[PDF][PDF] Characteristic of water sources in Malang, based on the diversity, community structure, and the role of herpetofauna as bioindicator
B Priambodo, H Permana, F Akhsani… - EurAsian Journal of …, 2019 - researchgate.net
The existences of water sources have some great benefit for the human and the
environment. Unfortunately, increasing human activities such as industrial activities, land-use …
environment. Unfortunately, increasing human activities such as industrial activities, land-use …
Determining the best graduation using fuzzy AHP
Each university is expected to produce graduates who have good academic and non-academic
abilities. In determining the best graduation, every year each department send 5 …
abilities. In determining the best graduation, every year each department send 5 …
Traffic flow prediction model based on neighbouring roads using neural network and multiple regression
B Priambodo, A Ahmad - Journal of Information and …, 2018 - e-journal.uum.edu.my
Monitoring and understanding traffic congestion seems difficult due to its complex nature. This
is because the occurrence of traffic congestion is dynamic and interrelated and it depends …
is because the occurrence of traffic congestion is dynamic and interrelated and it depends …
[PDF][PDF] Implementation of push notification for business incubator
Push notification of cellular is one of the important features in delivery of information from a
mobile application. The push notification feature is provided by firebase cloud messaging in …
mobile application. The push notification feature is provided by firebase cloud messaging in …
[PDF][PDF] Pembentukan Satgas Siaga Covid-19 dan Implementasi Tupoksi Satgas Desa Mulyoagung Kabupaten Malang
…, IW Sumberartha, B Priambodo… - Jurnal Graha …, 2020 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah: 1) pembentukan satgas siaga covid-19 di RW 12 Perum Bukit
Cemara Tujuh Dukuh Jatis Desa Mulyoagung Kabupaten Malang; 2) Pelatihan serta …
Cemara Tujuh Dukuh Jatis Desa Mulyoagung Kabupaten Malang; 2) Pelatihan serta …
Predicting traffic flow propagation based on congestion at neighbouring roads using hidden Markov model
B Priambodo, A Ahmad, RA Kadir - IEEE Access, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Nowadays traffic congestion has become significantly worse. Not only has it led to economic
losses, but also to environmental damages, wastage of time and energy, human stress and …
losses, but also to environmental damages, wastage of time and energy, human stress and …
Hybrid cryptography and steganography method to embed encrypted text message within image
…, AK Nsaif, AK Nseaf, B Priambodo… - Journal of Physics …, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
The businesses in various fields use the online communication application to gather their
data and information with local and global sources. The gathered data may sensitive such as …
data and information with local and global sources. The gathered data may sensitive such as …
Revealing the effect of local-based teaching materials toward scientific reasoning, argumentation, and problem-solving in biology classroom
Scientific reasoning, argumentation, and problem-solving are essential skills in 21st century.
They help people solve problems in daily life. This study aimed to investigate the effect of …
They help people solve problems in daily life. This study aimed to investigate the effect of …
[PDF][PDF] Pengembangan Aplikasi Penjadwalan Kuliah Semester I Menggunakan Algoritma Genetika
B Priambodo - Jurnal Ilmiah FIFO, 2015 - researchgate.net
Pembuatan jadwal adalah sebuah masalah periodik yang selalu dihadapi oleh sekolah dan
universitas. Sebuah jadwal muncul lebih dahulu sebelum mahasiswa memilih perkuliahan …
universitas. Sebuah jadwal muncul lebih dahulu sebelum mahasiswa memilih perkuliahan …
Pemanfaatan SEO sebagai media pemasaran produk bagi UMKM di Pamulang Square
Teknologi yang berkembang pesat saat ini mengharuskan para pemilik UKM untuk berusaha
lebih keras lagi untuk memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik terhadap customer. Indonesia …
lebih keras lagi untuk memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik terhadap customer. Indonesia …