Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Family Yoga at Hot Yoga on 20th

Starting October 9th, a family class is going to be offered at Hot Yoga on 20th!

I will teach the class in Hot Yoga's (unheated) studio 2 every Sunday from 10:00-10:45 a.m. It will be a drop-in karma class for children (ages 3-7) with a parent/guardian. We're asking a $5 minimum donation per family, with all proceeds going to a local children's organization each month.
(What does the cow say? MOOOOOO!!!!!)

Little Yogi classes will incorporate books, games, yoga cards and will be very interactive. The focus is always on having fun while learning yoga poses.
(What does the cat say? MEEOOOOWWWW!)


  1. Hello there, just want to ask if your yoga class for kids is still available? And is there any yoga available for a pregnant mom like me? Thanks! :)

  2. Drop-in family yoga classes are every Sunday morning at Hot Yoga on 20th for parents with children ages 3-7.

    For prenatal classes, you can email Chelsea at: [email protected] for information and registration. Chelsea will be teaching a prenatal yoga class at Namaskar Yoga (http://kathleenyoga.blogspot.com/) starting in November on Wednesdays from 7 - 8 pm.
