Carla Kozak
Carla Naumburg
Carley Goldberg
Carlo Geraci
Carly Bodnick
Carmela D Krantz
Carol Allen
Carol and Brian Fischer
Carol and Paul Diamond
Carol Balkin
Carol Evans
Carol Hoffman and James Matson
Carol Langbort
Carol Levison
Carol Misrack
Carol Schatzberg
Carol Svetcov
Carol Vernon
Carola Zanoletti
Carole and Douglas Sheft
Carole Katz
Carole Suffin
Caroline and Andrew Weinstein
Caroline Kress
Caroline Serino
Carolyn and Mark Solomon
Carolyn and Robert Moore
Carolyn Anderson
Carolyn Aronson
Carolyn Thon and Douglas Slakey
Carolyn Zaroff
Carrie Shapiro
Carrie Wheeler
Caryl and Kenneth Kurtzman
Caryn May
Casey Kinaan
Cassell Reese
Catherine and Arthur z’’l Bernstein
Catherine and Richard Janigian
Catherine Berman
Catherine LeFevre
Catherine Lewi
Catherine Messman
Catherine Miller
Catherine Pieck z’’l and Daniel Hoffman and
Cathy and Peter H. Deutsch
Cathy and Thomas Brown
Cathy Blumberg
Cathy Petrick
Celia Rifkin
Charles and Beth Brummer
Charles and Beverly Gherman
Charles and Leah Fisher
Charles and Margo Klipp
Charles and Maria Benet
Charles and Miriam Marr
Charles and Shabana Siegel
Charles Bauer
Charles Green and Sheri Cohen
Dr. Charles and Bobbi Glaser
Charles Hug
Charles Natt
Charles Strause
Charles Wexler
Charlotte Greenberg
Charlotte Rosario
Charlotte Scott
Charlotte Stewart
Chelsea Murdock
Chere and Paul Elsinga
Cheri and David Levenson
Cheryl Gewing
Cheryl Lazar and Bill McKenzie
Cheryl Nowack
Cheryl Szalay
Chin Teong Lee
Chloe Cheng
Chloe Sullivan
Chris Folkman
Christian Lawrence
Christine and Adam Tachner
Christopher Browning
Christopher Orev Reiger
Christy Jeck
Chuck and Pat Eisner
Cindy Harris
Cindy Ostroff and Raoul Stepakoff
Cindy Sibley
Cinthia Simon
Claire Taylor
Claire Vieceli
Clara Abecassis
Colby Schulman
Colette Patt
Colleen Horowitz
Connie Sheddan
Constance Wolf
Cora Ross
Corinne Lipski
Courtney Leary
Craig and Ellin Sadur
Craig Friedman
Craig Silver
Craig Stone
Curtis and Marion Meier
Cynthia Barowsky
Cynthia Berrol
Cynthia Cersasoli
Cynthia Gonzalez
D. Steven and Ruth Nash
Dafna Farkas
Daisy Seigel
Daiva Woodworth
Dale and Robert Mitchell
Dalton DeFord
Dan & Valarie Kalb
Dan and Barbara Freeman
Dan and Molly Laufer
Dan Bornstein
Dan Spier
Dana and Jeffrey Hyman
Dana and Marty Izenson
Dana Cappelloni
Dana Ingraham
Dana Romalis
Dana Scheer
Daniel and Alissa Rozansky
Daniel and Anne Bookin
Daniel and Constance Neustein
Daniel and Elana Weinberg
Daniel and Gabriella Hegwer
Daniel and Leslie Davidson
Daniel and Rosemary Kaplan
Daniel and Sharon Fisher
Daniel Briskin
Daniel Frank
Daniel Goldman
Daniel Israel
Daniel Jaffe and Yael Yakar
Daniel Kohanski
Daniel Leff
Daniel Loeb
Daniel Matz
Daniel McClosky and Nancy Toder
Daniel Mitz and Elizabeth Olson Philanthropic Fund
Daniel Mozzetti
Daniel Newman and Allegra Apple
Daniel Paleg
Daniel Perman
Daniel Ross
Daniel Saxe
Daniel shifteh
Daniel Stellenberg and Dana Doctorow
Daniel Taller
Daniela and Seth Silverstein
Danielle Simon
Danise Chandler
Danny Wein
Daphna and Phillip Ross
Dario Perfettibile
Darlene B. Pasch
Darren Brady-Harris
Darren Starr
Daryl and Michael Shafran
Daryll Miller
Da’Shawn Williams
Dave Kwinter
David Aghassi
David and Adrienne Weil
David and Alison Wagonfeld
David and Alla Tseyref
David and Annette Kranzler
David and Carol Booth
David and Carole Brodsly
David and Debra Sokolsky
David and Diane Swartz
David and Elaine Freed
David and Elinor Gross
David and Gail Offen-Brown
David and Jan Mishel
David and Jane Moss
David and Judith Layne
David and June Marinoff
David and Lauren Berman
David and Lola Safer
David and Lynn Chazin
David and Marcia Berger
David and Marcia Sperling
David and Marney Margules
David and Maureen Stolman
David and Melinda Joffe
David and Michelle Rubin
David and Nell Levy
David and Solange Levy
David and Susan Solomon
David and Vivian Auslander
David and Wendy Robinow
David and Yudif Kharakh
David Arrick
David Bartel
David Bukhan
David Cheng
David Cohen and Rachel Thur Cohen
David Cruz
David David
David Denny
David Epstein
David Fein
David Gilbert
David Gill
David Gilmore
David Goldin
David Gordon and Lucia Heldt
David Green
David Green
David Hauser
David Kalinsky
David Kaskowitz and Susan Kahn
David Kiefer
David Kleinberg
David Laeger
David Lasker and Eddie Baddour
David Lenik
David Lerner
David LeVine and Lisa Mark
David Mandel
David McKnight and Kristin Vosburg
David Menke
David Millstein and Carole Carluccio
David Naggar
David Newman
David Norris
David Radwin and Kara Vuicich
David Ross
David Rubinstein
David Salm
David Sanders
David Schach
David Scharf
David Schrieberg
David Schurman
David Schwartz
David Seligman
David Shafton
David Stone
David Weisenberg M.D.
David Zebker
David z’’l and Jeanne Himy
Davida and Michael Rabbino
Davida Hartman
David-Alexandre Gros Philanthropic Fund
Davide Salti
Dawn Kimball
Dawn Osterweil and Tracy Artson
Dayton Foundation Depository, Inc.
Deanna Kraz
Deanna Stilwell
Deanne and Frank Winer
Deb Blum
Debbie and Bruce Maxon
Debbie and Bruce Parelskin
Debbie and Malcolm Karlinsky
Debbie Block Temin
Debbie Freed
Debbie Sklar
Debbie Spangler
Debi and Stuart Birger
Debora Lott
Deborah and Charlton Schwartz
Deborah and Mark Johnson
Deborah and Stu Kirsch
Deborah and Tim Kleffman
Deborah Bay
Deborah Boyar
Deborah Chizever Taback and Bryan Taback
Deborah Cohen
Deborah Eckstein
Deborah Glenn
Deborah Goldman
Deborah Greenberg
Deborah Kraut
Deborah McCabe
Deborah Pollack Wasserman
Deborah Retzloff
Deborah Shulman
Deborah Swarts
Debra and Darren Kleinberg
Debra Fickler
Debra Lande
Debra Leibowitz
Debra Licolli
Debra Massey
Debra Mendelson
Debra Ruben
Debra Schifrin
Debrah Joy Martin
Deena and Rob Bertolina
Deena Zuckerman
Deirdre Simmons
Delaney Brown
Dena and Paul Fisher
Dena Barisano
Dena Smith
Deni Marshall
Denis Rauchman
Denise Elbert
Denise Resnikoff and Leonard Kristal
Denni Mador
Dennis and Hene Kelly
Dennis and Janice Berkowitz
Dennis Wishnie
Dennise Dalma and Daniel Saal
Derek and Maureen Krantz
Devora Kothari
Devra Aarons and Jon Hesser
Dharani Paramasivam
Diana Bright
Diana Cohen
Diana Wilmot
Diane and Jeffry Bernstein
Diane and Michael Steiner
Diane and Robert Master
Diane B. and Robert M. Neuhaus
Diane Brett
Diane Ehrlich
Diane Epstein-Porter
Diane Gyuricza
Diane Malnekoff
Diane Rosenberg
Diane Schoenfeld
Diane Wendel
Diane Zacher
Dick and Deborah Bennett
Dina Jacobson
Dmitry and Olga Budker
Doe Renee Tolle
Dolores Taller
Dominique Charles
Don and Ann Rothblatt
Don and Marcia Ehrlich
Don Hansen
Don Marks and Gabrielle Handler Marks
Donald and Sandra z’’l Stearns
Donald Brown
Donald Ermann
Donald Harker
Donald Jobes
Donald Miller
Donald Mintz
Donald Pepperman
Donald Platt
Donald Rosenberg
Donald Schreiber
Doni Katz and Stephanie Shelan Katz
Donita Decker
Donna and David Mendelsohn
Donna and Joe Fogel
Donna Batya Zucker
Donna Breger Stanton
Donna Reed
Donna Solen
Donna Stein
Donna Zulman and Noah Rosenberg
Donna-Leigh Rowley
Dora and Morris Lobel Memorial Philanthropic Fund
Doreen and Jonathan Landes
Doreen Booth
Doris and Daniel Schick
Doris and Jim Kelly
Doris Fine
Dorit Hertz
Dorothy Anderson
Dorothy Grimm
Doug and Linda Cort
Doug and Lori Elefant
Doug Goldstein
Doug Rossiter
Douglas and Cynthia Kaye
Douglas Gould
Douglas McLain
Douglas Randall and Michelle Weissman-Randall
Dov and Madelyn Isaacs
Dov Neidich and Elaine Gecht
Dove and Zviki Govrin
Drew and Deborah Baker
Earl and Susan Agron
Earl Turner, Jr.
