A generic framework for the analysis and specialization of logic programs
Logic Programming: 21st International Conference, ICLP 2005, Sitges, Spain …, 2005•Springer
The relationship between abstract interpretation [2] and partial evaluation [5] has received
considerable attention and (partial) integrations have been proposed starting from both the
partial deduction (see eg [6] and its references) and abstract interpretation perspectives.
Abstract interpretation-based analyzers (such as the CiaoPP analyzer [9, 4]) generally
compute a program analysis graph [1] in order to propagate (abstract) call and success
information by performing fixpoint computations when needed. On the other hand, partial …
considerable attention and (partial) integrations have been proposed starting from both the
partial deduction (see eg [6] and its references) and abstract interpretation perspectives.
Abstract interpretation-based analyzers (such as the CiaoPP analyzer [9, 4]) generally
compute a program analysis graph [1] in order to propagate (abstract) call and success
information by performing fixpoint computations when needed. On the other hand, partial …
The relationship between abstract interpretation [2] and partial evaluation [5] has received considerable attention and (partial) integrations have been proposed starting from both the partial deduction (see e.g. [6] and its references) and abstract interpretation perspectives. Abstract interpretation-based analyzers (such as the CiaoPP analyzer [9,4]) generally compute a program analysis graph [1] in order to propagate (abstract) call and success information by performing fixpoint computations when needed. On the other hand, partial deduction methods [7] incorporate powerful techniques for on-line specialization including (concrete) call propagation and unfolding.
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