[PDF][PDF] Designing a Tool for Exploiting Bilingual Comparable Corpora.

P Bennison, L Bowker - LREC, 2000 - lrec-conf.org
P Bennison, L Bowker
LREC, 2000lrec-conf.org
Translators have a real need for a tool that will allow them to exploit information contained in
bilingual comparable corpora. ExTrECC is designed to be a semi-automatic tool that
processes bilingual comparable corpora and presents a translator with a list of potential
equivalents (in context) of the search term. The task of identifying translation equivalents in a
non-aligned, non-translated corpus is a difficult one, and ExTrECC makes use of a number
of techniques, some of which are simple and others more sophisticated. The basic design of …
Translators have a real need for a tool that will allow them to exploit information contained in bilingual comparable corpora. ExTrECC is designed to be a semi-automatic tool that processes bilingual comparable corpora and presents a translator with a list of potential equivalents (in context) of the search term. The task of identifying translation equivalents in a non-aligned, non-translated corpus is a difficult one, and ExTrECC makes use of a number of techniques, some of which are simple and others more sophisticated. The basic design of ExTrECC (graphical user interface, architecture, algorithms) is outlined in this paper.
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