Ed and Nancy Sherman
Ed Baseley
Ed Hanley and Debbie Frank
Ed Malone
Edison Zhang
Edith Kaplan
Edna Koren and Adam Smyla
Ednah Beth Friedman
Eduard Gutkin
Edward and Ann Zinman
Edward and Miriam Landesman
Edward and Phyllis Miller
Edward and Sandra Baumgarten
Edward and Shelly Drasin
Edward Berkowitz
Edward Felsenthal
Edward Jacobs
Edward Kaplan and Donna Luporini Kaplan
Edward Luby and Pamela Derish
Edward Mamary
Edward Tanovitz
Eileen Chadwick
Eileen Hinds
Eileen Ingenthron
Eileen Levin
Eileen Schwartz
Eilon Gilinski
Elaine Bachrach
Elaine Dines
Elaine Friesler
Elaine Hilp
Elaine Leeder
Elaine Morgan
Elaine Weinstein
Elan Amir and Alexandra Lonne
Elana and Eric Hornstein
Elana Hutter
Elana Keil
Elana Weil
Elayne Graylow
Elazar Chertow
Eleanor Aronovsky z’’l
Eleanor Levin and Neil Gesundheit
Eleanor Nadler
Elena and Eugene Ingerman
Elena Komsky
Elena Matusovsky
Eli Cohen and Elizabeth Boyd
Eli Cohen and Margarita Casanova Cohen
Elias and Sharon Emergui
Eliezer Rosengaus and Michelle Frumpkin Rosengaus
Elika Rosenbaum
Eliott Behar
Elisabeth Fraser
Elisabeth Gilbert
Elise LaPaix
Elise Michelson
Elise Ringo
Elissa Newman
Eliza Averbach
Eliza Pransky
Elizabeth and Adam Leftik
Elizabeth and Howard Shwiff
Elizabeth Bechtold
Elizabeth Benjamin Levit
Elizabeth Brogna
Elizabeth DeMio
Elizabeth Dye
Elizabeth Haka
Elizabeth Hertz
Elizabeth Jeffords
Elizabeth Mamorsky and Melburn Knox
elizabeth query
Elizabeth Werba and Aaron Rubin
Ella Veldghorn
Ellen and Allan Hauskens
Ellen and Barry Finestone
Ellen and Dan Hartford
Ellen and Herb Brosbe
Ellen and Jeffrey Wang
Ellen and William Fleishhacker
Ellen Berger
Ellen Deck
Ellen Fuchs and Charles Ledden
Ellen Ginsberg
Ellen Gobler and Larry Dolton
Ellen Gross
Ellen Harms
Ellen Kight
Ellen Park
Ellen Prager
Ellen Ratner
Ellen Silver
Ellis and Lisa Schoichet
Ellora Horan
Elsa Kinnear
Elsbeth Iannone
Elyse Balzer
Emanuel and Deborah Nosowsky
Emil Pollak
Emily Carter Bat Mitzvah Fund
Emily Casper
Emily Chamberlain
Emily Feldman
Emily Kron
Emily Marks
Emily Wilkins
Emma Howard
Emma Swain
Emma Wilcox
Enrique and Jovita Goldenberg
Erez Barnavon
Eric and Catherine Willner
Eric and Dana Altman
Eric and Jonny Rubin
Eric and Lisa Newman
Eric Tepper and Lynne Steinbach
Eric Walker
Erica Brand Portnoy and Benjamin Portnoy
Erika Schwarz
Erin Baldanzi
Erin Cooper
Erin Diamond Higgins
Erin Medlin
Erin Steere
Estelle and Andrew Dick
Estelle Boro
Estelle Katz
Esther Cohn-Vargas
Esther Nichol
Esther Stone
Estie and Mark Hudes
Estrellita Punzalan
Ethan Ensler
Ethan Nemeth
Etta and Ytzhack Heber
Etty Varenberg
Eugene and Inna Spier
Eugene and Judy Lewit
Eugene Berg
Eugene Berl
Eugene Krivopaltzev
Eugene z’’l and Zita Zukowsky
Eva Conley-Williamson
Eva DiGrazia
Evan and Debbie Shelan
Evan Gelfand
Evan Li
Evan Silverberg
Eve Ogden
Evelyn Gurevitch
Evelyn Manies
Evelyn Szelenyi
Evelyn Topper
Evi and Howard Rachelson
Eytan Goldhaber-Fiebert
F. Schott
Family Fun Time, LLC
Fanita English Philanthropic Fund
Faraz Shooshani
Farla Binder
Fay Reisfelt
Fay Stein
Faybeth Diamond
faye mertz
Felicia Heiney
Fern and Lowell z’’l Kepke
Fern Gorin
Fern Yaffa
Fernando Ruiz
Flip Kimball
Flora Davidson
Flora Lucas
Florence Shimano
Fraidy Aber and Nathaniel Weiner
Fran Jackler and Will Nelson
Frances Abel
Frances Dinkelspiel and Gary Wayne
Frances Herts
Frances Lopes
Frances R. C. Rapoport
Francis Oplatka
Frank L’Engle
Frank Offen
Frank z’’l and Frederica Gold
Fred and Deborah Kurland
Fred and Helen Schwartz
Fred Kanter
Fred Korr
Fredi Bloom
Fredric Hoffman
Fredrica Greene
Freya Turchen
Gabe Murnin
Gabriel Geduldig
Gabriel Levy
Gabriela Kipnis
Gabriele Loosen
Gadi and Donna Meir
Gagan Chitiki
Gail and Steven Shak
Gail Ben-Zeev
Gail Bogetz-Gelb and Arnold Gelb
Gail Pfeifer Karp and Steve Karp
Gail Siegel
Gail Walden
Gale Krule
Galina Balon and Vladimir Nekhendzy
Galina Gorodetsky
Gariel and Nanci Freund
Garrieldo Woods
Gary and Debbie Frank
Gary and Judy Bader
Gary and Yaffa Weinstein
Gary Ellenberg
Gary Goldstein
Gary Rabkin
Gary Sadow
Gary Shameson
Gary Tuder
Gary Winter
Gary z’’l and Rochelle Glassel
Gavin Holles
Gayle and Allen Notowitz
Gayle Miller
Gene and Susan Kaufman
Genia Ruzer
Gennady and Masha Farber
Genrykh Landa
Geoffrey and Barbara Kotin
Geoffrey and Deborah Perel
Geoffrey Braun
Geoffrey Serota
George and Anessa Farber
George and Doris Krevsky
George and Janet Epstein
George and Jo Ann Schapiro
George and Karen Wolff
George and Marjory Greenwald
George and Sheila Lederer
George Jacobson
George Landau
George Wilson
Georgia Manuselis
Gerald and Dara Moskowitz
Gerald and Donna Silverberg
Gerald and Meredith Klein
Gerald and Rayner Needleman
Gerald Belt
Gerald Popelka
Geraldine Miller
Geri Monheimer
Gerilyn Shorten
Gershon and Moriyah Albert
Gia Corsetti
Gil Gershoni
Gil Simon
Gilbert Family Philanthropic Fund
Gilda Turitz and Carl Cox
Gillian Agre
Gina D’Angelo Navarro
Gina Travis
Ginger Cook
Ginnon Cunningham
Ginny Hsieh
Giorgio Pirina
Giuseppe Nespoli
Glenn and Jane Fisher
Glenn and Ricki Oleon
Glenn Posner
Gloria Felsenthal
Golda Och Academy Inc
Golden State Warriors
Goldie and Martin Sosnick Philanthropic Fund
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Gordon and Susan Freeman
Gordon and Tina Strause
Gordon Wachtel
Grace Everett
Grace Grothouse
Grace Rosenberg
Grant and Shannon Edelstone
Gray Levine
Grayson Doslak
Greg and Rosalind Tolson
Greg Frank
Greg Maciorowski
Greg Stewart
Gregg Kerlin
Gregory Abrams
Gregory and Polina Kligerman
Gregory and Robin Smith
Gregory Linshiz and Polina Lev
Gregory Phillips
Gregory Schorr
Gregory Slutsky and Simona Tsenter-Slutsky
Gregory Yankelovich
Greil and Jenelle Marcus
Greta and Mel Green
Gretchen Weitzman
Grete Heinz
Grigory Fishman and Larisa Dardik
Gropa Silber
Guenter Gruschka
Guy Farber
Gwendolyn and Alan Schaevitz
H Harel
Hagar Zohar
Haiying Huang
Hal and Victoria Kalish
Hal Friedman
Hal Kalechofsky
Hale Kronenberg
Haley Bavasi
Haley Goodman Fund
Haley Manning Charitable Giving Fund
Haley Sanchez
Hallie and Gilbert Holtzman
Hana Baskind
Hannah Battat
Hannah Bruntz
Hans Adler
Hans Hauser
Hari Kishan Charora
Harold and Susan Myra Tauber
Harold Hanerfeld
Harold Mann and Nancy Gottesman Mann
Harper Fligel
Harper Potts
Harriet Bloom
Harriet Prensky and William Pomeranz
Harriet Tucker
Harry LeVine
Harry Lipsitz
Harry Meyer
Harvey and Bea Stoller
Harvey and Claire Mittler
Harvey and Kitty Rudman
Harvey and Marcia Maslin
Harvey and Mary Katz
Harvey and Sandra Schuster
Harvey M. Rose Associates, LLP
Harvey Stanger
Hayden Wan
Hayley Ditzler
Heather Cahan and Kartik Krishnan
Heather Howard
Heather McPhail Sridharan
Heather Muir
Heather Root
Heather Wenner
Heidi and Art Stein
Heidi and Steve Schell
Helen and Garrett Romain
Helen and Leon Luey
Helen and Norman Licht
Helen Hubert
Helen Langsam Cherry Philanthropic Fund
Helen Manber and Brad Solomon
Helen Nadel
Helen Weingarten
Helena Zimmerman Fund
Helene Blatter
Helene Peckerman
Helene Redsun and Alan Manewitz
Helyse Hollander
Henry Berman Family Philanthropic Fund
Henry Bleier
Henry Livingston
Henry Loubet
Henry Marpaung
Henry Platz
Herbert and Nylda Gemple Philanthropic Fund
Herbert Levine
Herbert Uetz
Hila Matas-Magen
Hilary Blackstone and Alan Brody
Hildy Abrams
Hillard and Joyce Tavrow
Hillary Swimmer
Holli, Benji and Jaque Thier Family Fund
Holly and Edward Ungerleider
Holly Church
Holly Homayonfar
Holly Kaiser and Vasco Morais
Holly Rockwood
Homa Zakhor
Hope Golden
Hope Shingles
Howard and Ardene Schoenfeld
Howard and Fern Emmerman
Howard and Janet Lockshin
Howard and Judith Ocken
Howard and Lana Goodman
Howard and Ruth Strassner
Howard and Susan Finkle
Howard Blecher
Howard Bloom
Howard Chabner and Michele DeSha
Hugh and Mary Anne Winig
Hugh Conlee
Humanity United
ian love
Ian Rhodes
Ida Tsikerman z’’l
Igor Gorin
Ike Erdogan
Ilan Tordjaman
Ilana and Adam Levin
Ilana and David Goldhaber-Gordon
Ilana and Neal Tandowsky
Ilana Rabin
Ilene and Marcos Lederman
Ilene Dulkin
Ilene Hirsch
Ilene Keys and David Bobrowsky
Ilissa Pearlman
Ilona and Ilya Filmus
Ilya and Mayya Rudyak
Ilya Gurin
Ilya Khasin
In Memory of Barbara Steinberg
Inga Zukin
Ingrid Engelberg-Gelman and Marc Gelman
Ingrid Sommer
Inna Ekhaus
Inna Gerlovina and Alexandre Aleskovski
Ira and Patricia Goldfine
Ira Flax
Ira Goldman
Ira Lit and Jin Choo
Irena and Pablo Libedinsky
