Development of an EMG-controlled mobile robot

S Bisi, L De Luca, B Shrestha, Z Yang, V Gandhi - Robotics, 2018 -
S Bisi, L De Luca, B Shrestha, Z Yang, V Gandhi
This paper presents the development of a Robot Operating System (ROS)-based mobile
robot control using electromyography (EMG) signals. The proposed robot's structure is
specifically designed to provide modularity and is controlled by a Raspberry Pi 3 running on
top of an ROS application and a Teensy microcontroller. The EMG muscle commands are
sent to the robot with hand gestures that are captured using a Thalmic Myo Armband and
recognized using a k-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN) classifier. The robot's performance is …
This paper presents the development of a Robot Operating System (ROS)-based mobile robot control using electromyography (EMG) signals. The proposed robot’s structure is specifically designed to provide modularity and is controlled by a Raspberry Pi 3 running on top of an ROS application and a Teensy microcontroller. The EMG muscle commands are sent to the robot with hand gestures that are captured using a Thalmic Myo Armband and recognized using a k-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN) classifier. The robot’s performance is evaluated by navigating it through specific paths while solely controlling it through the EMG signals and using the collision avoidance approach. Thus, this paper aims to expand the research on the topic, introducing a more accurate classification system with a wider set of gestures, hoping to come closer to a usable real-life application.
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