Battery energy storage technology for power systems—An overview KC Divya, J Østergaard Electric power systems research 79 (4), 511-520, 2009 | 2568 | 2009 |
Advanced control strategy of DFIG wind turbines for power system fault ride through L Yang, Z Xu, J Ostergaard, ZY Dong, KP Wong IEEE Transactions on power systems 27 (2), 713-722, 2011 | 465 | 2011 |
Review of real-time electricity markets for integrating distributed energy resources and demand response Q Wang, C Zhang, Y Ding, G Xydis, J Wang, J Østergaard Applied Energy 138, 695-706, 2015 | 449 | 2015 |
Coordinated charging of electric vehicles for congestion prevention in the distribution grid J Hu, S You, M Lind, J Østergaard IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (2), 703-711, 2013 | 390 | 2013 |
A comprehensive LVRT control strategy for DFIG wind turbines with enhanced reactive power support D Xie, Z Xu, L Yang, J Østergaard, Y Xue, KP Wong IEEE transactions on power systems 28 (3), 3302-3310, 2013 | 312 | 2013 |
Demand as frequency controlled reserve Z Xu, J Ostergaard, M Togeby IEEE Transactions on power systems 26 (3), 1062-1071, 2010 | 300 | 2010 |
Oscillatory stability and eigenvalue sensitivity analysis of a DFIG wind turbine system L Yang, Z Xu, J Østergaard, ZY Dong, KP Wong, X Ma IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 26 (1), 328-339, 2011 | 282 | 2011 |
Methods and strategies for overvoltage prevention in low voltage distribution systems with PV S Hashemi, J Østergaard IET Renewable power generation 11 (2), 205-214, 2017 | 264 | 2017 |
Superconducting wind turbine generators AB Abrahamsen, N Mijatovic, E Seiler, T Zirngibl, C Træholt, PB Nørgård, ... Superconductor Science and Technology 23 (3), 034019, 2010 | 261 | 2010 |
A decentralized storage strategy for residential feeders with photovoltaics F Marra, G Yang, C Træholt, J Østergaard, E Larsen IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (2), 974-981, 2013 | 256 | 2013 |
Variable speed wind turbines capability for temporary over-production GC Tarnowski, PC Kjar, PE Sorensen, J Ostergaard 2009 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 1-7, 2009 | 226 | 2009 |
MPC-based coordinated voltage regulation for distribution networks with distributed generation and energy storage system Y Guo, Q Wu, H Gao, X Chen, J Østergaard, H Xin IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 10 (4), 1731-1739, 2018 | 197 | 2018 |
Day-ahead congestion management in distribution systems through household demand response and distribution congestion prices W Liu, Q Wu, F Wen, J Østergaard IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (6), 2739-2747, 2014 | 196 | 2014 |
Coordinated control strategies for offshore wind farm integration via VSC-HVDC for system frequency support Y Li, Z Xu, J Østergaard, DJ Hill IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 32 (3), 843-856, 2017 | 184 | 2017 |
Enhanced voltage control of VSC-HVDC-connected offshore wind farms based on model predictive control Y Guo, H Gao, Q Wu, H Zhao, J Østergaard, M Shahidehpour IEEE Transactions on sustainable Energy 9 (1), 474-487, 2017 | 176 | 2017 |
Short-term and medium-term reliability evaluation for power systems with high penetration of wind power Y Ding, C Singh, L Goel, J Østergaard, P Wang IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 5 (3), 896-906, 2014 | 170 | 2014 |
Driving pattern analysis for electric vehicle (EV) grid integration study Q Wu, AH Nielsen, J Østergaard, ST Cha, F Marra, Y Chen, C Træholt 2010 IEEE PES innovative smart grid technologies conference Europe (ISGT …, 2010 | 166 | 2010 |
Onshore, offshore or in-turbine electrolysis? Techno-economic overview of alternative integration designs for green hydrogen production into Offshore Wind Power Hubs A Singlitico, J Østergaard, S Chatzivasileiadis Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transition 1, 100005, 2021 | 165 | 2021 |
FLECH: A Danish market solution for DSO congestion management through DER flexibility services C Zhang, Y Ding, NC Nordentoft, P Pinson, J Østergaard Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 2 (2), 126-133, 2014 | 157 | 2014 |
Day-ahead tariffs for the alleviation of distribution grid congestion from electric vehicles N O’Connell, Q Wu, J Østergaard, AH Nielsen, ST Cha, Y Ding Electric Power Systems Research 92, 106-114, 2012 | 156 | 2012 |