[BOOK][B] The Agent Modeling Language-AML: A Comprehensive Approach to Modeling Multi-Agent Systems

R Cervenka, I Trencansky - 2007 - books.google.com
Multi-agent systems are already a focus of studies for more than 25 years. Despite
substantial effort of an active research community, modeling of multi-agent systems still lacks …

From Simulated to Real Environments: How to use SeSAm for software development

F Klügl, R Herrler, C Oechslein - … 2003 Erfurt, Germany, September 22-25 …, 2003 - Springer
In this paper we want to show the possibilities to use agent-based modeling and simulation
for software development. Therefore we present the integrated environment SeSam and …

Masrml-a domain-specific modeling language for multi-agent systems requirements

GTA Guedes - International Journal of Software Engineering & …, 2020 - papers.ssrn.com
Abstract MASRML–Multi-Agent Systems Requirements Modeling Language–is a UML-
based Domain-Specific Modeling Language conceived for the requirements modeling in …

[PDF][PDF] Methodologies and modeling languages

B Bauer, JP Müller - Agent-Based Software Development, 2004 - winf.in.tu-clausthal.de
Software engineering techniques are a key prerequisite of running successful software
projects. Without a sufficient approach and adequate tools to support the development of …

A uml profile oriented to the requirements modeling in intelligent tutoring systems projects

GTA Guedes, RM Vicari - Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice III …, 2010 - Springer
A UML Profile Oriented to the Requirements Modeling in Intelligent Tutoring Systems Projects
Page 1 A UML Profile Oriented to the Requirements Modeling in Intelligent Tutoring Systems …

Specifying and verifying systems of communicating agents in a temporal action logic

L Giordano, A Martelli, C Schwind - Congress of the Italian Association for …, 2003 - Springer
In this paper we develop a logical framework for specifying and verifying systems of
communicating agents. The framework is based on a Dynamic Linear Time Temporal Logic …

An extended process automation system: An approach based on a multi-agent system

I Seilonen - 2006 - aaltodoc.aalto.fi
This thesis describes studies on application of multi-agent systems (acronym: MAS) to
enhance process automation systems. A specification of an extended process automation …

Giving life to agent interactions

J Küster Filipe - Objects, Agents, and Features: International Seminar …, 2004 - Springer
Agent UML (AUML) is an extension of the standard object-oriented modelling language
UML adapted for agent-based systems. In AUML sequence diagrams are extended to …

[PDF][PDF] Activity diagrams for DEVS models: a case study modeling health care behavior (WIP)

O Ozmen, J Nutaro - Proceedings of the Symposium on Theory of …, 2015 - researchgate.net
ABSTRACT Discrete Event Systems Specification (DEVS) is a widely used formalism for
modeling and simulation of discrete and continuous systems. While DEVS provides a sound …

Combining intelligent agents and animation

A Szarowicz, P Forte - AI* IA 2003: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 8th …, 2003 - Springer
This paper reviews FreeWill and other AI architectures that have contributed to the ideas,
which underlie it.“FreeWill” proposes and implements a cognitive architecture designed for …