Youth & Children
Whether your child is a preschooler, in high school, or anywhere in between, we love what is going on here at The Salvation Army with the youth and we welcome newcomers! We have 2 youth pastors who love getting to know your child and we offer a variety of age-specific, fun, God-centered programs to keep them in great peer relationships and growing in their relationship with God. All our programs aim to teach young people, age appropriately, about the fundamentals of Christian faith, what it means to be a Christian, how we live that out in our daily life, and what it means to be a Christian in The Salvation Army. It’s wonderful that the youth have a close relationship with our youth pastors, that they feel they can share anything, anytime, and receive Godly mentoring in return. No matter what age your child is and whether or not you attend our church, we would love to have them be part of this ever-growing ministry!
For Toddlers up to age 3 we have childcare staff in the nursery during the church service on Sundays between 10:45am-12:30pm. Drop your child off into the care of our nursery staff and enjoy morning church service while knowing your child is professionally being cared for.
For ages 3-SK we offer Angel Choir that meets weekly on Sunday mornings during Sunday School time (11:30am-12:30pm) allowing children the chance to have fun and learn about God at an early age. Angel Choir meets first at 11:30am followed by Sunday School!
Jr. Band: starting at age 7 up to age 18, you can enjoy the teamwork and learning of attending our children & youth band practices. It’s a great night of playing fun music, being with friends, and learning more about serving & God’s love through music. (free)
For grades 1-4, 5-7 we have Sunday school classes with great age appropriate material led by volunteer teachers and helpers. 11:30am
For JK-Grade 4 and grades 5-7 we offer a weekly Junior Youth Group and Junior High youth group. Come and meet with friends as we learn more about God while having lots of fun! Check out the What’s On section for more details or contact the church office at 905-436-0011 or [email protected].
Starting at grade 1, we offer Singing Company, which is a choir that meets weekly on Thursdays from 7-8pm. This choir is a fun and educational time, which helps to teach children what it means to worship God through song. Also this age group can be involved in Timbrels, which is another musical group that meets weekly on Thursday nights at 6:30pm. Beginner and Junior band practices are Tuesdays from 6:30pm-7:30pm, which is a wonderful way to learn music with brass instruments and praise God with your child’s newly learned gift.
For Grades 8-12, connect with the weekly Senior Youth Group which is a wonderful way for your child to grow and feel a belonging to a large group of like-minded youth. It offers plenty of social hangout time, a variety of discussion topics facing youth at this age, bible studies, fun getaways and personal one-on-ones with our wonderful youth pastors. Our youth at this age face many things and it is a wonderful blessing to go through it all with like-minded, God-centered, peers and youth leaders.
Watch this space for information on our March Break and Summer Day Camp programs.
We have an amazing March Break and Summer Day Camp (July and August from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.) at the church, 570 Thornton Road North, Oshawa. Subsidies are available through Family Services (905-723-7422) for the summer day camps. These camps are a great way for your kids to have fun, play sports, make friends and learn about God. These camps are open for kids ages 5 – 12 years.
We also have week long camps at Jackson’s Point and in Huntsville. Information on these camps can be obtained at Family Services (905-723-7422).