Delving source code with formal concept analysis
K Mens, T Tourwé - Computer Languages, Systems & Structures, 2005 - Elsevier
Getting an initial understanding of the structure of a software system, whether it is for
software maintenance, evolution or reengineering purposes, is a nontrivial task. We propose
a lightweight approach to delve a system's source code automatically and efficiently for
relevant concepts of interest: what concerns are addressed in the code, what patterns,
coding idioms and conventions have been adopted, and where and how are they
implemented. We use formal concept analysis to do the actual source-code mining, and then …
software maintenance, evolution or reengineering purposes, is a nontrivial task. We propose
a lightweight approach to delve a system's source code automatically and efficiently for
relevant concepts of interest: what concerns are addressed in the code, what patterns,
coding idioms and conventions have been adopted, and where and how are they
implemented. We use formal concept analysis to do the actual source-code mining, and then …
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