Felipe Díaz-Sánchez
Felipe Díaz-Sánchez
Universidad Santo Tomás de Anquino - Bogotá
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Cited by
Downtime statistics of current cloud solutions
C Cérin, C Coti, P Delort, F Diaz, M Gagnaire, Q Gaumer, N Guillaume, ...
International Working Group on Cloud Computing Resiliency, Tech. Rep 1 (2), 130, 2013
Downtime statistics of current cloud solutions
M Gagnaire, F Diaz, C Coti, C Cerin, K Shiozaki, Y Xu, P Delort, JP Smets, ...
International Working Group on Cloud Computing Resiliency, Tech. Rep 1 (30), 136, 2012
An exact placement approach for optimizing cost and recovery time under faulty multi-cloud environments
F Díaz-Sánchez, S Al Zahr, M Gagnaire
2013 IEEE 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and …, 2013
Parkurbike: An IoT-based system for bike parking occupation checking
D Angulo-Esguerra, C Villate-Barrera, W Giral, HC Florez, AT Zona-Ortiz, ...
2017 IEEE Colombian Conference on Communications and Computing (COLCOM), 1-5, 2017
An economic agent maximizing cloud provider revenues under a pay-as-you-book pricing model
F Díaz Sánchez, EA Doumith, S Al Zahr, M Gagnaire
Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services: 9th International …, 2012
Compatibleone: Bringing cloud as a commodity
FD Sánchez, S Al Zahr, M Gagnaire, JP Laisné, IJ Marshall
2014 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering, 397-402, 2014
Impact of resource over-reservation (ror) and dropping policies on cloud resource allocation
F Diaz, EA Doumith, M Gagnaire
2011 IEEE Third International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and …, 2011
Cost-Effective Tabu Search Algorithm for Solving the Controller Placement Problem in SDN
RI Abuabara, F Díaz-Sánchez, JA Herrera, I Amigo
Pattern Recognition Applications in Engineering, 109-130, 2020
A semidefinite formulation of the shifting load management
W Giral, ATZ Ortiz, F Díaz-Sánchez, A Garcés
2018 IEEE ANDESCON, 1-6, 2018
Cloud brokering : new value-added services and pricing models
F Díaz-Sánchez
Ediciones USTA, 2016
COSCHED: A Scheduling Agent Maximizing Cloud Broker's Revenues under the CompatibleOne Architecture
F Díaz-Sánchez, M Gagnaire, J Marshall, JP Laisné
2013 12th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in …, 2013
Parkurbike: An IoT-Based System for Bike Parking Occupation Checking
F Díaz-Sanchez, DN Angulo Esguerra, CL Villate Barrera, ...
Part I. Value-added services in cloud brokering
F Díaz-Sánchez
Part II. A new pricing model in cloud brokering
F Díaz-Sánchez
Establecimiento de reglas de compresión encabezado para la interconexión de dispositivos IoT en redes LoRaWAN a IPv6 mediante la implementación SCHC de referencia desarrollada …
AT Zona Ortiz
Optimización de la ubicación de controladores en redes SDN
F Díaz Sánchez
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Articles 1–16