George Giaglis
Cited by
Cited by
Enhancing the tourism experience through mobile augmented reality: Challenges and prospects
CD Kounavis, AE Kasimati, ED Zamani
International Journal of Engineering Business Management 4, 10, 2012
A research framework for analysing eBusiness models
AG Pateli, GM Giaglis
European journal of information systems 13 (4), 302-314, 2004
A taxonomy of business process modeling and information systems modeling techniques
GM Giaglis
International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems 13 (2), 209-228, 2001
Technology innovation‐induced business model change: a contingency approach
AG Pateli, GM Giaglis
Journal of Organizational Change Management 18 (2), 167-183, 2005
A framework for understanding and analysing ebusiness models
A Pateli
A taxonomy of indoor and outdoor positioning techniques for mobile location services
V Zeimpekis, GM Giaglis, G Lekakos
ACM SIGecom Exchanges 3 (4), 19-27, 2002
The role of intermediaries in electronic marketplaces: developing a contingency model
GM Giaglis, S Klein, RM O'Keefe
Information systems journal 12 (3), 231-246, 2002
Using time-series and sentiment analysis to detect the determinants of bitcoin prices
I Georgoula, D Pournarakis, C Bilanakos, D Sotiropoulos, GM Giaglis
Available at SSRN 2607167, 2015
Minimizing logistics risk through real‐time vehicle routing and mobile technologies: Research to date and future trends
GM Giaglis, I Minis, A Tatarakis, V Zeimpekis
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 34 (9 …, 2004
Introduction to the special issue mobile commerce: the past, present, and future of mobile commerce research
PE Kourouthanassis, GM Giaglis
International journal of electronic commerce 16 (4), 5-18, 2012
Towards a classification framework for mobile location based services
GM Giaglis, P Kourouthanassis, A Tsamakos
Mobile commerce: technology, theory and applications, 67-85, 2003
Improving the prediction accuracy of recommendation algorithms: Approaches anchored on human factors
G Lekakos, GM Giaglis
Interacting with computers 18 (3), 410-431, 2006
With a little help from the miners: distributed ledger technology and market disintermediation
ED Zamani, GM Giaglis
Industrial Management & Data Systems 118 (3), 637-652, 2018
The effects of product involvement and impulse buying on purchase intentions in mobile text advertising
DA Drossos, F Kokkinaki, GM Giaglis, KG Fouskas
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 13 (6), 423-430, 2014
Disintermediation, reintermediation, or cybermediation? The future of intermediaries in electronic marketplaces
G Giaglis, S Klein, RM O'Keefe
12th International Bled Conference on Electronic Commerce, 389-407, 1999
Enhancing user experience through pervasive information systems: The case of pervasive retailing
PE Kourouthanassis, GM Giaglis, AP Vrechopoulos
International Journal of Information Management 27 (5), 319-335, 2007
A computational model for mining consumer perceptions in social media
DE Pournarakis, DN Sotiropoulos, GM Giaglis
Decision Support Systems 93, 98-110, 2017
On the potential use of mobile positioning technologies in indoor environments
K Fouskas, G Giaglis, P Kourouthanassis, A Pateli, A Tsamakos
BLED 2002 Proceedings, 33, 2002
The ISSUE methodology for quantifying benefits from information systems
GM Giaglis, N Mylonopoulos, GI Doukidis
Logistics Information Management 12 (1/2), 50-62, 1999
Dynamic modeling to assess the business value of electronic commerce
GM Giaglis, RJ Paul, GI Doukidis
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 3 (3), 35-51, 1999
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Articles 1–20