Free Scripture Cards!
Free Scripture Cards!
I hope you have enjoyed Truth Cards this month. Make sure you sign up for email updates below, I’ll be making more as the summer goes along, but I will probably only send them via my newsletter and won’t post them on the blog!
Our final truth this month focuses on who we are, as Christians. After the Orlando attacks a few weeks ago, my mind and heart have been circling trying to find a truth I can hold to. What I’ve found is a verse in Romans 12:9. I love the directness Paul uses to instruct the believers in Rome. If I would tell my children any truths, it would be these three:
- Let love be genuine.
- Abhor evil.
- Hold fast to good.
I want to teach them, and remind myself to let my love be genuine. Let me love those who are different than me. Different groups of people. Different ways of thinking. I am to love, through Christ, everyone. Love means telling the truth. And the truth our world needs is the gospel. The real gospel isn’t popular, and that’s ok.
The real gospel loves radically, but also it abhors evil. In Orlando, evil held a gun. Evil spoke in hate and brought fear. When we speak up for truth, we don’t need violence. We can speak the truth in love. Do I believe homosexuality is wrong? Yes. Is it a sin? Yes, it is. But the gospel changes hearts. I can say that because I’ve seen the change in my own heart. With tears, I recognize I was a sinner, lost without Christ. Now, because of the gospel, I am forgiven and loved. Evil will never offer a solution to the problem. The gospel offers the only hope, for anyone. Anywhere.
When we love radically, abhorring evil, we can hold fast to what is good. Goodness is not in rallies. Or changing our Facebook profile pictures. Goodness is not accepting the social pressures of our country. Goodness is not saying we can all believe whatever – and make it to heaven. Goodness does not neglect truth for tolerance. Goodness is the gospel. May I always return to the gospel when it comes to loving others. May I always speak the truth, holding fast to what is good. May I abhor the evil in this world. May my love be true and genuine and rooted in the gospel.
The truth of Christianity is a relationship. Not a religion based on fear, but a relationship rooted in truth and love. Together those two work together, bringing us to God. We cannot forsake one while claiming another. Both are necessary.
Download and print for free!
Sarah — the cards are beautiful, as is your website. Thank you. Visiting from Titus 2 Tuesdays. xoxo
Love these printables, Sarah. Love how I see Jesus through your words as well.
Thanks for the link-up Sarah.
I just started following you and you do so mu ch for your followers it’s just so kind. And your blog today was great because like many, many women I too went through being so wrong before I accepted Jesus as my Savior. Thank you Sarah!
Sarah, what a beautiful post. I love your bold truth-filled words. And I love the three things you are striving to teach your children. This right here? “May I always return to the gospel when it comes to loving others. May I always speak the truth, holding fast to what is good. May I abhor the evil in this world. May my love be true and genuine and rooted in the gospel.” Yes and amen. It spoke to my heart.
Loving genuinely is easy with those closest to me. It’s harder to love those who have hurt me. I’m learning to let go of the hurtful words and actions and to forgive. Only as I forgive genuinely can I genuinely love. And forgiveness only happens when I give my hurt to God and ask for His help to love well.
Thanks for stopping by my place today. 🙂
The printable is so beautiful, and what an important verse! For me, genuine love looks like love that is dressed in working clothes. Love does, it does not just speak. My husband can tell me he loves me until the cows come home, but it’s when he backs those words up with actions that I can truly trust his love and see it as genuine (and he does this very well!). In my other relationships, genuine love looks like me taking initiative and being willing to get out of my comfort zone to help others. Genuine love looks like me caring for others even if they disagree with me in a variety of different ways. It means reflecting a love that looks like Christ’s love for me.