Jing He
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Cited by
A review on automatic facial expression recognition systems assisted by multimodal sensor data
N Samadiani, G Huang, B Cai, W Luo, CH Chi, Y Xiang, J He
Sensors 19 (8), 1863, 2019
SVD-based incremental approaches for recommender systems
X Zhou, J He, G Huang, Y Zhang
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 81 (4), 717-733, 2015
Efficiently finding web services using a clustering semantic approach
J Ma, Y Zhang, J He
Proceedings of the 2008 international workshop on Context enabled source and …, 2008
Accurate image analysis of the retina using hessian matrix and binarisation of thresholded entropy with application of texture mapping
X Yin, BWH Ng, J He, Y Zhang, D Abbott
PloS one 9 (4), e95943, 2014
A combination model based on transfer learning for waste classification
GL Huang, J He, Z Xu, G Huang
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 32 (19), e5751, 2020
A smart web service based on the context of things
J He, Y Zhang, G Huang, J Cao
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 11 (3), 1-23, 2012
Classifications of credit cardholder behavior by using fuzzy linear programming
J He, X Liu, Y Shi, W Xu, N Yan
International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 3 (04 …, 2004
Dynamic minimal spanning tree routing protocol for large wireless sensor networks
G Huang, X Li, J He
2006 1ST IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, 1-5, 2006
Privacy preserving classification on local differential privacy in data centers
W Fan, J He, M Guo, P Li, Z Han, R Wang
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 135, 70-82, 2020
Distributed data possession checking for securing multiple replicas in geographically-dispersed clouds
J He, Y Zhang, G Huang, Y Shi, J Cao
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 78 (5), 1345-1358, 2012
Retina blood vessel segmentation using a U-net based Convolutional neural network
W Xiancheng, L Wei, M Bingyi, J He, Z Jiang, W Xu, Z Ji, G Hong, ...
Swinburne, 2018
Modeling dual role preferences for trust-aware recommendation
W Yao, J He, G Huang, Y Zhang
Proceedings of the 37th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research …, 2014
A graph-based model for context-aware recommendation using implicit feedback data
W Yao, J He, G Huang, J Cao, Y Zhang
World wide web 18, 1351-1371, 2015
Web services discovery based on latent semantic approach
J Ma, Y Zhang, J He
2008 IEEE international conference on web services, 740-747, 2008
Domain-driven classification based on multiple criteria and multiple constraint-level programming for intelligent credit scoring
J He, Y Zhang, Y Shi, G Huang
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 22 (6), 826-838, 2010
A PCA aided cross-covariance scheme for discriminative feature extraction from EEG signals
YZ R. Zarei, Jing He, S. Siuly
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 146 (1), 47-57, 2017
Node-coupling clustering approaches for link prediction
F Li, J He, G Huang, Y Zhang, Y Shi, R Zhou
Knowledge-Based Systems 89, 669-680, 2015
Dynamic computable general equilibrium model and sensitivity analysis for shadow price of water resource in China
J He, X Chen, Y Shi, A Li
Water resources management 21 (9), 1517-1533, 2007
Transfer learning and deep domain adaptation
W Xu, J He, Y Shu
Advances and applications in deep learning 45, 2020
Spatiotemporal interpolation for environmental modelling
F Susanto, P de Souza Jr, J He
Sensors 16 (8), 1245, 2016
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