Irene Lefton
Irene Ogus
Irene Rosen
Irina Krasnitskovya
Irina Mirkina and Arsalan Ahani
Irit and Finbarr Daly
Irpan Xia Foundation
Irving and Lilyan Abramowitz
Irving and Miriam Greisman
Irwin and Carol Feinberg
Isabel Nogueira
Isac and Eileen Marchasin
Isadore and Helene Rosenthal
Israel Kayatsky
Ivan and Wendy Levison
Ivan Goldwasser
Ivan Zich
Ivey Becker
Ivy O’Hair
Izumi Cabrera
J. Fisher z’’l *
J. Virginia and Michael Peiser
Jack and Alexandra Liebster
Jack and Joan Simon
Jack Latow
Jack Lissauer
Jack Samosky
Jackie and Bruce Horwitz
Jackie Zipkin
Jacob and Shula Goldberg Philanthropic Fund
Jacob Feingold
Jacob Haimson
Jacob Markowitz
Jacob Singer and Paige Leopold
Jacob Teich
Jacqueline and Ian Jaffee
Jacqueline and Marc Leland
Jacqueline Garland
Jacqueline Rotman
Jacqueline Sefferman
Jacqueline Shelton-Miller and Craig Miller
Jacques Yenni
Jaffe-Schlossberg, Inc. Philanthropic Fund
Jaime Hamlin
Jaimie Levin and Jane Wise
James & Susan Morris
James and Diana Rogers
James and Dorene Scharetg
James and Ellen Liston
James and Janet Frost
James and Marcia Levy
James Avery
James Barr
James Cameron
James Goell
James Horton and Erika Opper
James Leemann
James Marks
James Schwarz
James Zucker
Jami Miskie
Jamie and Michael Hyams
Jamie and Sophia Arias
jamie herbstman
Jamie Moldafsky
Jamie Schwarzbach and Seth Voltz
Jamie Young
Jan Kuchinsky
Jan Littman
Jan Maisel and Douglas Currens
Jan Okun
Janak Bhuta
Jane and Brenner
Jane and Mark Sedley
Jane and Nicholas Hyde
Jane Field
Jane Kaplan
Jane Larrow
Jane Nemenman
Jane Reece
Jane Schofield
Jane Stepak and Susan Stahl
Jane Zones
Janet Austin
Janet Braff
Janet Endelman and Marshall Newman
Janet Sanford Levine
Janet Zimmerman
Janice Meyers
Janice Surlin
Janie Crews
Janiel Moses
Janine Jacobson
Janine Zacharia and Jerme Bailenson
Janis Goldbaum Hernández
Janis Pepper
Janis Seeman
Janis Ulevich
Janna Fond
Janna Keller
Janna Lipman Weiss and Josh Weiss
Jason Graham
Jason Gwasdoff
Jason Heckscher
Jason Jungreis
Jason Sills and Jennifer Grossman Sills
Jason Spero
Jason Wizelman
Jay and Marcee Botelho
Jay Begun
Jayme Glaus
Jayne Bloom
Jean Kohn
Jeanette Longtin
Jeanne Reisman and Leonard Goldschmidt
Jeanne Rosner
Jeannette Ringold
Jeannie Berest
Jeannie Solomon
Jed Katz
Jeff and Lynn Kurn
Jeff and Phyllis Miller
Jeff and Robyn Leiken
Jeff Appleman and Suzanne Engelberg
Jeffery Cox
Jeffery Goldstein
Jeffery Leonard
Jeffrey and Diana Rudsten Philanthropic Fund
Jeffrey and Gail Bromberg
Jeffrey and Judith Feldman
Jeffrey and June Kaufman
Jeffrey and Michele Katz
Jeffrey and Susan Tarran
Jeffrey Auman
Jeffrey Bornstein
Jeffrey Bullock
Jeffrey Casper
Jeffrey Fenton
Jeffrey Gutkin
Jeffrey Leopold
Jeffrey Rhine Greendorfer and Family
Jeffrey Rosenfeld
Jeffrey Schneider and Jane Denton
Jeffrey Segall
Jeffrey Silverman
Jeffrey Stone
Jeffry Weisman
Jen Kats
Jen Shropshire
Jeni and Al Wise
Jenna Rosenbloom
Jennifer and Marc Taxay
Jennifer and Max Strasburg
Jennifer and Steve Sarver
Jennifer Berland
Jennifer Bretan
Jennifer Crane
Jennifer Fullerton
Jennifer Gadiel
Jennifer Gale Lang Family Philanthropic Fund
Jennifer Jeffries
Jennifer Kabatchnik
Jennifer Koenig
Jennifer Kramer
Jennifer Leibick
Jennifer Leo
Jennifer Meeker
Jennifer Murnin
Jennifer Sobol
Jennifer Steeley
Jennifer Weintraub
Jerald Lastick
Jerald Young
Jerel Glassman
Jeremy Aidem
Jeremy and Roberta Bloom
Jeremy Fine
Jeremy Greenberg
Jeremy Olsan
Jeremy Root
Jeremy Smith and Iris Greenberg-Smith
Jerome and Esther Delson
Jerome and Linda Elkind
Jerome Engel and Shirley Fischer
Jerome Fishkin
Jerrold and Carolyn Kaplan
Jerry and Eleanor Mednick
Jerry and Gloria Goldberg
Jerry and Joy Danzig
Jerry Berkman
Jerry Cahill
Jerry Lebovitz and Sharon Zimmerman
Jerry Weintraub
Jerry Wolfe
Jerusha Herman Roybal
Jess Sullivan
Jessica and Dan Minkoff
Jessica and Michael Eiselman
Jessica Chohan
Jessica Costanzo
Jessica Davis Mills
Jessica Furer
Jessica Gilmartin
Jessica Palmer
Jessica Taran
Jessica Tenaglia
Jessica Wolfson
Jessica Wolin and Matthew Rosen
Jessica Yarkin
Jesykah Forkash
Jewish Family and Children’s Services
Jill and David Douglas
Jill and Rob Ultan
Jill Cohen
Jill Einstein and Peter Yolles
Jill Fiebert
Jill Goldring and Marc Haugen
Jill Meyers
Jill Muencz
Jill Neiman
Jill Saper
Jill Steinberg
Jillian Rudman
Jim and Marla Simon
Jisoo Hong
Jo and Jeffrey Ilfeld
Jo and Norman Budman
Jo Ellen Green Kaiser and David Kaiser
Jo Felsenthal
Joan and Mitchel Berger
Joan and Thomas Frenkel
Joan and Victor Sonenberg
Joan Balter
Joan Dinner
Joan Herklotz
Joan Kapplow
Joan Samson
Joan Stern
Joan Weinberg
JoAnn Adefuin
Jo-Ann and Arnold Jacobson
Joann Glaser Hurwitz
Joann Murnin
Joanna Dane
Joanne and Gil Vogel
Joanne and William Greenspan
Joanne Greene
Joanne Vitale
JoBeth Walt and Ira Fateman
Jocelyn Gold
Jodie Chase
Jody Adelberg and Luanne Jenkins
Jody Spilberg
Joe Olivieri
Joel and Amy Blatt
Joel and Francyne Teisch
Joel and Irene Resnikoff
Joel and Lorraine Brown
Joel and Nikki Klein
Joel and Rochelle Blumenfeld
Joel Betow
Joel Carr and Joan Diengott
Joel E. Saxe Philanthropic Fund
Joel Grossman
Joel Kamisher
Joel Markowitz and Susan Krowley-Markowitz
Joel Nelson
Joel Reif and Deana Abramowitz
Joel Weissman
Joell Arens
Joelle and Neal Kaufman
John and Leta Hillman
John and Linda Elman
John and Susan Klein
John Cosmos
John Greene
John Murnin
John Rosenberg
John Shea
John Siegel
John Wilson
John Winston
John Yost
Johnston, Kinney & Zulaica LLP
Jon and Patty Fishman
Jon Norman
Jonah Sachs
Jonathan and Cara Baker
Jonathan and Deborah z’’l Frank
Jonathan and Jeanette Fish
Jonathan and Robin Feuchtwang
Jonathan Astmann
Jonathan Blatteis and Bonnie Volk Blatteis
Jonathan Funk and John Arnold
Jonathan Goldberg and Brady Dewar
Jonathan Kaplan
Jonathan Katzman
Jonathan Lipsher
Jonathan Nassi
jonathan peisner
Jonathan Sokol
Jonathan Waldron
Jonathan Weiss
Joni and Neil Satovsky
Joni and Russell Pratt
Joni Block
Joram Siegel
Jordan Daniels
Jordan Freed
Jordan Sax
Jordana Siegel
Jordi Serrats
Jose and Debra Anziani
Jose and Lola Antman
Josef and Roberta Franco
Joseph and Amira Abel
Joseph and Elizabeth Hartog
Joseph and Lita Katz Philanthropic Fund
Joseph and Nancy Radovsky
Joseph Antognini
Joseph C. McKenzie Jr.
Joseph Cleveland
joseph eastern
Joseph J. Levin
Joseph Lipsick
Joseph Marmer
Joseph Meresman and Cathy Bolding
Joseph Moussa
Joseph Ostrow
Joseph Robb
Josephine Aiello LeBeau
Josh and Ashley Rutberg
Josh Ibarra
Josh Lehrer-Graiwer
Josh Levine
Josh Seidenfeld
Joshua and Mary Lipp
Joshua Blume
Joshua Breuner
Joshua Elkin
Joshua Jacobs
Joshua Kaye
Joshua Michelangelo Stein
Joshua Rezneck
Joy Kravitz
Joy Pinsky
Joyce and Kenneth Polse
Joyce and Mark Davidson
Joyce and Marvin z’’l Ellenberg
Joyce Franklin
Joyce Kellner
Joyce Pollack
Joyce Yung
Juan Moriel
Judd and Mira Goodman
Judith & Israel Krongold
Judith and David Rosner
Judith and Jerold Yecies
Judith and Jerrol z’’l Harris
Judith and Stephen Hettleman
Judith Berman
Judith Borowsky
Judith Dean
Judith Engelman
Judith Fisher
Judith Freund and Roy Chestnut
Judith Gordon
Judith Kneeter
Judith Kunofsky
Judith Marks
Judith Player
Judith Pordes
Judith Rubin
Judith Slotsky
Judith Taylor
Judith Z Friedman
Judy and Michael Kitt
Judy and Steve Carney
Judy Brock
Judy Chess
Judy Frost and Ted Steiner
Judy Longbottom
Judy Mehr
Judy Penso
Judy Powers
Judy Rich
Judy Rosen
Judy Zeprun Kalman
Jules and Marjorie Cohen
Jules Schechner
Julia Borland
Julia Gross
Julia Ishimaru
Julia Susman
Juliana Bunim
Julie Altschuler
Julie and Andrew Garlikov
Julie and Ari Lewis
Julie and Doug Roston
Julie and Marshall Stine
Julie and Stephen Bell
Julie Ashley
Julie Badion
Julie Brandt
Julie Cahn
Julie Cochrane
Julie DeFord
Julie Freestone
Julie Fruhauf
Julie Garfinkle
Julie Goldman and Robert Rosner
Julie Lein
Julie Lewis and Michael Dern
Julie Magilen
Julie Perlman
Julie Vernon
Julie Wheeler
Julius and Sybil Lepkowsky
June and Burton z’’l White
June Cochran
Justin and Lynda Lurie
Justin and Oren Stevens
Justin Graham and Victoria Reichenberg
Justin Silbaugh
Justin Test Org
Justin Wilcox
Karen Abrams
Karen and Rick Fenchel
Karen and Robert Keller
Karen and Wayne Kennan
Karen Bard
Karen Bayuk
Karen Bisgeier
Karen Booth
Karen Elbert
Karen Folgner
Karen Gould
Karen Hall and Steven Sherr
Karen Halstead
Karen Heller
Karen Kaushansky
Karen Moen
Karen Narveson
