An algorithm of combining of advancing front and delaunay triangulation to 3-D domain tesselation

J Kucwaj, B Borowik - … Curie-Sklodowska, sectio AI–Informatica, 2015 -
The paper presents an algorithm of volume meshing by using the Advancing Front Technique
(AFT) combined with the Delaunay Triangulation. The tetrahedronization starts with the …


M Burzańska, P Krukowski, P Wiśniewski - Annales UMCS, Informatica, 2016 -
Object Relational Mappings reduce a gap between Relational Databases and programming
languages. However, only the simplest operations are covered by the ORM frameworks. …

The role of local optimizations in evolutionary process of atomic clusters modeling

A Stasikowski, J Czerbniak… - … , sectio AI–Informatica, 2015 -
… [3,6,7]. After many tests of modified EA, which was used in optimization of 6 atom system …
the initial, elementary form of EA [6]. After appropriate combination of different modification …

A parallel implementation in the investigations of the controllability of an infinite dimensional system in the three dimensional rectangular prism

JS Respondek - … Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio AI–Informatica, 2015 -
The article is devoted to the parallel implementation of an algorithm for finding
triplesgenerating equal sums of the squares. Based on a known single thread algorithm, the …

The use of self-organising maps to investigate heat demand profiles

M Grzenda - … Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio AI–Informatica, 2006 -
… The time series [6] of sales volume for each consumer has been obtained. As the heat sales
strongly depends on space heating demands it varies in accordance with time of the year …

[PDF][PDF] A parallel implementation in the investigations of the controllability of an infinite dimensional system in the three dimensional rectangular prism

J Stefan Respondek - … Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio AI, Informatica, 2007 -
The article is devoted to the parallel implementation of an algorithm for finding triples
generating equal sums of the squares. Based on a known single thread algorithm, the parallel …

[PDF][PDF] Neural activity and new methods of computational analysis in the model of mammalian brain cortex

G M. Wójcik, M Falski, J Ruthe… - … Sectio AI, Informatica, 2007 -
Abstract Analysis of the real brain’s neural activity can be performed in many different ways
like for example electroencephalography. Sometimes the value of neural membrane …

Histogram analysis of the human brain MR images based on the S-function membership and Shannon's entropy function

M Denkowski, M Chlebiej… - … , sectio AI–Informatica, 2015 -
… Figure 6 presents thresholded scan generated on the basis of data obtained from the
fuzzy-entropic algorithm. This segmentation is implemented as a threshold only to show that the …

Generation of virtual anatomical models from the multimodal medical image data

M Chlebiej, Z Król, P Mikołajczak - … , sectio AI–Informatica, 2015 -
… In the case of rigid body transformation (six degrees of freedom) a six-component vector …
We are very grateful to the National Library of Medicine [6] for the permission to work on and …

Multi-class 3D region growing algorithm

J Smołka - … Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio AI–Informatica, 2015 -
This paper describes generalization of multi-class region growing algorithm allowing for
segmentation of 3D images (series of slices). The multi-class region growing algorithm was …