{ELF}:{Efficient} Lightweight Fast Stream Processing at Scale
Stream processing has become a key means for gaining rapid insights from webserver-
captured data. Challenges include how to scale to numerous, concurrently running
streaming jobs, to coordinate across those jobs to share insights, to make online changes to
job functions to adapt to new requirements or data characteristics, and for each job, to
efficiently operate over different time windows.
captured data. Challenges include how to scale to numerous, concurrently running
streaming jobs, to coordinate across those jobs to share insights, to make online changes to
job functions to adapt to new requirements or data characteristics, and for each job, to
efficiently operate over different time windows.
[PDF][PDF] Elf: Efficient lightweight fast stream processing at scale
L Hu - 2016 - repository.gatech.edu
The advent of big data mirrors our technological evolution as a society: we have the ability to
easily and cheaply capture and store massive amounts of data in a way that was simply
impossible before. Google took the 50 million most common search terms to identify areas
infected by the flu virus. Oren Etzioni predicts if the price of plane ticket is increasing or
decreasing in the future, to help customer to determine when to buy the ticket. Large Internet
companies like Facebook, Amazon, and Twitter are increasingly recognizing the value of …
easily and cheaply capture and store massive amounts of data in a way that was simply
impossible before. Google took the 50 million most common search terms to identify areas
infected by the flu virus. Oren Etzioni predicts if the price of plane ticket is increasing or
decreasing in the future, to help customer to determine when to buy the ticket. Large Internet
companies like Facebook, Amazon, and Twitter are increasingly recognizing the value of …
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