Karen Orzechowski
Karen Polivy
Karen Roekard
Karen Schiller
Karen Schneider
Karen Schwarz
Karen Tiedemann and Geoff Piller
Karen Turnbaugh
Karen Welsh
Kari Wolff
Karina Aramula
Kary Aguilar Fuentes
Kate Burson
Kate Hittel
Kate Jameson
Kate Lorber-Christie
Kate McSpadden
Katharine Head
Katharine Ku
Katharine Landmeier
Katherine Morris
Katherine Snyder
Kathleen Chaiken and Gerald Bernstein
Kathleen Chaikin
Kathryn Friedman
Kathryn Winter
Kathy Creel
Kathy Lisberg
Kathy Mirkin
Kathy White
Kathyrn and Michael Rothberg
Katia Siders
Katie and Gary Korotzer
Katie Bukstein
Katie Eder Fund
Katie Gill
Katie Quin
Katie Schtevie
Katrina Rochlin
Katrina Rogan
Kaylee Buchenic
Kayvan Abselet
Keira and Douglas Kahn
Keith and Gilda Rottman
Keith and Lara Heller
Keith Chertok and Maria Ramos-Chertok
Kelley Glazer Baldwin
Kelli Kupritz
Kellie Ann Kelleher Smith
Kelly Goldenberg
Kelly Martinez
Kelly Wilkerson
Ken Kumayama
Ken Woodrow
Kendal Hamann
Kenneth and Alison Ross
Kenneth and Barbara Lebovitz
Kenneth and Eileen Housfeld
Kenneth and Eva Berg
Kenneth and Jolinda Gladstein
Kenneth and Lisa Prager
Kenneth Colon
Kenneth Kahn and Alexandrea Creer Kahn
Kenneth Kofman
Kenneth Manaster
Kenneth Schwer and Maralyn Tabatsky
Kenny Hamann
Kent and Rita Gershengorn
Kenzie Ferguson
Keona Wong
Keren Stronach
Keren Woodward
Kerry Cestar
Kevin and Allison Goldstein
Kevin Sullivan
Kevin Vine
Kevin Waldman
Kfir Garner
Kiernan Warble
Kiersten Kropp
Kiki Lipsett
Kim Runyan
Kim Saal
Kim Schocket
Kim Sommer
Kim Thompson
Kimberly Garfinkel
Kin and Emily Shuman
Kirk Goldberg
Kirsten Barrere
Kleinerman-Forcht Philanthropic Fund
Krissy Howes
Kristen Carmi
Kristie Tobin
Kristin Greene
Kristin Ocon
Kristina Conner
Kristina Tucker
Kristine Missaghian
Krutika Patel
Kyle Levinger
L. Jay Selwitz and Yolanda Arellano Selwitz
Laila and Debra Kleinberg
Lana Dvorkin
Lana Hutnick
Lance and Catherine Bayer
Lani Kessler
Lara Edelstein
Lara Jealous
Lara Walklet and Aviad Rubinstein
Larisa Tanas
Larisa Zharzhavskaya
Larry and Alison Sokoloff
Larry and Nancy Crevin
Larry Feldman
Larry Immerman
Larry Mansbach and Bette Caan
Larry Miller and Mary Kelly
Larry Rosenberg
Laura Champa
Laura Dolata
Laura Eytan
Laura Mosson
Laura Post and Shannon Range
Laura Ritthamel
Lauren Alter
Lauren and Chad Altbaier
Lauren and Greg Boro
Lauren and Mike Schanker
Lauren and Rick Schwartz
Lauren Bensussen
Lauren Janov and Mark Grossman
Lauren Joseph
Lauren Kahn
Lauren Kutcher
Lauren Lewis
Lauren Mas
Lauren Robinson
Lauren Sorof
Lauren Sugarman
Lauren Weinberg
Lauren West
Laurence and Janet Elis Milder
Laurence and Tania Albukerk
Laurie Crouse
Laurie Kleiner
Laurie Lippin
Laurie Miller
Laurie Polster Philanthropic Fund
Laurie Pomeranz
Laurie Robson
Laurie Tobenkin
Lawrence Aidem
Lawrence and Dotty Bernard
Lawrence and Esther Wolheim
Lawrence and Fran Kaplan
Lawrence and Judy Carlin
Lawrence and Laraine Cunha
Lawrence and Shirley Klapow
Lawrence Berke
Lawrence Braitman
Lawrence Maloney
Lawrence Margoles
Lawrence Nathan
Lawrence Polon and Ernestina Carrillo
Lawrence Wexler
Lawrence z’’l and Rhoda Becker
Lawrence z’’l and Robin Gordon
Leah Bregman
Leah Greenblat
Leah Reider
Leah Tessler and Rupert McConnell
Lee and Janice DeCovnick
Lee and Margaret Jaffe
Lee and Mimi Kravetz
Lee Kabat
Lee Sankowich
Lee Strieb and Shari Golan
Lee Zulman
Leigh Weiss
Leland and Susan David
Len Ivankovitser
Lena Chow
Leo Volpe
Leon and Anna Cooper
Leon and Eva Rajninger
Leon and Renee Kaseff
Leon Levy
Leonard and Julia Weinberg Philanthropic Fund
Leonard Sarkon
Leonard Weingarten and Claudia Fromm
Leonid Khamishon
Leonid Khidekel
Leron Baum
Les and Judith Adler
Leslie and Alexander Hurwitz
Leslie and Meir z’’l Levy
Leslie and Stephen Ticktin
Leslie Cogan
Leslie Klor
Leslie Mark
Leslie Yotsuya
Leta Gold
Lev Shur
Lewis Hoch
Lewis Lehman
Liam Sullivan
Lianne and Scot Gensler
Liena Strikis
Lillian and Arthur Weil Philanthropic Fund
Lillian Pravda Philanthropic Fund
Lillian Schaechner and Elaine Weissman
Lilly and Christopher Krenn
Lily Anne Hillis
Lily Gold
Lily Peleg
Lina Brenner
Linda and Christian Peacock
Linda and Julian Palmor
Linda and Mark Schuman
Linda Bernstein and Gary Stein
Linda Chavez
Linda Davidson
Linda Ehrlich
Linda Eisenberg
Linda Elyad
Linda Fishbaine
Linda Friedman
Linda Jacobs
Linda Klouda
Linda Koppelman
Linda Lowney
Linda Lyons
Linda Moser
Linda Newton
Linda Pomerantz
Linda Raben Beckstrom and Robert Beckstrom
Linda S. Blum
Linda Teichman
Linda Weil
Linda Weinberg
Linda Wertheim
Linda Wolpa
Linda Ziegler
Lindsay Ames
Lindsay and Warren Braunig
Lindsay Lassman
Lindsey Newman
Linna and Alex Golodriga
Linnea Lindroth
Linor and Jonathan Levav
Lior Miller
Lisa and Alon Kama
Lisa and Benjamin Salles
Lisa and Joel Wagonfeld
Lisa and Matt Wertheim
Lisa and Mel Sibony
Lisa and Neil Rothstein
Lisa and Steven Schatz
Lisa Baserga
Lisa Diamond
Lisa Finn
Lisa Geduldig
Lisa George
Lisa Goodman
Lisa Hanauer
Lisa Hirsch
Lisa Kingston and Joshua Losben
Lisa Kinne
Lisa Leisten
Lisa Noble
Lisa Pharr
Lisa Podos
Lisa Rauchwerger
Lisa Schenkel
Lisa Shalwitz
Lisa Silver
Lisa Simpson
Lisa Stubbs Sullivan
Lisa Tenenbaum
Lisa Wachtell
Lisa Zanetto
Liya Sobolev
Liz Noteware and Angela Dalfen
Liz Salkin
Lizbeth and Harold Davis
Logan Boyce
Lois and Arthur Roth
Lois Fuhr
Lois Green
Lois Mitchell
Lois Nissman
Lois Zisook
Lon Engelberg
Lon Polonsky
Lonnie Weiss Philanthropic Fund
Lonnie Zwerin and Frank Mainzer
Lori and Robert Krolik
Lori Bamberger
Lori de Koker
Lorin Kalisky
Lorita Morganthaler and Eric Morgenthaler
Lorne Abramson and Elana Lieberman
Lorri Rosenberg Arazi
Lorrie Stone
Lorrin and Stephanie Koran
Lorry and Karen Frankel
Louella Neyman
Louis gittinger
Louise Forrest
Lovina Chahal
Lucille Di Muro
Lucinda Bade-Kennett
Lucinda Brommers
Lucy Campbell
Luisa Smith
Lydia Parnes
Lyn Dickert-Leonard
Lynette and Geoffrey Collins
Lynn and Marshall Langfeld
Lynn Blumberg
Lynn Goffman
Lynn Gross
Lynn Harrington-Golde
Lynn Markman
Lynn Werner
Lynne and Stuart Rovin
Lynne Feldsher
Lynne Gilmore
Lynne Piade
Lynne Rappaport and Jonathan Frank
Lynne Thier
Lynne Young
M Menache
M Reiss
Macovski Philanthropic Fund
Maddie Bowman
Madelaine Eaton
Madeline Murphy
Madeline Nauyokas
Madeline Weinstein
Madhavi Dandu
Madison Wu
Mady Shumofsky
Mae Bragen
Maggie and Tom Blumberg
Mairin O’Mahony
Malcolm Weinstein
Malka Weitman and Eric Strauss
Mallary Alcheck
Mantra and Steve Robinson
Manuel & Elizabeth Henriquez
Mara Baga
Mara Hurwitt
Mara Rosenberg
Marc and Chia-Wei Drasin
Marc and Kimberly Press
Marc and Linda Yelnick
Marc and Peggy Hayman
Marc Cohen
Marc Gordan
Marc Kitaen
Marc Levit
Marc Lipschutz
Marc Robinson
Marc Schenker and Xochitl Castaneda
Marc Snir
Marc Teitelbaum
Marc Vogl
Marci and Phillip Yuste
Marci Billow
Marci Schleifer Briskin
Marcia Lazer
Marcia Seltzer
Marcia Shuwarger
Marcia Stein
Marcie Pantzer
Marcy and Jeffrey Abramowitz
Marcy Belfer
Margalit Lutskevich and Aharon Hibshoosh
Margaret Levy
margaret moir
Margie Schulman
Margit David and Boyd Arnold
Margo Parmacek
Margot and Subodh Nijsure
Mari Davalos
Marian Sagan
Marian Stull
Marian Tessler
Mariana Steinberg
Marianne and Geoffrey Cooper
Marianne and Justin Miller
Marianne Berkovich
Marianne Kahn
Maribel Cuartas
Marie Licht
Mariel Goldstein and Benjamin Goldenstein
Mariel Krupp
Mariela Gernstein
Marilyn Allen
Marilyn and Allan Bernstein
Marilyn and David Zimmerman
Marilyn and Nat Goldhaber
Marilyn and Nathan Schmidt
Marilyn Benson
Marilyn Boxer
Marilyn Cohan
Marilyn Dobbs Higuera
Marilyn Ersepke
Marilyn Goodman
Marilyn Greenblatt
Marilyn Rigler
Marilyn Schwartz
Marilyn Sefchovich
Marilyn Sugarman
Marilyn Zimmerman and Robert Mickel
Marilynq Goodman
Marion Alexander
Marisa Glassman
Mariska Jedzinak-Webb
Marissa Hyman
Marius Greenspan
Marjory Kaplan and Dan Granoff
Mark z’’l and Nancy Himelstein
Mark Aaronson and Marjorie Gelb
Mark and Carol Rosen
Mark and Carol Sontag
Mark and Gail Glasser
Mark and Jenny Bernstein
Mark and Natalie Bolotny
Mark and Raisa Khavinson
Mark Andrew and Marci Sherman
Mark Balestra
Mark Bloom
Mark Chaitkin
Mark Ezersky and Elaine Date
Mark Fleischman
Mark Galassi
Mark Gilfix
Mark Holtzman
Mark Janofsky
Mark Klein
Mark Mendell
Mark Milberg
Mark Rudow and Barbara Elliot
Mark Schneider
Mark Speizer
Mark Wolfson
Markus Nordvik
Marla Finkelstein
Marla Hendrickson
Marla Kantor
