A Proof of the Tree of Shapes in nD

T Géraud, N Boutry, S Crozet, E Carlinet… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2022 - arxiv.org
… In the following, we consider a nD digital image u as a function defined on a regular cubical
nD grid and having integral values (even if we can generalize our case to any totally ordered …

A Quasi-linear Algorithm to Compute the Tree of Shapes of nD Images

T Géraud, E Carlinet, S Crozet, L Najman - … its applications to signal and …, 2013 - Springer
tree of shapes; it works for nDproof of our algorithm. This paper focuses on how the
proposed algorithm works and gives an insight into the reasons why it works; to give a formal proof

Reconstructing the shape of a tree from observed dissimilarity data

HJ Bandelt, A Dress - Advances in applied mathematics, 1986 - Elsevier
… Before we proceed to a formal proof of this proposition we will have a closer look at the
condition on V as formulated in part (b). Let %’ be a set system closed under the formation of …

Self-duality and digital topology: links between the morphological tree of shapes and well-composed gray-level images

T Géraud, E Carlinet, S Crozet - … and Its Applications to Signal and Image …, 2015 - Springer
proof that the shapes obtained with (c2n, c3n−1) form a tree … for a well-composed image,
this proof applies to our case. … to compute the morphological tree of shapes of nD images. In: …

On the optimal shape of tree roots and branches

A Bressan, Q Sun - Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied …, 2018 - World Scientific
… of variational problems, determining optimal shapes for tree roots and branches. Given a …
4, we briefly review the theory of optimal ramified transport, proving some estimates on the …

MToS: A tree of shapes for multivariate images

E Carlinet, T Géraud - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… We simply recall basic notions that will be necessary for the proofs of the present paper. We
… Géraud, “A first parallel algorithm to compute the morphological tree of shapes of nD images…

How to Make n-D Plain Maps Defined on Discrete Surfaces Alexandrov-Well-Composed in a Self-Dual Way

N Boutry, T Géraud, L Najman - Journal of Mathematical Imaging and …, 2019 - Springer
… This way, we will be able to compute a tree of shapes for filtering and segmentation … 4 recalls
how to compute the tree of shapes, Sect. 5 contains the proofs of properties stated in Sect. 3…

[PDF][PDF] Differential Segmentation using the Tree of Shapes and the Hausdorff Distance

N Boutry, T Géraud - lrde.epita.fr
… A quasilinear algorithm to compute the tree of shapes of nD images. In Proceedings of
the International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology, pages 98–110. Springer Berlin …

On Making nD Images Well-Composed by a Self-dual Local Interpolation

N Boutry, T Géraud, L Najman - … , DGCI 2014, Siena, Italy, September 10 …, 2014 - Springer
… mathematical morphology as the Tree of Shapes which is of our … : Links between the
morphological tree of shapes and well-… A quasi-linear algorithm to compute the tree of shapes of …

Random minimal trees

EN Gilbert - Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied …, 1965 - SIAM
… about trees in regions of other shape. In the case of Euclidean metric … Although there has
been no proof of a similar asymptotic … tree is only slightly more than the cost of the minimal tree. …