The e-learning Newsletter brings you news about current issues, open calls, forthcoming events and e-learning resources.Take a look at this interesting line-up below.
New call launched! Innovation in Lifelong LearningThe 21st issue of eLearning Papers proposes a broad approach to the theme of Innovation in Lifelong Learning. We are not only interested in research on innovation within formal education; this issue aims to reveal the potential of those innovations that are shaping informal learning in our everyday environments or in the workplace. Deadline 28 June 2010.
The E-VITA project promotes and investigates pedagogy-driven innovation by defining new approaches to problem-based and contextualised learning. Integrating Game Based Learning with intergenerational learning concepts and storytelling techniques, E-VITA is producing 4 different serious game prototypes: experiential, problem-based, narrative and exploratory. In June 2010 an extended, international test phase will begin: everyone (schools, teachers, students, experts, anyone interested) is invited to participate: information will be available on the project website and in the LinkedIn group “e-VITA”.
The Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) is currently conducting a study on the future of learning in 2025, looking in particular at ways to learn new skills for future jobs (www.futureoflearning.eu). The project foresees multiple consultations with experts and stakeholders to obtain their views on the future of learning in order to develop visions and scenarios and to elaborate on the needs and challenges of future learners. It will then consider how learning, skills and training policies should address these challenges. At this point, they would like to ask you to reflect on some of the participant feedback they have obtained through 2 short surveys on 2 topics: The Role of Teachers and Lifelong Learning - Labour Market Re-intergration, Re-skilling, Up-skilling.
EFQUEL Innovation Forum. September 8-10, 2010. Lisbon (Portugal).
The annual assembly of eLearning and education professionals will debate how opening education can contribute to social inclusion agendas and promote economic welfare by better equipping citizens with necessary skills. The Conference Programme and registration are available online.
ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN 2010 December 1-3, 2010 Berlin (Germany).
Under the banner of Learning for All, the conference will deeply interrogate 4 themes that form the pillars of innovation: Learning Content, Learning About Learning, Learning Ecosystems and Learning Environments, in order to contribute to successful learning outcomes in three learning domains: Institutional Learning, Workplace Learning and Lifelong Learning. Online Registration is available.
EDEN 2010, 9-12 June 2010, Valencia, Spain.
The main theme at the European Distance and eLearning Network annual conference this summer in Spain will be “Media Inspirations for Learning. What makes the impact?” The detailed conference programme with the schedule of plenary and parallel sessions is now available at the conference homepage.
Selected articles
The 2009/2010 edition outlines five key areas: 1. The education context 2. ICT policies 3. ICT in the curriculum 4. Digital learning resources 5. Teacher education for ICT...
Learning and talent development 2010This is the twelfth annual Learning and Talent Development survey. The survey examines current practices within learning and talent development and explores the issues affecting the profession now...