Designing privacy-preserving smart meters with low-cost microcontrollers
Smart meters that track fine-grained electricity usage and implement sophisticated usage-
based billing policies, eg, based on time-of-use, are a key component of recent smart grid
initiatives that aim to increase the electric grid's efficiency. A key impediment to widespread
smart meter deployment is that fine-grained usage data indirectly reveals detailed
information about consumer behavior, such as when occupants are home, when they have
guests or their eating and sleeping patterns. Recent research proposes cryptographic …
based billing policies, eg, based on time-of-use, are a key component of recent smart grid
initiatives that aim to increase the electric grid's efficiency. A key impediment to widespread
smart meter deployment is that fine-grained usage data indirectly reveals detailed
information about consumer behavior, such as when occupants are home, when they have
guests or their eating and sleeping patterns. Recent research proposes cryptographic …
Designing privacy-preserving smart meters with low-cost microcontrollers
A Molina-Markham, G Danezis, K Fu… - Cryptology ePrint …, 2011 -
Smart meters that track fine-grained electricity usage and implement sophisticated usage-
based billing policies, eg, based on time-of-use, are a key component of recent smart grid
initiatives that aim to increase the electric grid's efficiency. A key impediment to widespread
smart meter deployment is that fine-grained usage data indirectly reveals detailed
information about consumer behavior, such as when occupants are home, when they have
guests or their eating and sleeping patterns. Recent research proposes cryptographic …
based billing policies, eg, based on time-of-use, are a key component of recent smart grid
initiatives that aim to increase the electric grid's efficiency. A key impediment to widespread
smart meter deployment is that fine-grained usage data indirectly reveals detailed
information about consumer behavior, such as when occupants are home, when they have
guests or their eating and sleeping patterns. Recent research proposes cryptographic …
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