BioBlend. objects: metacomputing with Galaxy

S Leo, L Pireddu, G Cuccuru, L Lianas… - …, 2014 -
BioBlend. objects is a new component of the BioBlend package, adding an object-oriented
interface for the Galaxy REST-based application programming interface. It improves support …

[PDF][PDF] BioBlend. objects: metacomputing with Galaxy

S Leo, L Pireddu, G Cuccuru, L Lianas… - …, 2014 -
BioBlend. objects is a new component of the BioBlend package, adding an object-oriented
interface for the Galaxy REST-based application programming interface. It improves support …

BioBlend. objects: metacomputing with Galaxy

S Leo, L Pireddu, G Cuccuru… - Bioinformatics …, 2014 -
BioBlend. objects is a new component of the BioBlend package, adding an object-oriented
interface for the Galaxy REST-based application programming interface. It improves support …

[PDF][PDF] BioBlend. objects: metacomputing with Galaxy

S Leo, L Pireddu, G Cuccuru, L Lianas… - …, 2014 -
BioBlend. objects is a new component of the BioBlend package, adding an object-oriented
interface for the Galaxy REST-based application programming interface. It improves support …

[PDF][PDF] BioBlend. objects: metacomputing with Galaxy

S Leo, L Pireddu, G Cuccuru, L Lianas… - …, 2014 -
BioBlend. objects is a new component of the BioBlend package, adding an object-oriented
interface for the Galaxy REST-based application programming interface. It improves support …

[PDF][PDF] BioBlend. objects: metacomputing with Galaxy

S Leo, L Pireddu, G Cuccuru, L Lianas… - …, 2014 -
BioBlend. objects is a new component of the BioBlend package, adding an object-oriented
interface for the Galaxy REST-based application programming interface. It improves support …

[PDF][PDF] BioBlend. objects: metacomputing with Galaxy

S Leo, L Pireddu, G Cuccuru, L Lianas… - …, 2014 -
BioBlend. objects is a new component of the BioBlend package, adding an object-oriented
interface for the Galaxy REST-based application programming interface. It improves support …

BioBlend. objects: metacomputing with Galaxy.

S Leo, L Pireddu, G Cuccuru, L Lianas… - …, 2014 -
BioBlend. objects is a new component of the BioBlend package, adding an object-oriented
interface for the Galaxy REST-based application programming interface. It improves support …

BioBlend. objects: metacomputing with Galaxy.

S Leo, L Pireddu, G Cuccuru, L Lianas… - Bioinformatics (Oxford …, 2014 -
BioBlend. objects is a new component of the BioBlend package, adding an object-oriented
interface for the Galaxy REST-based application programming interface. It improves support …

BioBlend. objects: metacomputing with Galaxy

L Simone, P Luca, C Gianmauro, L Luca, S Nicola… - Bioinformatics, 2014 -
Sažetak BioBlend. objects is a new component of the BioBlend package, adding an object-
oriented interface for the Galaxy REST-based application programming interface. It improves …