Efficient video streaming rate control based on a deadline-sensitive selection of SVC layers
2017 Ninth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future …, 2017•ieeexplore.ieee.org
Video streaming over the Internet is challenging due to the varying intrinsic and extrinsic
network conditions such as loss rates, throughput and delay. In this work, a cross-layer
solution using scalable video coding in collaboration with TCP is proposed. The objective is
to ensure that all frames arrive before their deadline by implementing a novel deadline-
sensitive discarding policy that adjusts the video stream rate to the available bandwidth. Our
proposal thus improves stream fluidity and it also reduces transmission of unnecessary …
network conditions such as loss rates, throughput and delay. In this work, a cross-layer
solution using scalable video coding in collaboration with TCP is proposed. The objective is
to ensure that all frames arrive before their deadline by implementing a novel deadline-
sensitive discarding policy that adjusts the video stream rate to the available bandwidth. Our
proposal thus improves stream fluidity and it also reduces transmission of unnecessary …
Video streaming over the Internet is challenging due to the varying intrinsic and extrinsic network conditions such as loss rates, throughput and delay. In this work, a cross-layer solution using scalable video coding in collaboration with TCP is proposed. The objective is to ensure that all frames arrive before their deadline by implementing a novel deadline-sensitive discarding policy that adjusts the video stream rate to the available bandwidth. Our proposal thus improves stream fluidity and it also reduces transmission of unnecessary traffic. Simulation results show that no rebuffering occurs, while maintaining a high quality video, in a 70-ms RTT link with a loss rate of 1%.
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