Marla Krantz
Marlene and Herbert z’’l Thier
Marlene and Keith Dines
Marlene Coffino
Marlene Sokolec
Marlie Ave
Marni Pastor
Marni Sloves
Marnie and Bruce Ganong
Marsha and Seth Bernstein
Marsha Bocan
Marsha Feldstein
Marsha Felton
Marsha Goldflies1
Marsha Jacobs
Marsha Lee and Norman M. Berkman Philanthropic Fund
Marshall and Judith Wallach
Marshall Platt and Elana Reinin
Martha Lavin and Marc Solomon
Martha Leviant z’’l
Martha Luft
Martha Stampfer
Martha Zewdie
Martin and Cookie z’’l Javinsky
Martin and Elinor Liberman
Martin and Janis Cooper
Martin and Lisa Goldberg
Martin and Miriam Kass
Martin and Naomi Klughaupt
Martin and Peggy Rubenstein
Martin and Ruth Malkin
Martin Carus
Martin Chai
Martin Fiebert
Martin Freed
Martin Griss
Martin Miller
Martin Segol and Nancy Greenberg
Martin Stellar
Martin Tilzer and Jeffrey Piade
Martina Schneider
Martin-Newman Philanthropic Fund
Marty Levy
Marvin and Arlene Kaplan
Marvin and Marsha Freid
Marvin and Sarah Engel
Marvin sears
Mary Brownstein
Mary Byl
Mary De Vries
Mary Devine
Mary Felstiner
Mary Hanley and David Herberich
Mary Lou Grossberg
Mary Pezzuto and Paul Farrington
MaryAnn Vanderveer
Mason Matatquin
Matt Bushell
Matt DiPaolo
Matt Kelemen and Jeannette LaFors
Matt Malden
Matt Zinter
Matthew and Melanie Ranen
Matthew Beall and Yelena Karanovich
Matthew Hernandez
Matthew Levin
Matthew Sherman
Matthew Youngner
Maureen Adler
Maurice and Gisele z’’l Green
Maury Ostroff
Max and Barbara Tabak
Max Katz
Max Perr and Holly Christman
Max Randall
Max Schloff
Max Silverstein
Maxine and Marvin Winer
Maxine and Peter Davis
May Battleson
May Myint Htwe
Maya Shull
Megan Edelman
Megan Frost
Megan Iannone
Megan Kilroy Philanthropic Fund
Megan Mccarthy
Megan Richardson
Meghan Grove
Meghan Squires
Meirav Honigman
Meirav Nitzan
Melanie Rabkin
Melinda Elliott
Melissa and Jae Lee
Melissa and Joshua White
Melissa Arker
Melissa Bondy
Melissa Lockard
Melissa Pickens
Melissa Pulling
Melita Jung
Melvin and Madeline Kahn
Melvin Wasserman
Melvyn Kalb
Melvyn Mark
Menahem and Jean Nassi
Merav Singer
Meredith Cutler
Meredith Goodman Fund
Meredith Mandell
Merl Ross
Merle Terry
Merna Strassner
Merrill Hope Weinstock
Merrill z’’l and Cecile Steinberg
Mervyn and Elaine Becker
Meryl Goldsmith
Meyer Malka
Micah Fisher-Kirshner
Michael and April Maiten
Michael and Barbara Pearl
Michael and Carolyn Bruck
Michael and Cynthia Simon Philanthropic Fund
Michael and Deborah Feiler
Michael and Debra Sweet
Michael and Ellen Bicheler
Michael and Helen Mason
Michael and Judith Calder
Michael and Judith Garb
Michael and Judy Goldman
Michael and Julie Hansen
Michael and Karen Nierenberg
Michael and Kathy Glass
Michael and Leslie Braun
Michael and Linda Bandler
Michael and Linda Podolsky
Michael and Marcia Rubenstein
Michael and Marlene Stolowitz
Michael and Patricia Bennett
Michael and Phoebe Bressack
Michael and Rachel Kesselman
Michael and Sharon Jarrett
Michael and Susan Gaynon
Michael Austin
Michael Barnett and Judith Bloomberg
Michael Barricks
Michael Battat
Michael Bennett
Michael Bettinger and Robert Goldstein
Michael Biggs
Michael Bloom and Audrey Zavell
Michael Buchwach
Michael Burns
Michael Chase
Michael Colvin
Michael Delgado
Michael Dynin
Michael Fredericson and Terri Yamamoto
Michael Gelbart
Michael Geschwind
Michael Gitt
Michael Irwin
Michael Jaffe
Michael Klein and June Seliber-Klein
Michael Klugman
Michael Kupperberg
Michael Lavigne
Michael Linett
Michael Lurie
Michael Maidenberg
Michael Mandelberg
Michael Memlinger
Michael Munk and Shelley Gardner
Michael Pearson
Michael Peskin
Michael Raffanti
Michael Rosenbaum
Michael Sack
Michael Seider
Michael Shapero
Michael Sitver
Michael Stern
Michael Tarle
Michael Yanovsky
Michaela Goldhaber
Michal and Eitan Konstantino
Michele and Marc Burnstein
Michele and Michael Greenfield
Michele Fisher
Michele Flatt
Michele Madansky and Travis Mowbray
Michele Sahl
Michele Woolfe-Avramov
Michelle and Joseph Schwartz
Michelle and Roderick Murre
Michelle Goodman
Michelle Gutmann
Michelle Klafter
Michelle Lai
Michelle Matz
Michelle Mourad
Michelle Paul
Michelle Pearl
Michelle Potter
Michelle Siegel
Midge Heumann
Mike Bodon
Mike Kemery
Mikhael Hart
Mikhail Alperin
Mildred Chethik
Miles and Piper Berger
Milford and Linda Waldroup
Mimi and Robert Brasch
Mindel and Bernard Aronson
Mindy Scott
Mira Bokhaut
Miranda Bandler
Miri Sagy
Miriam and Doron Rotman
Miriam Fox
Miriam Streicker-Hirt
Miryam Raphael
Mitchel Adler and Raychel Kubby-Adler
Mitchell Nemeth
Mitchell Regenstreif
Mitchell Reitman
Moira Saltz
Mollie Taranto
Molly Baker
Molly Levitt
Molly Singer
Molly Taylor
Monette Meredith
Monica Althoff
Monica and Kenneth Oestreich
Monica Pauli
Monica Schefski
Monique Davidson
Morris and Linda Spiegelman
Mort Pactor
Morton G. Rivo
Morton Rosenberg
Moshe and Linda Zussman
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hartdegen
Murray and Marcia Schneider
Murray and Sheila Baumgarten
Mychal and Kirsti Copeland
Mylene and Russell Caplan
Myles Schneider
Myriam Easton
Myrna Gabbay
N.J. Friedman/Sara Shelby Friedman Philanthropic Fund
Naama Bareket
Nadine Koss
Nadine Lewandowski and John Murnin
Nadyne Epstein
Nancy and Jeff Glass
Nancy and Les Burger
Nancy and Sidney Unobskey Philanthropic Fund
Nancy Crowne
Nancy Cutler
Nancy Davis Kho
Nancy Kornfield z’l and Paul Madwin
Nancy Levin
Nancy Lewin and Jim Offel
Nancy Shaw
Nancy Wiltsek
Dr. Naomi Granvold
Naomi and Derek Wetmore
Naomi and Rami Bareket
Naomi and Robert Leonard
Naomi Katz
Naomi Levinson
Naomi Richman
Narda Skov
Nat Finkel
Natalie Rekstad
Natalie Stein
Natalya Krivoshchapova
Natasha and Jonathan Diamond
Natasha Kehimkar and Derek Lau
Natsume Kondo
Neal Foman
Nechama and Ezzy Schusterman
Ned and Adina Diamond
Neda Nussbaum
Neil and Adrienne Tuch
Neil and Ann Wolff
Neil and Kathleen Kugelmas
Neil Appel
Neil Blumenthal
Neil Helfman
Neil Kran and Meryl Schneider
Neil Peretz
Neir Cohen
Nelson Branco
Nelson Heller
Nguyen Pham
Niall Geoghegan
Nicholas Demain
Nicholas Miller
Nick Friedman
Nicole Adani
Nicole and Robert Salama
Nicole Barker
Nicole Goodman
Nicole Levine
Nicole Lipman and Michael Ellis
Nicole Lusardi
Nicole Phillips
Nicole Rosenberg
Nicole Zeichner
Nina Halper
Nina Katz
Nina Weil
Nina Zentner
Noa Glaser
Noah and Hope Alper
Noah Ford
Noah Horton
Noah Krigel
Noel Gillespie
Noemi Schenquerman
Noga Ravid
Nolan Rivera
Nora Krauss and Howard Shaw
Norm and Maya Shendon
Norman and Barbara Johnson
Norman and Elise Lustig
Norman and Francoise Cohen
Norman and Heather Silverman
Norman and Marcia Sohn
Norman and Patricia Landsberg
Norman Goodwin
Norman Hersch
Norman Krasner and Marilyn David-Krasner
Norman Plotkin
Norman Robinson
Nosson and Chaya Potash
Ofer and Nitza Agam
Oisin Fahy
Ola Joffe
Olga Eber
Oliver Sharp-Biggs
Olivia Bell
Olivia Rhee
Olivia Sze
Ora Gittelson-David and Yosi David
Orah and Larry Sholin
Oren Gotesman
Oren Postrel
Oren Tessler
Orlando Castaneda
Owen Wolkowitz
Pablo Cabral
Pablo Svirsky
Pam Adinoff
Pam Dagerman
Pamela Bradshaw
Pamela Grossman
Pamela Rand
Pamela Schlussel
Pandora Brown
Pat Livingston and Steven Goldstein
Patricia and Dave Munro
Patricia and Pedro Reyes
Patricia Cotter
Patricia Green
Patricia Plumer and Steven Levere
Patricia Weiss
Patrick Leonard
Patty and Michael Krigel
Paul and Eleanor Stanger
Paul and Laura Geduldig
Paul and Patricia Yamshon
Paul and Paula Siegel
Paul and Susan Shwartz
Paul Meade
Paul Rosen
Paul Sherman
Paul Weintraub and Ray Szcesny
Paul Werner
Paula and Kenneth Meier
Paula and Simon Goren
Paula Brust
Paula Nelson
Paula Rosenthal
Paula Schiff
Paula Smiles
Pauline and Michael Marx
Pauline Witriol
Pavel Gleyzer
Peder and Nancy Jones
Peggy and Eric Sugar
Peggy and Warren Wincorn
Peggy Berger
Peggy Dombeck and Ed Sutter
Peggy Lipson
Peggy Mendelson
Peggy Woehleke
Penelope and Scott Greenberg
Penny Smith
Pete Gold
Peter and Gale Borden
Peter and Marilyn Wallenstein
Peter Damon
Peter Jacobs and Karen Pliskin
Peter Levine
Peter Range
Peter Rock
Peter Rudd
Peter Selvin
Peter Stansky
Peter Waldman and Charene Zalis
Phil Metz
Philanthropy Together
Philip and Berta Wesler
Philip and Donna Feitelberg
Philip and Rebecca Susser
Philip and Velia Frost
Philip and Veronica Weismehl
Philip Kaplan
Philippe Sion
Phillip Handin
Phillip Rosen
Phillips Bregman
Phyllis A. Kempner, Ph.D. and David D. Stein, Ph.D.
