Leaders empower. Managers control. Micromanagers remove your will to live!
If you admit to being ‘a bit of a perfectionist’, the chances are that delegating is a challenge for you.
After all, how can you be sure that others will do things to your standards?
Your reputation is at stake and it’s too much of a risk to put that in the hands of others.
Micromanagement is one of a number of pitfalls of perfectionism. Those who do it think it’s essential for getting the best out of their team but in fact they are reducing the quality of their team’s input.
Micromanagement has a number of repercussions which leaders would want to avoid.
- Removes ownership and responsibility from your team – it’s all seen as yours, not theirs
- Removes any initiative they may have had – if you don’t specifically tell them to do it, they won’t.
- Problem solving/creative thinking disappears
- Their skills stagnate and diminish
- Their self-belief and confidence reduce
- Their ability to deal with responsibility reduces
- Their ability to deal with change reduces
- Your workload increases
- Your frustration with them increases, making you critical and bitter (unpleasant state to exist in)
- They become victims, you become a perpetrator or a rescuer (see Drama Triangle), all of which is unhealthy and unhelpful.
Opt instead for Empowering Leadership. They will thrive and so will you. With enough guidance and support, you can create a team that boosts you as you boost them.
Look out for more posts about Empowering Leadership.
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