Dynamic IP router tables using highest-priority matching

SK Sahni, H Lu - US Patent 7,509,300, 2009 - Google Patents
An improved system and method is provided for packet routing in dynamic router tables.
Specifically, the invention relates to a method and system for using tree data structures to
select the highest priority rule that matches a destination address in dynamic Internet packet
routing tables. In an embodiment, a data structure called BOB (binary tree on binary tree) for
dynamic router tables in which the rule filters are nonintersecting ranges and in which ties
are broken by selecting the highest-priority rule that matches a destination address is …

Dynamic IP router-tables using highest-priority matching

H Lu, S Sahni - … . ISCC 2004. Ninth International Symposium on …, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We develop a data structure called BOB (binary tree on binary tree) for dynamic router tables
in which the rule filters are nonintersecting ranges and in which ties are broken by selecting
the highest-priority rule that matches a destination address. Prefix filters are a special case
of nonintersecting ranges and the commonly used longest-prefix tie breaker is a special
case of the highest-priority tie breaker. We also develop two modified version of BOB-PBOB
(prefix BOB) for the case when all rule filters are prefixes and LMPBOB (longest matching …
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