Phyllis Cohen
Phyllis Green
Phyllis Greene
Phyllis Isaacson
Phyllis Katz
Phyllis Ross
Phyllis Sutton
Pierre Wolffe
Pillar6 Advisors LLC
Polina Eyzerman
Preston and Anya Grant
Priya Shah
Puja Kaul
Quadron Stanley
Quinn Seeberan
Quynh Nguyen
R. M. Schiller
Rabbi Amanda Russell and David Katz
Rabbi Jacqueline and Jonathan Mates-Muchin
Rabbi Lisa Kingston
Rachael Cruz
Rachel and Kevin Leonard
Rachel and Loren Kertz
Rachel and Omer Cedar
Rachel Brous
Rachel Cauteruccio
Rachel Dodson
Rachel Eryn Kalish
Rachel Gibson and Jeremy Weinstein
Rachel Goldstone and Joseph Young
Rachel Groffman
Rachel Kass
Rachel Leibman
Rachel McClelland
Rachel Melman
Rachel Prensky-Pomeranz and Billy Malmed
Rachel Salzman
Rachel Sellner
Rachel Stern
Radha Thompson
Rafael Brinner and Danielle Fox
Rafaela Perkins
Rafi Stern
Raj Moorthy
Rajesh Gundlupet
Ralph and Myra Gruschka
Ralph Samuel
Rampell Family Philanthropic Fund
Dr. Randall L. Solomon Mental Health Philanthropic Fund
Randee Rosenfeld
Randi Ismailer
Randy Koss
Ray and Barbara Breslau
Raymond and Amy Sims
Raymond and Apryl Stern
Raymond Etzkorn
Raymond Haag
Raymond Hegarty
Raymond Silver
Rayna and Richard Ravitz
Rayna Lehman and Bill Nack
Raziel and Hava Ungar
Reagan Wicklow
Rebecca and Mark Schulman
Rebecca and Stephen Ravel
Rebecca Arwin
Rebecca Hale
Rebecca Hecht
Rebecca Houser
Rebecca Hutchinson
Rebecca Meyer
Rebecca Rothman
Rebecca Rozen and Michael Kent
Rebecca Ryan
Rebekah Berkowitz
Rebekah Jacobs
Reena Shiller
Reese Barber
Rena and Mordecai Rosen
Rena Frantz and Ora Prochovnick
Renata Bodon and Richard Kramer
Renee Hazel
Reni Aniela and Miguel Zuliani
Reuven Glick
Reva Malinsky
Revan and Elsa Tranter
Rhona Etkin
Rhonda Bender
Rhonda Slater
Rianna Iosilefsky
Richard and Christine Aptaker
Richard and Diane Frank
Richard and Diane Rosensweig
Richard and Eleanor z’’l Johns
Richard and Elissa Doctoroff
Richard and Gloria Marchick
Richard and Janice Freeman
Richard and Jean Schram
Richard and Judith Markoff
Richard and Lynn Nightingale
Richard and Marni Gerber
Richard and Patricia Gilman
Richard and Randy Lavinghouse
Richard and Susan Block
Richard and Tanuka Gordon
Richard Bold
Richard Brooks and JL Johnston
Richard Chaikind
Richard Comito
Richard Hyman
Richard Keihner
Richard Kruger and Lisanne Gollub
Richard Lenat and Allison Nuschy-Lenat
Richard Reisman
Richard Rochman
Richard Rosenblum
Richard Schneider
Richard Stromberg
Richard Turner
Richard Wolf
Richard Yetwin
Rick and Joy Mayerson
Rick Cohn
Ricki and Jerry Rosenberg
Ricki Frankel
Ricky Chang
Risa Kagan and Richard Stern
Risa Salat-Kolm
Rita Fabi
Rita Goldhor
Rita Malkin
Rita Semel
Robbi and Leonid Shveyd
Robbie Cohn
Robbie Gendels
Robert Abramson
Robert Acevedo
Robert and Arlene Katzive
Robert and Barbara Berkowitz
Robert and Beth Saltzman
Robert and Bonnie Riopelle
Robert and Cynthia Elsberg
Robert and Deena Klaber
Robert and Eva Dye
Robert and Irene Hepps
Robert and Irene Minkowsky
Robert and Linda Peltz
Robert and Lynn Kahn
Robert and Mara Bronstone
Robert and Marsha Mayer
Robert and Patricia Glass
Robert and Patricia Nelson
Robert and Phyllis Sachs
Robert and Riki Intner
Robert and Sally Leuten
Robert and Sandra Morse
Robert and Sharon Pearlstein
Robert Arrick
Robert Berman
Robert Breakstone
Robert Forman
Robert Freed
Robert Friedman
Robert Janney
Robert Katz
Robert Kegan
Robert Klein
Robert Krensky
Robert L. Katz
Robert Mann
Robert Portnoy and Gunilla Haegerstrom-Portnoy
Robert Raphael
Robert Rosenbluth
Robert Rubenstein
Robert Schneider
Robert Sternbach
Robert Tat
Roberta and Murray Zucker
Roberta Friedeberg
Roberta Guise
Roberta Schwartz
Roberta Zakalik
Roberto and Dalia Perelman
Robin and Caren Neydavoud
Robin and David Breuner
Robin and Peter Gruen
Robin and Ronald Karp
Robin Gutkin
Robin Jones
Robin Keller and Mark Geliebter
Robin Levy
Robin Mandell
Robin Mendelson
Robin Meyerowitz
Robin Penn
Robin Weintraub
Robin Winer
Robyn Carmel
Robyn Ultan
Rochelle and Mervyn Danker
Rochelle Freedman Hassen and Joel Hassen
Rochelle K and Aaron Kushner
Rochelle Sklansky
Rod and Corey Cherkas
Rodney Omachi and Marcia Spector Omachi
Roger and Elizabeth Goldberg
Roger S. and Lorri Kaufman Philanthropic Fund
Roland Campopiano
Ron and Barbara Friedenthal
Ron and Lynn Laupheimer
Ron and Suzanne Stolowitz
Ron Feldman
Ron Lissak
Ron Reinfeld
Rona Somkin
Rona Teitelman
Ronald Albucher
Ronald and Holly Moskovitz
Ronald and Jill Sosnick
Ronald and Rhea Brown
Ronald Davis
Ronald Delovitch
Ronald Gaines and Ellen White
Ronald Guerrero
Ronald Himmelman
Ronald Lezell
Ronald Roth
Ronald Stecky
Ronald Stein
Ronald Stephenson
Ronda Michel
Ronna Blumenthal
Ronnie Balan
Ronnie Mannos
Rosa and David Whitten
Rosalie Gellman
Rosalind Carol and Susan Hannah
Rose and Oscar Nieponice
Rose Marie Ginsburg
Roseann Lofaso
Roslyn Rhodes
Ross and Ann DeHovitz
Ross Weiner and Karen Alexander
Ross Wiener
Roxie’s of Quincy, Inc
Roy Argand
Rozell Overmire
Ruben Arquilevich and Vivien Braly
Rudy and Michele Hassid
Rusty Feldman
Ruth and Alan L. Stein Philanthropic Fund
Ruth and Gregg Morris
Ruth Ann Binder and Matt Rossiter
Ruth Brodie
Ruth Haber
Ruth Jaffe
Ruth Livingston
Ruth Rosenthal and Oded Schwartz
Ruth Rothman
Ruth Stein
Ruth Teitelbaum
Ruth Vogel
Ruth Zisser
Ruthellen Harris
Ryan Bennett
Ryan Carter Bar Mitzvah Fund
S & S Lawrence Philanthropic Fund
Sabina and Andrew Cohen
Sable Golden
Sadie Ehrlich
Sadie Kawaja
Sagi Zommer
Sahar Mayost
Salit Gazit
Sallie Read
Sally Buckman
Sally Kaufmann
Sally Samuels
Sam Adelberg
Sam and Leslie Herzberg
Sam and Marci Winer
Sam Franklin
Sam Goldstein and Barbara Silverman
Sam Stone
Samantha Behrman
Samantha Cath
Samantha Chessen
Samantha Rubin-Pope
Samara Lipsky
Samella Deppa
Samson Einhorn
Samuel and Alix Spivack
Samuel and Anne Baum
Samuel Eisenberg
Samuel Mouwes
Samuel Pasternak
Samuel Zimmerman
Samuil and Frida Zharzhavsky
Sanders and Laureen Feldhorn
Sandi and Ron Lutsko
Sandra and David Eliaser
Sandra Auerback
Sandra Ben Ami
Sandra Brody
Sandra Fischer-Stuart and Martin Stuart
Sandra Goldberg
Sandra Lampear
Sandra Lax
Sandra Leon
Sandra N. Cohen, PhD
Sandra Osheroff
Sandra Reinin
Sandra Schepis
Sandra Shrago
Sandy and Joshua Silver
Sandy Ritchie
Sanford and Maureen Backman
Sanford and Sandra Fish
Sapir Biderman
Sara and Jeremy Goldhaber-Fiebert
Sara Blau
Sara Kurtzig
Sara Rich
Sara Segal
Sara Shnider
Sarah Becker
Sarah Coppock-Pector and Max Roberts
Sarah Dryden-Peterson
Sarah DuBois
Sarah Falender
Sarah Goldman
Sarah Howell
Sarah Jacobson and Barry Wolf
Sarah Jalali
Sarah Lauter
Sarah Lesser
Sarah Miller
Sarah Park
Sarah Sisbot
Sarah Sussman and Nicolas Saint-Arnaud
Sari Spector
Sari-Lois Mattal-Neft
Sarith Honigstein
Sasha Mattiello
Sasha Rietti
Schick Chiropractic
Schirley and Naftali Zisman
Scott and Anna Saltzman
Scott and Diane Brown
Scott and Jennifer Kabat
Scott and Mickey Russman
Scott and Sarit Schube
Scott Arkin
Scott Coleman
Scott Herscher
Scott Jacques
Scott Monroe
Scott Norris
Scott Sklar
Sean Akaks
Sean Kelly
Sean Sweeney
Season Korchin
Sebastien Csapo
Selim Bencuya
Selma Meyerowitz and Malcolm Trifon
Selma Soss
Semyon Grozman
Semyon Kats
Semyon Sheynkman
Serafima Krasnopolskaya
Sergio and Zelia Golombek
Seth and Julie Bokser
Seth and Lauren Greenberg
Seth Goldberg
Shahram Shariati
Shannon Stein and Shaul Nassi
Shannon Tobin
Shannon Wells
Sharon and Michael Elswit
Sharon and Orr Shakked
Sharon and Seth Leslie
Sharon and Steven Wasserman
Sharon and Stuart Cott
Sharon Barnebey
Sharon Birenbaum
Sharon Cohen
Sharon Drager and Wyit Wright
Sharon Fonseca
Sharon Goldberg
Sharon Haas
Sharon Levy
Sharon Manzon
Sharon Paisner
Sharon Pohl
sharon rush
Sharon Schwartz
Sharon Williams
Sharryl Goldstein
Shawn and Alyce Lichaa
Shayna Giuliano
Shea Rosen
Sheba Grobstein
Sheila and Marvin Yudenfreund
Sheila and Philip Faillace
Sheila Botein
Sheila Lederman
Sheila Schreiber
Sheila Sello
Shelby Block
Sheldon and Judy Greene
Sheldon and Marti Zedeck
Sheldon and Sandra Salinger
Sheldon Reber
Sheldon simon
sheldon singer
Shelley Burns
Shelley Eisenman and Elisa Friedlander
Shelley London
Shelley Nielsen
Shelley Samuels
Shelley Sprague
Shelly Caplan
Sheree and Ronald Roth
Sheri and Doug Baer
Sheri Leigh OConnor
Sheri Strong
Sheriann Lockshin
Sherrie Miller
Sherrie Rosenberg
Sherry and Brian Lipson
Sherry Birnbaum
Sherry Linker
Sheryl and Eric Lewis
Sheryl Blumenthal z’’l
Sheryl Cutler
Sheryl Goldman
Shira Green
Shira Tannor
Shirley and Benjamin Eisler
Shirley and Michael Issel
Shirley and Steve Berman
Shirley Doyle
ShirleyLee Mhatre
Shmuel and Cheryl Shaffer
Shmuel and Kathy Thaler
Shmunis Family Philanthropic Fund
Shneor and Tatyana Berezin
Shoshana Baars-Stanton
Sian Killingsworth
Sidney and Deanne Gottfried
Sidney Rudy Family Philanthropic Fund
Siera Levenson Philanthropic Fund
Simon and Julia Roy
Sol and Jacqueline Langsam Philanthropic Fund
Solomon Weingarten and Reva Fabrikant
Sonia Apfelblum
Sonia Moss
Sonia Rosenbaum
Sophie Duda
Soren Peterson
Sorrelle Green
Staci Eisler Cole and Cary Cole
Stacy Bradley
Stacy Feld
Stacy Garza
Stacy Hering Astor
Stacy Kaplan
Stan and Faith Sadur
Stan and Judith Taubman
Stan and Marilyn Epstein
Stan Roodman and Roberta Berg
Stanley and Joan Gross
Stanley and Joyce Friedman Philanthropic Fund
Stanley and Judity Brodsky
Stanley and Nancy z’’l Lipsitz
Stanley Cantor Philanthropic Fund
Stanley Goldberg and Marcia Luperini
