Faster approximate multicommodity flow using quadratically coupled flows
Proceedings of the forty-fourth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing, 2012•
The maximum multicommodity flow problem is a natural generalization of the maximum flow
problem to route multiple distinct flows. Obtaining a 1-ε approximation to the multicommodity
flow problem on graphs is a well-studied problem. In this paper we present an adaptation of
recent advances in single-commodity flow algorithms to this problem. As the underlying
linear systems in the electrical problems of multicommodity flow problems are no longer
Laplacians, our approach is tailored to generate specialized systems which can be …
problem to route multiple distinct flows. Obtaining a 1-ε approximation to the multicommodity
flow problem on graphs is a well-studied problem. In this paper we present an adaptation of
recent advances in single-commodity flow algorithms to this problem. As the underlying
linear systems in the electrical problems of multicommodity flow problems are no longer
Laplacians, our approach is tailored to generate specialized systems which can be …
The maximum multicommodity flow problem is a natural generalization of the maximum flow problem to route multiple distinct flows. Obtaining a 1-ε approximation to the multicommodity flow problem on graphs is a well-studied problem. In this paper we present an adaptation of recent advances in single-commodity flow algorithms to this problem. As the underlying linear systems in the electrical problems of multicommodity flow problems are no longer Laplacians, our approach is tailored to generate specialized systems which can be preconditioned and solved efficiently using Laplacians. Given an undirected graph with m edges and k commodities, we give algorithms that find 1-ε approximate solutions to the maximum concurrent flow problem and maximum weighted multicommodity flow problem in time O(m4/3poly(k,ε-1)).
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