The analgesic efficacy of ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane block in adult patients: a meta-analysis
M Baeriswyl, KR Kirkham, C Kern… - Anesthesia & …, 2015 -
BACKGROUND: Previous meta-analyses of the transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block
have examined a maximum of 12 articles, including fewer than 650 participants, and have not …
have examined a maximum of 12 articles, including fewer than 650 participants, and have not …
HIV-1 antagonism of CD317 is species specific and involves Vpu-mediated proteasomal degradation of the restriction factor
…, A Habermann, D Rupp, L Oberbremer, C Kern… - Cell host & …, 2009 -
Mammals encode proteins that inhibit viral replication at the cellular level. In turn, certain
viruses have evolved genes that can functionally counteract these intrinsic restrictions. Human …
viruses have evolved genes that can functionally counteract these intrinsic restrictions. Human …
3D printing for cultural heritage: Preservation, accessibility, research and education
M Neumüller, A Reichinger, F Rist, C Kern - 3D research challenges in …, 2014 - Springer
Additive manufacturing, if seconded by a paradigm change to the museum model, can be
employed in many ways to reintegrate touch, and other non-retinal senses into our cultural …
employed in many ways to reintegrate touch, and other non-retinal senses into our cultural …
[BOOK][B] Anwendung von RFID-systemen
C Kern - 2007 - Springer
Radiofrequenzidentifikation (RFID) ist ein äußerst spannendes und aktuelles Thema. Es gibt
kaum jemanden, auch wenn er nur wenig technisches Verständnis mitbringt, der nicht bei …
kaum jemanden, auch wenn er nur wenig technisches Verständnis mitbringt, der nicht bei …
Advantages of intrathecal nalbuphine, compared with intrathecal morphine, after cesarean delivery: an evaluation of postoperative analgesia and adverse effects
X Culebras, G Gaggero, J Zatloukal, C Kern… - Anesthesia & …, 2000 -
We performed a prospective, randomized, double-blinded, multicenter study to compare the
analgesic efficacy and adverse effects of intrathecal nalbuphine, at three different doses, …
analgesic efficacy and adverse effects of intrathecal nalbuphine, at three different doses, …
Genetic variability of the μ-opioid receptor influences intrathecal fentanyl analgesia requirements in laboring women
Labor initiates one of the most intensely painful episodes in a woman’s life. Opioids are used
to provide analgesia with substantial interindividual variability in efficacy. μ-Opioid receptor …
to provide analgesia with substantial interindividual variability in efficacy. μ-Opioid receptor …
Effect of crew resource management training in a multidisciplinary obstetrical setting
…, M Berner, O Irion, F Clergue, C Kern - … Journal for Quality in …, 2008 -
Objective To assess the effect of a Crew Resource Management (CRM) intervention
specifically designed to improve teamwork and communication skills in a multidisciplinary …
specifically designed to improve teamwork and communication skills in a multidisciplinary …
Radio‐frequency‐identification for security and media circulation in libraries
C Kern - The Electronic Library, 2004 -
Radio frequency identification (RFID) systems have been in use in libraries for five years for
book identification, for self‐checkout, for anti‐theft control, for inventory control, and for …
book identification, for self‐checkout, for anti‐theft control, for inventory control, and for …
Disentangling the multiorbital contributions of excitons by photoemission exciton tomography
…, D Schmitt, JP Bange, R Hemm, CS Kern… - nature …, 2024 -
Excitons are realizations of a correlated many-particle wave function, specifically consisting
of electrons and holes in an entangled state. Excitons occur widely in semiconductors and …
of electrons and holes in an entangled state. Excitons occur widely in semiconductors and …
The dose-sparing effect of clonidine added to ropivacaine for labor epidural analgesia
…, E Schiffer, M Morales, G Savoldelli, C Kern - Anesthesia & …, 2002 -
To determine the effects of clonidine with ropivacaine during epidural labor analgesia, we
studied 66 nulliparous women in early active labor. Women were randomized to receive …
studied 66 nulliparous women in early active labor. Women were randomized to receive …