Robust multiple-model LPV approach to nonlinear process identification using mixture t distributions
Y Lu, B Huang - Journal of Process Control, 2014 - Elsevier
… The degree of freedom of the t distribution is self-adaptive to the quality of the data set. A
large degree of freedom indicates a good quality of the data set while a small one corresponds …
large degree of freedom indicates a good quality of the data set while a small one corresponds …
Self-organizing mixture models
… mixture model for which we have a normal EM algorithm. Compared to other mixture model
approaches to self-… and a penalty term that enforces self-organization. Our approach allows …
approaches to self-… and a penalty term that enforces self-organization. Our approach allows …
Bayesian inference for finite mixtures of univariate and multivariate skew-normal and skew-t distributions
S Frühwirth-Schnatter, S Pyne - Biostatistics, 2010 -
… We consider such mixture models for both univariate as well as multivariate data. This
allows robust modeling of high-dimensional multimodal and asymmetric data generated by …
allows robust modeling of high-dimensional multimodal and asymmetric data generated by …
On EM Estimation for Mixture of Multivariate t-Distributions
H Wang, Z Hu - Neural processing letters, 2009 - Springer
… (ICA) and self-organizing maps (SOM) [31], and t-… t-mixture model with missing information
(by simply exploiting the same strategy as in Subsection 2.2) to obtain a modified t-mixture …
(by simply exploiting the same strategy as in Subsection 2.2) to obtain a modified t-mixture …
Normal variance-mean mixtures and z distributions
O Barndorff-Nielsen, J Kent, M Sørensen - International Statistical Review …, 1982 - JSTOR
… we delineate a broad class of self-reciprocal distributions. … As a possible model behind a
normal variance-mean mixture … , t = 3 = 0 and A = I then (2.5) is the r-dimensional t distribution. …
normal variance-mean mixture … , t = 3 = 0 and A = I then (2.5) is the r-dimensional t distribution. …
[HTML][HTML] Mixtures of skew-t factor analyzers
… In this paper, we use this formulation of the skew- t distribution to introduce a skew- t
analogue of the mixture of factor analyzers model, as well as a family of parsimonious models …
analogue of the mixture of factor analyzers model, as well as a family of parsimonious models …
A theoretical characterization of semi-supervised learning with self-training for gaussian mixture models
… fundamental dataset models such as Gaussian mixtures and conducting … self-training under
a Gaussian mixture model (GMM). We precisely calculate the distributional properties of self-…
a Gaussian mixture model (GMM). We precisely calculate the distributional properties of self-…
Using mixture distribution models to test the construct validity of the Physical Self-Description Questionnaire
… It reveals the need for an analysis using multivariate mixture distribution models, … models
for every scale of the PSDQ within each latent group. If the results show that a Rasch model can …
for every scale of the PSDQ within each latent group. If the results show that a Rasch model can …
Model-based clustering and classification with non-normal mixture distributions
SX Lee, GJ McLachlan - Statistical Methods & Applications, 2013 - Springer
… and unrestricted skew mixture models in clustering, … mixtures of skew normal and \(t\)-component
distributions with other non-normal component distributions, including mixtures …
distributions with other non-normal component distributions, including mixtures …
Self-training converts weak learners to strong learners in mixture models
… that mixture models can be learned to within ε of the Bayes-optimal accuracy using at most
O(d) labeled examples and O(d/ε2) unlabeled examples by way of a semi-supervised self-…
O(d) labeled examples and O(d/ε2) unlabeled examples by way of a semi-supervised self-…