Reuben Louis Rosenberg (1909–1986) and the Stein-Rosenberg theorem
M Redivo-Zaglia, C Brezinski - Electronic Transactions on Numerical …, 2023 -
… They were in the style of the late-19th-century mathematics tripos, with heavy calculations.
There was … An extension of the theorem was proposed by Ivo Marek in 1967 [77]. It concerns …
There was … An extension of the theorem was proposed by Ivo Marek in 1967 [77]. It concerns …
Aggregation of equations in integer programming
IG Rosenberg - Discrete Mathematics, 1974 - Elsevier
… variables are unbounded and F is linear, we present a tech:nique reducing the probllem
to the solvability of certain congruences- In the case when eacsh point of a hakpace is an …
to the solvability of certain congruences- In the case when eacsh point of a hakpace is an …
The mathematics of Ivo Rosenberg
M Couceiro, L Haddad, M Pouzet - 2019 IEEE 49th …, 2019 -
… His huge impact and contributions to these areas of mathematics are very hard to assess
due to the great extension and ramifications of his works. According to [38], Ivo Rosenberg …
due to the great extension and ramifications of his works. According to [38], Ivo Rosenberg …
An algebraic approach to hyperalgebras
IG Rosenberg - … of 26th IEEE International Symposium on …, 1996 -
… Finally, we raise questions about the lattice of hyperclones, in particular in the simplest …
To describe it we need the following concept which plays a crucial role in the theory. For a …
To describe it we need the following concept which plays a crucial role in the theory. For a …
[CITATION][C] The number of maximal closed classes in the set of functions over a finite domain
I Rosenberg - Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 1973 - Elsevier
… In the present paper by a purely combinatorial argument, the number n(k) is found to be …
find the numbers ri(k) of all distinct maximal classes of the type A,(p E Ri , i = I,..., 6). The number …
find the numbers ri(k) of all distinct maximal classes of the type A,(p E Ri , i = I,..., 6). The number …
[CITATION][C] The set of maximal closed classes of operations on an infinite set A has cardinality
IG Rosenberg - Archiv der Mathematik, 1976 - Springer
… The symbol /: B-~,-C stands for: / is a bijeetion from the set B onto the set C; e~ denotes identity
map B ~-~ B and zY is the … Further (Xl, ..., xn) denotes the sequence with terms xl .... , xn …
map B ~-~ B and zY is the … Further (Xl, ..., xn) denotes the sequence with terms xl .... , xn …
[BOOK][B] Algebras and orders
IG Rosenberg, G Sabidussi - 2013 -
… A Series presenting the results of activities sponsored by the NATO Science Committee, which
aims at the dissemination of … This book contains the contributions of the invited speakers. …
aims at the dissemination of … This book contains the contributions of the invited speakers. …
Minimal clones I: the five types
IG Rosenberg - Lectures in universal algebra, 1986 - Elsevier
… Csäkäny in the fall of there are only few papers in the field, we have tried givemost of the
relevant definitions and most of proofs. W e start with the definitions , prove the main the result …
relevant definitions and most of proofs. W e start with the definitions , prove the main the result …
[CITATION][C] Some maximal closed classes of operations on infinite sets
IG Rosenberg - Mathematische Annalen, 1974 - Springer
… Gavrilov [5, 6] in the countable case and the author for the … The proofs of this fact seems
to indicate that the structure of … AI and A k and the/-relations are simply the k-ary relations. …
to indicate that the structure of … AI and A k and the/-relations are simply the k-ary relations. …
[PDF][PDF] General metrics and contracting operations
M Pouzet, IG Rosenberg - Discrete Mathematics, 1994 -
… the neutral element 0 to be the least element of ( V, d ) and we replace the first axiom by d(x,
y) d 0 ox = y (a model for such Vis the … we study the elements of I/ appearing as the values of …
y) d 0 ox = y (a model for such Vis the … we study the elements of I/ appearing as the values of …