Decision trees for entity identification: Approximation algorithms and hardness results
… We consider the problem of constructing decision trees for entity identification from a given …
of entities over a fixed set of attributes and a probability distribution over the set of entities that …
of entities over a fixed set of attributes and a probability distribution over the set of entities that …
Decision trees for entity identification: Approximation algorithms and hardness results
… We consider the problem of constructing decision trees for entity identification from a given …
of entities over a fixed set of attributes and a probability distribution over the set of entities that …
of entities over a fixed set of attributes and a probability distribution over the set of entities that …
[PS][PS] Decision Trees for Entity Identification: Approximation Algorithms and Hardness Results
… We consider the problem of constructing decision trees for entity identification from a given …
of entities over a fixed set of attributes and a probability distribution over the set of entities that …
of entities over a fixed set of attributes and a probability distribution over the set of entities that …
Hardness and inapproximability results for minimum verification set and minimum path decision tree problems
… approximation algorithms and inapproximability results for these four types of problems
separately. The cost of a decision tree … Adler and Heeringa present an (ln n+1) approximation for …
separately. The cost of a decision tree … Adler and Heeringa present an (ln n+1) approximation for …
On greedy algorithms for decision trees
… for this class since we show an Ω(log n) hardness of approximation. Thus, we consider the
… Approximation algorithms for optimal decision trees and adaptive TSP problems. In: ICALP (…
… Approximation algorithms for optimal decision trees and adaptive TSP problems. In: ICALP (…
Physical movement monitoring using body sensor networks: A phonological approach to construct spatial decision trees
H Ghasemzadeh, R Jafari - IEEE Transactions on Industrial …, 2010 -
… -time approximation algorithm for MCI with an approximation ratio … , we present results of
hardness of approximation for this … The algorithm is adapted from [20] for entity identification and …
hardness of approximation for this … The algorithm is adapted from [20] for entity identification and …
Approximating decision trees with multiway branches
… of constructing decision trees for entity identification from a … present an improved
approximation algorithm for the above … It is interesting to note that the hardness results in [9] are …
approximation algorithm for the above … It is interesting to note that the hardness results in [9] are …
Regularized impurity reduction: accurate decision trees with complexity guarantees
… a decision tree that outputs the correct class of a given input object. Each internal tree
node … algorithms and hardness results. In: Proceedings of the twenty-sixth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-…
node … algorithms and hardness results. In: Proceedings of the twenty-sixth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-…
Approximation algorithms for optimal decision trees and adaptive TSP problems
… for the adaptive traveling salesman problem is in Section 5; Appendix A contains a nearly
matching hardness of approximation result. Finally, Section 6 is on the adaptive traveling …
matching hardness of approximation result. Finally, Section 6 is on the adaptive traveling …
[HTML][HTML] Decision-theoretic troubleshooting: Hardness of approximation
V Lín - International journal of approximate reasoning, 2014 - Elsevier
… n, we say that algorithm A is a polynomial ρ ( n ) -approximation algorithm if for all instances
x … correctly identify each entity, and we require that a path from the root of the decision tree to …
x … correctly identify each entity, and we require that a path from the root of the decision tree to …