[BOOK][B] Types and programming languages

BC Pierce - 2002 - books.google.com
A comprehensive introduction to type systems and programming languages. A type system
is a syntactic method for automatically checking the absence of certain erroneous behaviors …

MultiJava: Modular open classes and symmetric multiple dispatch for Java

C Clifton, GT Leavens, C Chambers… - Proceedings of the 15th …, 2000 - dl.acm.org
We present MultiJava, a backward-compatible extension to Java supporting open classes
and symmetric multiple dispatch. Open classes allow one to add to the set of methods that …

Object-oriented multi-methods in Cecil

C Chambers - European Conference on Object-Oriented …, 1992 - Springer
Multiple dispatching provides increased expressive power over single dispatching by
guiding method lookup using the values of all arguments instead of only the receiver …

On binary methods

K Bruce, L Cardelli, G Castagna… - Theory and Practice …, 1995 - Wiley Online Library
Giving types to binary methods causes significant problems for object‐oriented language
designers and programmers. This paper offers a comprehensive description of the problems …

On type systems for object-oriented database programming languages

Y Leontiev, MT Özsu, D Szafron - ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2002 - dl.acm.org
The concept of an object-oriented database programming language (OODBPL) is appealing
because it has the potential of combining the advantages of object orientation and database …

Predicate dispatching: A unified theory of dispatch

M Ernst, C Kaplan, C Chambers - … Brussels, Belgium, July 20–24, 1998 …, 1998 - Springer
Predicate dispatching generalizes previous method dispatch mechanisms by permitting
arbitrary predicates to control method applicability and by using logical implication between …

Eliminating virtual function calls in C++ programs

G Aigner, U Hölzle - European conference on object-oriented …, 1996 - Springer
We have designed and implemented an optimizing source-to-source C++ compiler that
reduces the frequency of virtual function calls. Our prototype implementation demonstrates …

Predicate classes

C Chambers - European Conference on Object-Oriented …, 1993 - Springer
Predicate classes are a new linguistic construct designed to complement normal classes in
object-oriented languages. Like a normal class, a predicate class has a set of superclasses …

Sound polymorphic type inference for objects

J Eifrig, S Smith, V Trifonov - Proceedings of the tenth annual conference …, 1995 - dl.acm.org
A polymorphic, constraint-based type inference algorithm for an object-oriented language is
defined. A generalized form of type, polymorphic recursively constrained types, are inferred …

MultiJava: Design rationale, compiler implementation, and applications

C Clifton, T Millstein, GT Leavens… - ACM Transactions on …, 2006 - dl.acm.org
MultiJava is a conservative extension of the Java programming language that adds
symmetric multiple dispatch and open classes. Among other benefits, multiple dispatch …