Sustainable Dairy Partnership

Promote and communicate continuous improvement in dairy sustainability.

Join SDP SDP Executive Summary

Sustainable Dairy Partnership picture
Why the Sustainable Dairy Partnership picture Icon illustration

Why the Sustainable Dairy Partnership

Because dairy sustainability matters.

The Sustainable Dairy Partnership provides a consistent global approach to dairy sustainability in commercial relationships between dairy buyers and processors. The burden of buyer-specific programmes and audits is reduced, restoring focus on what really matters: continuous improvement on dairy farms.

Join your peers in improving dairy sustainability through an industry-wide approach.

What is the Sustainable Dairy Partnership picture Icon illustration

What is the Sustainable Dairy Partnership

A journey to dairy sustainability built on the Dairy Sustainability Framework.

Through the five stages of the Sustainable Dairy Partnership, the processor strengthens their sustainability management system and reports their progress and impacts. It’s a roadmap to sustainability for the dairy processor, resulting in a simple, usable report for dairy buyers.

How it works

Use the Sustainable Dairy Partnership to demonstrate and improve your sustainability progress without duplicating effort.

Dairy priorities picture

Dairy priorities

In consultation with their stakeholders, dairy processors prioritise the DSF 11 criteria and its continuous improvement commitments.

Recognition illustration


The SDP recognises and reinforces existing National and Company programs that can demonstrate impact and improvement at farm level.

Consistent and credible illustration

Consistent and credible

The SDP is designed to accommodate the diversity of dairy systems and supports verification, so it is consistent and credible.

The benefits

The SDP is designed to accommodate the diversity of dairy systems and supports verification, so it is consistent and credible.

Dairy Processors picture

Dairy Processors

  • Focus on what’s relevant to your business and farmers
  • Use the stages as a roadmap to managing a sustainable dairy business
  • A single programme to meet your customer requirements, reducing the need for customer-specific systems and audits
  • Get credit for things you are already doing through your actions, national programmes, and DSF Membership
  • Build collaboration with shared principles between buyers and processors
Dairy Buyers picture

Dairy Buyers

  • One single approach to view sustainability progress from the supply chain
  • Receive verified reports that can be used by procurement and sustainability teams with confidence
  • Understand where your supplying processors are on the sustainability journey and their measurable impact
  • Avoid creating and managing a costly and resource-intensive on farm sustainability system
  • Build collaboration with shared principles between buyers and processors
SDP Learning Centre picture

SDP Learning Centre

Sustainable Dairy Partnership resources to help you on your journey to dairy sustainability.

SAI Platform members and Sustainable Dairy Partnership users get have access to video tuition, technical documents, training materials and tools through in the SDP Learning Centre. Available through My SAI Platform.

My SAI Platform
SDP Reporting Hub picture

SDP Reporting Hub

Start sharing your data in a simple, secure and flexible way.

Meet your value chain expectations of sustainably produced milk and milk products with SAI Platform’s SDP Reporting Hub.

Available exclusively for SAI Platform members and Sustainable Dairy Partnership (SDP) users, the hub displays key features including a supplier directory, personalised dashboard and reports and secure repository for shared information among others.

Join SDP Hub login

Why are companies coming together to be a part of the Sustainable Dairy Partnership?

Watch this 3-minute video where we hear from a range of companies on the value they get from the Sustainable Dairy Partnership.

Watch video

Use the SDP

With two ways to join, you can choose the approach that is right for you.

ADM picture


Ahold Delhaize illustration

Ahold Delhaize

Arla illustration


Barilla illustration


Barry Callebaut picture

Barry Callebaut

Bel Group picture

Bel Group

Bord Bia picture

Bord Bia

California Dairies picture

California Dairies

Carbery picture


Cayuga Marketing picture

Cayuga Marketing

Coca Cola picture

Coca Cola

Dairy Australia illustration

Dairy Australia

Dairy Farmers of America picture

Dairy Farmers of America

Dale Farm picture

Dale Farm

Danone picture


Darigold / Northwest Dairy Association picture

Darigold / Northwest Dairy Association

DeLaval illustration


DMK Group picture

DMK Group

Ferrero picture


Fonterra picture


Friesland Campina illustration

Friesland Campina

Givaudan picture


Glanbia picture


Hershey’s illustration


Hoogwegt picture


Innovation Center for US Dairy picture

Innovation Center for US Dairy

Interfood picture


Kerry Group illustration

Kerry Group

Kraft Heinz Company illustration

Kraft Heinz Company

Lakeland Dairies picture

Lakeland Dairies

Land O’Lakes picture

Land O’Lakes

Lely picture


Leprino Foods picture

Leprino Foods

Lindt & Sprungli illustration

Lindt & Sprungli

Mars illustration


Milchindustrie-Verband (MIV) illustration

Milchindustrie-Verband (MIV)

MILEI illustration


Molkerei Ammerland eG picture

Molkerei Ammerland eG

Mondelez International illustration

Mondelez International

Nestlé picture


Numidia picture


ofi picture


Orkla illustration


Ornua picture


Reckitt Benckiser illustration

Reckitt Benckiser

Saputo illustration


Savencia Fromage & Dairy picture

Savencia Fromage & Dairy

Sodiaal Union picture

Sodiaal Union

Starbucks illustration


Synlait picture


Tirlán illustration


Unilever illustration


Vreugdenhil illustration