Steele Davidoff
Stefani Wulkan
Stefanie Gilbert
Stefanie Romie
Stefi Rudolph
Stella Miao
Steph Skilton
Stephanie Brown
Stephanie De Palma
Stephanie Foster
Stephanie Kipperman
Stephanie Rutenberg
Stephanie Scott
Stephen and Barbara Whitgob
Stephen and Emily Mendel
Stephen and Irene Moff
Stephen and Janice Farber
Stephen and Jo Anne Jacobs
Stephen and Joan Reich
Stephen and Laurie Pearce
Stephen and Leslie Isaacs
Stephen and Mary Mizroch
Stephen and Merle Baruch
Stephen and Ruth Rosenthal
Stephen and Susan Kellerman Fund
Stephen and Vibeke Libby
Stephen Hall
Stephen Schwarz
Stephen Sherman
Stephen Tolchin
Stephen Weiner and Norm Dito
Sterling and Lisa Pratz
Steve and Shelley Zell
Steve Kornetsky and Randy Sue Pollack
Steve Sackrin
Steve Shufton
Steven and Alisa Price
Steven and Danessa Miller
Steven and Jackie Tulsky
Steven and Judith Chamow
Steven and Judith Mitchell
Steven and Katherine Resnik
Steven and Maurie Louis
Steven and Rachel Gatoff
Steven and Rebecca Perl
Steven and Susana Maron
Steven Asch
Steven Cohen
Steven Greenfield
Steven Greenwald and Rochelle Alpert
Steven Gruen
Steven Hibshman
Steven Shakin and Madeline Mendelsohn
Steven Simrin
Steven Tabak and Blair Kilpatrick
Steven Tulkin z’’l and Sydney Kapchan
Steven Weitz
Steven White
Stewart and Karen Kupetz
Stewart Florsheim and Judith Rosloff
Stewart Goldberg
Stuart and Anita Tanenberg
Stuart and Elizabeth Russell
Stuart Bronstein
Stuart Cohen
Stuart Gardiner
Stuart Parker
Stuart Rojstaczer and Holly Welstein
Stuart Weil
Stubbs Jou
Sue Davis
Sue Sabat
Sunjoon Ahn
Sunny Lerner
Sunny Romer
Susan Adair
Susan Adler-Bressler and David Bressler
Susan Amdur
Susan and Charles Spielman
Susan and Elisha Mayost
Susan and Fred Lebe
Susan and Gordon Bardet
Susan and Mark Fredkin
Susan and Richard Rabens
Susan and Rick Knight
Susan and William Zarchy
Susan Aronovsky
Susan Battat
Susan Bertin
Susan Blockstein
Susan Bosker
Susan Cable
Susan Cahn
Susan Campbell
Susan Coliver and Robert Herman
Susan Deets
Susan Dregely
Susan Friedeberg
Susan Friedman
Susan Galel
Susan Hamlin
Susan Hendrie-Marais
Susan Hootkins
Susan Iscol
Susan Jaeger
Susan Kantrow
Susan Kolb
Susan Larsen
Susan Lessin
Susan McBride
Susan McGarry
Susan Miller Roy
Susan Norwick Horrocks and Keith Horrocks
Susan OFerrall
Susan Perlstein
Susan Post
Susan Richter
Susan Slater and Evan Kirshenbaum
Susan Ultan
Susan Warfield
Susan Warshow
Susan Weber
susan wilson
Susan Zweig
Susanna Chau
Susie and Lawrence Cerf
Suzan Berns
Suzan Goldhaber
Suzanne and David z’’l Broad
Suzanne Rittenberg Rubinstein
Suzie and Thomas Epstein
Suzy and Jeff Cantor
Suzy Obst
Svetlana Rishina
Sy Aal
Sy Kaufman
Sybille Katz
Sydne Weiner
Sydney Schimmel
Sylvia Krimsley
Sylvie Finn
Talinn Hatti
Talya Berger
Talya Brinkman
Tamar Goldman Sachs
Tamar Gordon
Tamar Lerner
Tamara and Kevin Freeman
Tamara Russel
Tamara Wallenstein
Tamir Ram
Tammy Lee
Tanya and Javier Vaca
Tanya Avrutin
Tanya Reperyash and Alexander Filshtinsky
Tara Mohr and Eric Ries Philanthropic Fund
Tara Reeves
Taryn Langer
Tatiana Goldstein and Edward Schaffer
Tatum Fritts
Tatyana Churakova
Tavi Kessler
Teah Strozer
Ted and Sarah Schachter
Tejal Shah
Terence Gordon
Teresa Bilinski
Teresa Sellner
Terra Linda High School’s Jewish Student Union
Terri Arrigoni
Terri Edelson
Terri Jergenson
Terry Alexander
Terry Gutkin
Terry Kraus
Terry Magnin
Terry Verk
Tess Oram
Thayer Family Charity Fund
The Boston Consulting Group
The Mestel Family
The Sher-Right Fund
The Strong Family
Theodore and Karen Bresler
Theodore Kamins
Theodore T. Rosenberg and Jerold B. Rosenberg Philanthropic Fund
Theresa Brady
Therese Hickey
Thomas and Deborah Jacobsen
Thomas and Diane Levison
Thomas and Genie Tabak
Thomas and Linda Kalinowski
Thomas and Linda Thompson
Thomas Driscoll
Thomas Gotshall
Thomas McKinley
Thomas Paper and Eleanor Bigelow
Thomas Ross
Thomas Ruttkamp
Thomas Snyder
Thomas Sturm and Lore Winterman-Sturm
Thomas Timberg
Thornborrow Family Fund
Tiela Chalmers
Tiffany Ley
Tiffiany Swartz
Timothy Kitt
Tina and Eric Eisenman
TJ Kahn
Todd and Julie Kaye
Todd and Linda Adler
Todd Lebo
Todd Sadow
Todd Swartz
tom johnson
Tom Ucko
Tomoko Nakamura
Tony Steuer
Tony Uhruh
Tonya Zirelli
Tori Aparton
Tova Ricardo
Tracey Fine
Traci Zarling
Tracy and Eliana Ickes
Tracy Borlaug
Tricia Mullan
Tricia Petersen
Trisha Young
Tristan Najarro
Trond Martinsen
Tula Kraiser
Turn/River Management
Tyler VanderBogart
Unicoi Methodist Church
United Way of the Wine Country
Uri Ratzkoff
Uriela and Giora Ben-Yaacov
Vadim Altshuler
Vadim Barilko
Vagmi Sharma
Valentin Perez
Valerie Flaherman
Valerie Snart
Valerie Storozuk
Vanessa Herman
Veda Weiss
Vega Applications Development, Inc.
Vera Shur
Veronica Antonova
Veronica Kwok
Veronica Tincher
Veronica Yakubov
Vicki and John Anderle
Vicki and Michael Link
Vicki Axelrod Feinstein and Matthew Feinstein
Vicki Stabenow
Victor and Mary Abrash
Victor Mitnick and Nancy Nagel
Victor Ress and Ruth Sherman
Victoria Dobbs
Viktória Irházi
Vilimone Ranatora
Vincent Chiaro
Virginia H. Friedman/Daniel F. Brett Philanthropic Fund
Vita Drucker
Vita Druker
Vitaly Tonkonog
Vivek Mohta
Vivian and Steve McClure
Vivian Brash
Vivian Goldberg
Vivian Wohl
Vivienne Levenberg
Vlad Galant
Vlad Zilberbrud
Vladimir and Lia z’’l Nemirovsky
Vladimir and Marina Zelenko
Vladimir and Regina Boshernitsan
Vladimir and Tamara Etalis
Vladimir and Tamara Kaplan
Vladimir Galburt
Waen Vejjajiva
Walter Levison
Wanda Dishman
Warren and Barbara Levinson
Warren Snaider
Wayne Durlester
Wendi Weill
Wendy & Marc Levine
Wendy & Mason Willrich
Wendy Cohen
Wendy Fennell
Wendy Leopold
Wendy Rothenberg
Wendy Weiss
Wetherby Asset Management
Whitney Binder
Whitney Dorman
Will K. Weinstein Revocable Trust Philanthropic Fund
Will Kenigsberg
Will Marks
Will Range
William and Barbara Alexander
William and Judy Levinson
William Bondy
William Cartiff
William Heinz
William Hughes
William Kearney
William Lipsher
Willy and Susan Mautner
Woo Thompson
Yaakov Frank
Yael and William Oberndorf
Yael Cohen
Yael Rosenwald
Yana Kalika
Yaniv Block Temin
Yanni Velasquez
Yardena and Irving Brooks
Yehudi Weininger
Yitzchok Ben David Peter
Yoel Temin
Yonadav Tsuna
Yonahton Bock
Yonatan Cohen and Frayda Gonshor Cohen
Yoni and David Mayeri
Yoni and Ido Raveh
Yosef and Esther Marcus
Yotam Fruma
Yvette and George Breslauer
Yvonne Sporrer
Zachary Burt
Zachary Floresca
Zachary Garibaldi
Zachary Palmese
Zachary Polsky
Zack and Ronit Bodner
Zarah Gulamhusein
Zeeva Kardos
Zoe Abrams
Zoe Rocco-Zilber
Zoe Shyba
Zoee Alyeshmerni
The following is a list of contributions made to permanent endowment funds of the Federation in fiscal year 2023–24, made during their lifetimes or from their estates.
Hilda & Manfred Namm z”l
Maurice Kanbar z”l
Dana Martin-Newman and John Newman z”l
Eleanor & Albert Fraenkel z”l
John z”l and Jill Freidenrich
Mary L. Ralph z”l
Eleonore Gruenebaum z”l and Harold Greene z”l
Edith and Alfred Hammerslough z”l
Emil Knopf z”l
Charles and Julia Lobel z”l
Fred and Beth Karren z”l
Alan and Rosemarie Paul z”l
Leonard and Julia Weinberg z”l
Drs. Eleanor L. & Stanley Zuckerman z’l
Melvyn Mark
Bradley Arrick
David Arrick
Mark and Donna Blum
Andy Cheng & Abi Karlin-Resnick
Simon Guendelman
Joseph and Lita Katz z”l
Fred & Yvonne Levy z”l
Lucille & Henry Libicki z”l
Centennial Living Legacy Society
$20,000,000 & above
Tad and Dianne Taube
Barbara and Gerson z”l Bakar
Helen and Sanford Diller z”l
Marcia and John Goldman
Janet and Albert Schultz z”l
Helen Sarah Steyer
Patty Wolfe z”l
Laura and Gary Lauder
Bob and Connie Lurie
Barbara z”l and John Osterweis
Jack and Carole Strauss z”l
Jill and John z”l Freidenrich
Eleanore Gruenebaum z”l and Harold P. Greene z”l
Hilda and Manfred Namm z”l
Rob z”l and Eileen Ruby
Ellen and Raoul Wexberg z”l
Anonymous (2)
Ann and Irwin Bear z”l
Valli Benesch and Bob Tandler
Elizabeth Bing z”l
Doris and Ben Blum z”l
Helen C. Bulwik
Libi Cape
Michael Davis z”l
John and Catherine Debs
Meri and Joseph Ehrlich z”l
Bunny and Steven Fayne
Myrna z”l and Tom Frankel
Robert z”l and Michelle Friend
Tricia Hellman Gibbs and Richard Gibbs
Nancy and Stephen z”l Grand
Arnold A. Grossman z”l
Lawrence Grossman and Susan Cohen Grossman
Carolen and Douglas Herst
Maurice Kanbar z”l
Candee and Jack Klein / Jack and Elisa Klein Foundation
Cathy and Jim Koshland
Harry, Ella and Pearl Lapidaire z”l
Stephen S. and Maribelle B. Leavitt
Cindy and Steven Marion-Walker
Dana Martin-Newman and John Newman z”l
Judith Moss z”l
Alan and Rosemarie Paul z”l
John Pritzker and Mo Pritzker
Lotte Ross z”l
Carol and Harry Saal
Dan and Jackie Safier
Edward I. z”l and Judith A. Schutzman
Elizabeth and Howard Shwiff
Lisa Stone Pritzker
Dr. Ernest and Anna Thorn z”l
In honor of Bert and Mary Ann Tonkin z”l
Arthur J. Weil
Beverly and Bernard Wolfe z”l
In memory of Jim Wolfe z”l
Ethnea and William Auslen z”l
Alvin H. Baum Jr. z”l
Stephanie Block
Marian and Allan z”l Byer
Steven J. Cohen
Leonie J. Darwin z”l
Marion and Jack Euphrat z”l
Jesse and Joan Feldman z”l
Nanette and Richard Freedland
Howard and Susan Geifman
Chris and Warren Hellman z”l
Frederick J. Isaac
Mark and Debra Leslie
Fred and Yvonne Levy z”l
Joan R. and Howard H. Mechalovitz z”l
Phyllis and Stuart z”l Moldaw
Eleanor and Laurence z”l Myers
Mildred and Jeremiah Nissim z”l
Catherine and Michael Podell
Barbara and Richard Rosenberg z”l
