A distance constrainedp-facility location problem on the real line

A Tamir - Mathematical programming, 1994 - Springer
Abstract Let V={v 1,⋯, vn} be a set of n points on the real line (existing facilities). The
problem considered is to locate p new point facilities, F 1,⋯, F p, in V while satisfying
distance constraints between pairs of existing and new facilities and between pairs of new
facilities. For i= 1,⋯, p, j= 1,⋯, n, the cost of locating F i at point vj is c ij. The objective is to
minimize the total cost of setting up the new facilities. We present an O (p 3 n 2 log n)
algorithm to solve the model.

A distance constrained p-facility location problem on the real line

A Tamir - Location Science, 1996 - infona.pl
Let V={v 1 vn} be a set of n points on the real line (existing facilities). The problem
considered is to locate p new point facilities, F 1 F p, in V while satisfying distance
constraints between pairs of existing and new facilities and between pairs of new facilities.
For i= 1 p, j= 1 n, the cost of locating F i at point vj is cij. The objective is to minimize the total
cost of setting up the new facilities. We present an O (p 3 n 2 log n) algorithm to solve the
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