Computing bend-minimum orthogonal drawings of plane series–parallel graphs in linear time

W Didimo, M Kaufmann, G Liotta, G Ortali - Algorithmica, 2023 - Springer
A planar orthogonal drawing of a planar 4-graph G (ie, a planar graph with vertex-degree at
most four) is a crossing-free drawing that maps each vertex of G to a distinct point of the
plane and each edge of G to a polygonal chain consisting of horizontal and vertical
segments. A longstanding open question in Graph Drawing, dating back over 30 years, is
whether there exists a linear-time algorithm to compute an orthogonal drawing of a plane 4-
graph with the minimum number of bends. The term “plane” indicates that the input graph …

[CITATION][C] Computing Bend-Minimum Orthogonal Drawings of Plane Series-Parallel Graphs in Linear Time

M Kaufmann, G Ortali, G Liotta, W Didimo - 2022 -
Computing Bend-Minimum Orthogonal Drawings of Plane Series-Parallel Graphs in Linear
TimeComputing Bend-Minimum Orthogonal Drawings of Plane Series-Parallel Graphs
in Linear TimeComputing Bend-Minimum Orthogonal Drawings of Plane Series-Parallel
Graphs in Linear Time
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