Dorothy and George z”l Saxe
Ruth and Donald Seiler z”l
Arna and Hersh Shefrin
Lloyd and Lassie Ulman z”l
Dr. Marvin and Ilene Weinreb z”l
Anita and Ronald z”l Wornick
Great Givers
Anonymous (3)
Dr. Bernard S. Aarons D.D.S. z”l
Marion Bacciocco z”l
David Becker and Ann Peckenpaugh Becker
Barbara and Jerry Bentkowsky z”l
Riva and David Berelson, in memory of Gita and Henry Baigelman z”l
Amy and Matt Berler
Joe and Nancy Blum
Louis Briskin Memorial Philanthropic Fund
In Honor of Congregation Rodef Sholom
Phyllis and David Z. z”l Cook
Adele and William z”l Corvin
Dana Corvin and Harris Weinberg
Joan and Charlie Davis
Leslee and Wayne Feinstein
The Daniel and Sandra Feldman Family Fund
Saul A. Fenster z”l
Nathan J. and Virginia H. Friedman z”l
Donny and Janie Friend
Peter and Luz M. Frohwein z”l, in memory of Hans and Flore Frohwein z”l
Mimi and Arthur z”l Gauss
Marianne Goldman z”l
Olga and Stanley Goldsmith z”l
Richard B. Gump z”l
James Heeger and Daryl Messinger
Douglas M. and Mary E. Heller z”l
Rachelle Hirstio z”l
Sonya and Stephen Hurst
Lee and Martin Katz z”l
Barbara and Ron Kaufman
Rachel and Wilfred Kay z”l, in memory of Peisach and Sara Katz, and their children Sholom, Shimon, Sima, Lea, Rachel, and Benjamin z”l
Emil Knopf z”l
Phyllis and Harvey Koch z”l
Adele z”l and Don Langendorf
Marvin Langsam z”l
Alvin and Rosanne z”l Levitt
Galina and Lev Leytes
The William and Fern Lowenberg Family
Elizabeth Marcus z”l
Larry and Gladys Monroy Marks
Diane B. and Robert M. Neuhaus Scholarship Fund, in memory of our parents Elza and Sigmund Neuhaus and Rachael and Irving Benjamin
Robert and Jan Newman
Barbro and Bernard Osher
Karen and Brian Perlman
Shirley and Robert z”l Raymer
Joyce and William Remak z”l
Sheri and Paul Robbins
Alan and Susan Rothenberg
George Sarlo
Seligman Family Foundation
Albert A. Shansky z”l
Dana and Gary Shapiro
Abra and Jordan Sills
Joelle Steefel and Jennifer Spitzer Family Fund
Howard M. Steiermann
Marlene and Marty Stein
Anne Steirman
David Steirman
Harold Stoll z”l Family Fund
Edward R. Stolman z”l
Sherman and Anne Strauss z”l
Ruthellen and Monte Toole z”l
Carol and Norm Traeger
Jamie and Rory Weinstein
Charles and Barbara Weiss
Paul and Barbara Weiss z”l
Carol A. Weitz
Howard and Lisa Wenger
Maurice D. White z”l
Sheldon z”l and Rhoda Wolfe
Diane and Howard Zack
Hanna Zeidler-Jassman z”l
Mary and Harold Zlot
Jean and Richard Zukin z”l
Centennial Living Legacy Society
Up to $249,999 permanent funds, reaffirmed commitments at all levels or amount unknown
Anonymous (18)
Don Abramson
Betty Denenberg Adler
Hyman D. and Helen Z. Agid z”l
Maimoona M. Ahmed
Jeanne and Philip Alper z”l
Beverly z”l and David Altman
Beverly and David Altman z”l
Edith and Peter Altmann z”l
Hilde and Alfred Amkraut z”l
Robert Charles Armstrong z”l
Millie and Aron Aronovsky z”l
Dr. Kenneth J. Arrow z”l
Marie Aslan z”l
Yetta and Morris Bach z”l
Sue and Ronald Bachman
Ralph and Estelle Bardoff z”l
The Barlow Family
Keith P. Bartel z”l
Harry and Patty Battat z”l
Jack Beckerman z”l
Joseph and Joyce Behar
Fritzi Benesch z”l
Daniel Benjamin z”l
Annette M. Berger z”l
Aline and Warren Berl z”l
Jean Katherine Bernstein z”l
Eleanor and Gerald Besson z”l
Crownie and Martin z”l Billik
Lenore Kay Bleadon
Judy Gold Bloom
Jane Blumberg Goldberg z”l
Betty and John Blumlein z”l
Aviva Shiff Boedecker
Michael Borrus
Jerome and Dolores Braun
Margot E. Braun z”l
Dorothy and Arnold Breit z”l
Arthur and Lucille Brown z”l
Steve Brown
Martin and Geri Brownstein z”l
Neill and Linda Brownstein
Lynn Burrows Bunim
Jane and Sumner Burrows z”l
Irving David Caplan z”l
Ruth Carolyn z”l
Helene H. and Frank J. Catz z”l
Arthur Cerf z”l
Andy Cheng and Abi Karlin-Resnick
Edith and Norman Coliver z”l
Robert F. Cowan z”l
Geraldine Crane z”l
Wendy Croft Salinsky z”l
Ted Cutler z”l
Dr. Elaine Dallman z”l
Renee and Ervin Delman z”l
Margo and Robert Derzon z”l
Annette Dobbs z”l
Edith and Benjamin Dorfman z”l
Donald Drapkin z”l
Dr. Ronald S. Dunn
Maxyne Earl z”l
Dr. Jack and Seena Elfant z”l
John L. and Linda L. Elman
Barbara and Jeff Farber
Wesley z”l and Bonnie Fastiff
Sylvia and Michael z”l Felsenstein
Doris R. Fine
Doris and Donald z”l Fisher
Louis and Janet Fisher z”l
Dr. Martin Fleishman z”l
Susan and David Folkman
Eleanor and Albert Fraenkel z”l
Lilli and Max Frank z”l
Nanci and Gary Fredkin
Isabelle and Edgar Freuder z”l
Mara and Rudolph Friedman z”l
Rebecca and Seymour Fromer z”l
Louise H. Ginsburg z”l
Dr. Abraham and Natalie Goetz z”l
Sylvia and Captain Walter Goldenrath z”l
Eric B. Goldman
Kurt Goldstrom z”l
Adean Golub
Rabbi Marvin Goodman and Deborah Kelman
Ruth Gordon z”l
Doris Livingston Grasshoff z”l
William and Frances Green z”l
Heather Sheridan Green and Matthew Green DC
Aaron and Frances Greenberg z”l
Lorene and Samuel Greenblat z”l
Flora Greenhoot z”l
Charles P. Gresham z”l
Daniel Grossman and Linda Gerard
Judith Grossman z”l
Erna z”l and Guenter E. Gruschka
Dr. and Mrs. Melvin z”l Gunsberg
Peter Haas, in memory of his parents Ernst and Helen Haas z”l of Portland, OR
Susan Hamlin
Helen z”l and Arthur Hausman
Phyllis C. Helfand
Ida G. Hodes z”l
Gerald Hoytt z”l
Dr. Alex and Bernadette Inkeles z”l
Robert and Lois Jacob z”l
Barbara R. Jacobs
Phyllis and Alvin Janklow
Ellen and Robert Jasper
Raymond Kaliski z”l
Dorothy and Harry Kallberg z”l
Joel Kamisher
Rosemary and Daniel Kaplan, in memory of Lisabeth Kaplan z”l
Fred and Beth Karren z”l
Tom and Kendra Kasten
Isabel F. Kaufmann z”l
Joseph and Lita Katz z”l
Allen and Hannah King
Joseph and Annabell Koerpel z”l
Vivian and Sidney Konigsberg z”l
Peter z”l and Carol Kornfeld
Stephanie and Morris z”l Krantz
Bernis and Larry Kretchmar
Linda and Frank Kurtz
Virginia Ladensohn z”l
Jack Langsam z”l
Albert Leaver z”l
Maryan Lebell z”l
Warren G. Lefort
J. B. Leibovitch and Judy Chun
Joseph J. Levin
Lenore and Lewis B. z”l Levin
Harold and Phyllis Levy z”l
Janet Lewis z”l
Lucille and Henry Libicki z”l
Mel and Bettie Lichtman z”l
Greta and Eric Livingston z”l
Charles and Julia Lobel z”l
Eva T. Lokey z”l
Lorry Lokey z”l
Margit Lowenstein z”l
Hans Lowhurst z”l
Caroline and Brian Lurie
Burt Lustig z”l
Lois and George Maisels z”l
Abraham Malaster z”l
Susan and Jay Mall
Elie and Gerry Marcus z”l
Melville Marx, Jr. z”l
Marlyn G. McClaskey z”l
Barbara J. Meislin / Purple Lady Fund
Frank G. Meyer z”l
Howard J. and Eleanor W. Miller z”l
Erika Miller z”l
Susan and Bill Mirbach
Ruth Morse z”l
Milton Mosk z”l
Mark Moss and Lisa Braver Moss
Charlotte Newman z”l
Leah Noher
Liane Ofenham-Hall and Michael Ofenham z”l
Adrienne K. and Jay R. Oliff z”l
Adele R. Passalacqua
Joyce Pavlovsky
Helen and Milton Pearl z”l
Rose Penn z”l
Herbert and Frances Perkins z”l
Frances Pivnick z”l
Lilly Radcliffe z”l
In Memory of Abe and Toba Rashti z”l
Ingeborg and Leonard Ratner z”l
Cecil P. Reeves z”l
Ted and Valerie Reich
Paul and Hilda Richards z”l
Joyce Baker Rifkind
Caryl Lancet Ritter
Alex and Gertrude Roberts z”l Fund
Gloria and Milton Roberts z”l
Jerome Robinson z”l
Miriam and Eddie Robinson z”l
Samuel Rodetsky z”l
Norman Rogers z”l
Patricia and Robert z”l Ronald
Herbert and Ilse Rosenbaum z”l
Rosalie and Herman S. Rosenbaum
Ray H. Rosenman z”l
Gerald B. Rosenstein z”l
Marjorie S. Rosenthal z”l
Maureen and Paul Roskoph
Barbara and Julius Roth z”l
Lottie L. and David T. Rothschild z”l
Esther Rubin z”l
Phyllis Rubinstein z”l
The Russell-Shapiro Family
Ellen and Jerry Saliman
Ethel Salwen z”l
Howard R. Samuel z”l
Loren and Shelley Saxe
Gail Schlachter z”l
Adrienne and Norman Schlossberg
John R. Schwabacher
In Memory of Gerald Seltzer z”l
Grace Shulman z”l
Nathan z”l and Rebecca Siegel
Harry and Juliette Silver z”l
Edward Silverberg z”l
Alice and Daniel Simon z”l
Esther and Richard z”l Sirinsky
Emily Skolnick z”l
Mildred Snitzer z”l
Joanne W. Sobel z”l
Vivian Solomon z”l
Susan Wander Sorkin
Paul Spitz z”l
Walter R. Steinberg z”l
Ruth Steiner z”l
Barbara and Charles Stevens
Elsie M. Stevens z”l
Merna Strassner
Selma and Sandy Tandowsky z”l
Dr. and Mrs. Irving B. Tapper z”l
Herman P. and Sophia Taubman Philanthropic Fund
Olga Thein z”l
Isabelle and Lawrence Tomsky z”l
Charlene and Sid Tuchman z”l
Gertrude Vederoff z”l
Dr. Walter and Dorothy R. Vogel z”l
Myron and Jerrie Rubenstein Wacholder z”l
Joseph z”l and Kathi Wahed
Thomas L. Waite z”l
Marilyn Waldman
Alfred and Lee Weber z”l
Margot and Ernest Weil z”l
Lewis and Helen Weil z”l
William and Roschelle Weiman z”l
Leonard and Julia Weinberg z”l
William and Arden Weinberg z”l
Michael S. Weinberger z”l
Dr. Raymond L. and Marilyn K. Weisberg z”l
Otto and Idell Weiss z”l
Suzanne H. Weiss z”l
Malka Weitman and Eric Strauss
Erna and Herman Wertheim z”l
Frederic Whitman z”l
Gail Wilensky
Kathy Roberts Williams z”l
Celina (Basia) and Jacob Wisniewski z”l
Gerda Wodlinger z”l
Margaret and Martin Zankel
Vera and Joseph Zatkin z”l
David and Rosalie Zemansky z”l
Mark Zitter and Jessica Nutik Zitter
Alanna Zrimsek and Morton z”l Levin
Drs. Eleanor L. and Stanley Zuckerman z”l
Gifts include donations to the 2024 Annual and Designated Campaigns. If your name has inadvertently been omitted from the list of donors, our sincere apologies. Please contact so we can update the information.
*Gifts including a Permanent Annual Campaign Endowment (PACE) or Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE)
z”l = Zichrono livracha; of blessed memory